# Query name : query8.3 # Query Type: 8, Cross-version structured queries # Query Description : # Retreive all creative works, of a specific type from set of specific versions, that are tagged with a topic and order # them by creation date. The size of the resultset is limited by a random number between 5 and 20. # Query Answering Choke Points : # - Optimizer could consider the possibility to choose a query plan that would facilitate the ordering (ORDER BY) of result PREFIX cwork: SELECT DISTINCT ?creativeWork FROM {{{graphVi}}} {{{fromIntermediateVersionsClauses}}} FROM {{{graphVj}}} WHERE { ?creativeWork cwork:about {{{cwAboutUri}}} ; cwork:dateCreated ?created ; cwork:primaryFormat {{{cwFormat}}} ; a {{{cwType}}} . } ORDER BY DESC(?created) LIMIT {{{randomLimit}}}