cholera due to vi■ bri■ o ch■ oler■ ae 01 , bio■ var ch■ oler■ ae cholera due to vi■ bri■ o ch■ oler■ ae 01 , bio■ var el■ tor cholera , unspecified typ■ ho■ id fever par■ aty■ pho■ id fever a par■ aty■ pho■ id fever b par■ aty■ pho■ id fever c par■ aty■ pho■ id fever , unspecified salmonella ga■ stro - enter■ i■ tis salmonella sep■ tic■ aemia loc■ alised salmonella infections salmonella infection , unspecified shi■ gel■ losis due to shi■ g■ ella dy■ sen■ ter■ i■ ae shi■ gel■ losis due to shi■ g■ ella fl■ ex■ ner■ i shi■ gel■ losis due to shi■ g■ ella boy■ di■ i shi■ gel■ losis due to shi■ g■ ella son■ ne■ i shi■ gel■ losis , unspecified enter■ opath■ ogenic es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli infection enter■ o■ toxi■ genic es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli infection enter■ o■ invasive es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli infection enter■ o■ haemorrha■ gic es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli infection other intest■ inal es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli infections camp■ y■ lob■ ac■ ter enter■ i■ tis enter■ i■ tis due to y■ er■ sin■ ia enter■ o■ co■ li■ tica other specified bacterial intest■ inal infections bacterial intest■ inal infection , unspecified food■ borne stap■ hy■ lo■ coc■ cal in■ tox■ ication bot■ ul■ ism food■ borne clo■ stri■ dium per■ fr■ ing■ ens [ clo■ stri■ dium wel■ ch■ ii ] in■ tox■ ication food■ borne vi■ bri■ o par■ a■ ha■ emol■ y■ tic■ us in■ tox■ ication food■ borne bac■ ill■ us cer■ eus in■ tox■ ication bacterial food■ borne in■ tox■ ication , unspecified acute am■ oe■ bic dy■ sen■ tery chronic intest■ inal am■ oe■ bi■ asis am■ oe■ bic non■ dy■ sen■ ter■ ic co■ li■ tis am■ oe■ bom■ a of intest■ ine cu■ taneous am■ oe■ bi■ asis am■ oe■ bic infection of other sites am■ oe■ bi■ asis , unspecified bal■ anti■ di■ asis gi■ ardi■ asis [ lam■ bli■ asis ] cry■ pto■ spor■ idi■ osis is■ os■ por■ i■ asis other specified proto■ zo■ al intest■ inal diseases proto■ zo■ al intest■ inal disease , unspecified ro■ ta■ viral enter■ i■ tis acute ga■ stro - enter■ opathy due to nor■ walk agent aden■ o■ viral enter■ i■ tis other viral enter■ i■ tis viral intest■ inal infection , unspecified other specified intest■ inal infections tuberculosis of lung , confirmed by sp■ u■ tum micro■ sco■ py with or without culture tuberculosis of lung , confirmed by culture only tuberculosis of lung , confirmed his■ to■ logically tuberculosis of lung , confirmed by unspecified means tuberculosis of intra■ thor■ ac■ ic lymp■ h no■ des , confirmed bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically tuberculosis of lar■ yn■ x , trac■ hea and bron■ ch■ us , confirmed bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically tubercul■ ous ple■ ur■ isy , confirmed bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically primary respiratory tuberculosis , confirmed bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically other respiratory tuberculosis , confirmed bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically respiratory tuberculosis unspecified , confirmed bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically tuberculosis of lung , bacter■ io■ logically and his■ to■ logically negative tuberculosis of lung , bacteriological and his■ to■ logical examination not done tuberculosis of lung , without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation tuberculosis of intra■ thor■ ac■ ic lymp■ h no■ des , without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation tuberculosis of lar■ yn■ x , trac■ hea and bron■ ch■ us , without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation tubercul■ ous ple■ ur■ isy , without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation primary respiratory tuberculosis without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation other respiratory tuberculosis , without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation respiratory tuberculosis unspecified , without mention of bacteriological or his■ to■ logical confirmation tuberculosis of gen■ ito - ur■ inary system tubercul■ ous peripheral lymp■ had■ en■ opathy tuberculosis of intest■ ines , per■ it■ on■ eu■ m and mes■ enter■ ic g■ lands tuberculosis of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue tuberculosis of eye tuberculosis of ear tuberculosis of other specified organs acute mili■ ary tuberculosis of multiple sites acute mili■ ary tuberculosis , unspecified other mili■ ary tuberculosis mili■ ary tuberculosis , unspecified bu■ bon■ ic plague cellul■ o■ cu■ taneous plague pneu■ mon■ ic plague sep■ tic■ a■ emic plague other forms of plague plague , unspecified ul■ cer■ og■ land■ ular tul■ ar■ aemia oc■ ul■ og■ land■ ular tul■ ar■ aemia pul■ mon■ ary tul■ ar■ aemia ga■ stro - intest■ inal tul■ ar■ aemia generalised tul■ ar■ aemia other forms of tul■ ar■ aemia tul■ ar■ aemia , unspecified cu■ taneous anthrax pul■ mon■ ary anthrax ga■ stro - intest■ inal anthrax anthrax sep■ tic■ aemia anthrax , unspecified brucellosis due to bruc■ ella mel■ it■ ensis brucellosis due to bruc■ ella abor■ tus brucellosis due to bruc■ ella su■ is brucellosis due to bruc■ ella can■ is other brucellosis brucellosis , unspecified glan■ ders acute and ful■ min■ ating meli■ o■ ido■ sis sub■ acute and chronic meli■ o■ ido■ sis meli■ o■ ido■ sis , unspecified spi■ ri■ l■ losis st■ rep■ tob■ ac■ il■ losis rat - bite fever , unspecified cu■ taneous er■ y■ si■ pel■ o■ id er■ y■ si■ pel■ o■ thri■ x sep■ tic■ aemia other forms of er■ y■ si■ pel■ o■ id er■ y■ si■ pel■ o■ id , unspecified le■ pto■ spi■ ro■ sis ic■ ter■ o■ haemorrha■ g■ ica other forms of le■ pto■ spi■ ro■ sis le■ pto■ spi■ ro■ sis , unspecified past■ eu■ rel■ losis cat - scratch disease extr■ ain■ test■ inal y■ er■ s■ ini■ osis other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases , not elsewhere classified zoonotic bacterial disease , unspecified inde■ terminate leprosy tubercul■ o■ id leprosy borderline tubercul■ o■ id leprosy borderline leprosy borderline lepro■ mat■ ous leprosy lepro■ mat■ ous leprosy other forms of leprosy leprosy , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary my■ co■ bacterial infection cu■ taneous my■ co■ bacterial infection my■ co■ bacterial infection , unspecified cu■ taneous lis■ ter■ i■ osis lis■ ter■ ial sep■ tic■ aemia other forms of lis■ ter■ i■ osis lis■ ter■ i■ osis , unspecified te■ tan■ us ne■ on■ at■ orum ob■ ste■ tr■ ical te■ tan■ us other te■ tan■ us phar■ yn■ ge■ al di■ ph■ ther■ ia nas■ op■ har■ yn■ ge■ al di■ ph■ ther■ ia lar■ yn■ ge■ al di■ ph■ ther■ ia cu■ taneous di■ ph■ ther■ ia other di■ ph■ ther■ ia di■ ph■ ther■ ia , unspecified who■ oping cough due to bor■ det■ ella per■ tus■ sis who■ oping cough due to bor■ det■ ella par■ aper■ tus■ sis who■ oping cough due to other bor■ det■ ella species who■ oping cough , unspecified scar■ let fever acute men■ in■ go■ coc■ ca■ emia chronic men■ in■ go■ coc■ ca■ emia men■ in■ go■ coc■ ca■ emia , unspecified men■ in■ go■ coc■ cal infection , unspecified sep■ tic■ aemia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us , group a sep■ tic■ aemia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us , group b sep■ tic■ aemia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us , group d sep■ tic■ aemia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us pneu■ mon■ i■ ae st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal sep■ tic■ aemia , unspecified sep■ tic■ aemia due to stap■ hy■ lo■ co■ cc■ us au■ re■ us sep■ tic■ aemia due to other specified stap■ hy■ lo■ co■ cc■ us sep■ tic■ aemia due to unspecified stap■ hy■ lo■ co■ cc■ us sep■ tic■ aemia due to ha■ em■ oph■ il■ us influ■ enz■ ae sep■ tic■ aemia due to an■ aer■ ob■ es other specified sep■ tic■ aemia sep■ tic■ aemia , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary ac■ tin■ om■ y■ co■ sis ab■ domin■ al ac■ tin■ om■ y■ co■ sis cer■ vi■ co■ facial ac■ tin■ om■ y■ co■ sis ac■ tin■ om■ y■ co■ tic sep■ tic■ aemia other forms of ac■ tin■ om■ y■ co■ sis ac■ tin■ om■ y■ co■ sis , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary no■ cardi■ osis cu■ taneous no■ cardi■ osis no■ cardi■ osis , unspecified systemic bar■ ton■ ellosis cu■ taneous and mu■ co■ cu■ taneous bar■ ton■ ellosis other forms of bar■ ton■ ellosis bar■ ton■ ellosis , unspecified er■ y■ si■ pel■ as gas gang■ rene legi■ onn■ aires ' disease non■ pneu■ mon■ ic legi■ onn■ aires ' disease [ pon■ ti■ ac fever ] toxic shock syndrome brazilian pur■ pur■ ic fever other specified bacterial diseases stap■ hy■ lo■ coc■ cal infection , unspecified st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal infection , unspecified ha■ em■ oph■ il■ us influ■ enz■ ae infection , unspecified my■ co■ plasma infection , unspecified other bacterial infections of unspecified site bacterial infection , unspecified early con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , symptomatic early con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , latent early con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , unspecified late con■ genital neuro■ sy■ phil■ is [ juvenile neuro■ sy■ phil■ is ] other late con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , symptomatic late con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , latent late con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , unspecified con■ genital sy■ phil■ is , unspecified primary genital sy■ phil■ is primary anal sy■ phil■ is primary sy■ phil■ is of other sites secondary sy■ phil■ is of skin and mu■ co■ us memb■ ran■ es other secondary sy■ phil■ is early sy■ phil■ is , latent early sy■ phil■ is , unspecified symptomatic neuro■ sy■ phil■ is as■ ymp■ tomatic neuro■ sy■ phil■ is neuro■ sy■ phil■ is , unspecified other symptomatic late sy■ phil■ is late sy■ phil■ is , latent late sy■ phil■ is , unspecified latent sy■ phil■ is , unspecified as early or late sy■ phil■ is , unspecified gon■ o■ coc■ cal infection of lower gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract without peri■ u■ re■ th■ ral or accessory g■ land abs■ c■ ess gon■ o■ coc■ cal infection of lower gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract with peri■ u■ re■ th■ ral and accessory g■ land abs■ c■ ess gon■ o■ coc■ cal pel■ vi■ per■ it■ oni■ tis and other gon■ o■ coc■ cal gen■ it■ our■ inary infections gon■ o■ coc■ cal infection of eye gon■ o■ coc■ cal phar■ yn■ gi■ tis gon■ o■ coc■ cal infection of an■ us and rec■ tum other gon■ o■ coc■ cal infections gon■ o■ coc■ cal infection , unspecified ch■ lam■ y■ dial lymp■ ho■ gran■ ul■ oma ( v■ ener■ eu■ m ) ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection of lower gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection of pel■ vi■ per■ it■ on■ eu■ m and other gen■ it■ our■ inary organs ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection of gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract , unspecified ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection of an■ us and rec■ tum ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection of phar■ yn■ x sexually transmitted ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection of other sites chan■ cro■ id gran■ ul■ oma ingu■ in■ ale u■ ro■ genital tric■ hom■ oni■ asis tric■ hom■ oni■ asis , unspecified her■ pes■ viral infection of gen■ italia and u■ ro■ genital tract her■ pes■ viral infection of peri■ anal skin and rec■ tum ano■ genital her■ pes■ viral infection , unspecified ano■ genital ( ven■ ere■ al ) war■ ts unspecified sexually transmitted disease non - ven■ ere■ al sy■ phil■ is initial le■ sions of ya■ ws multiple pap■ il■ lo■ mata and wet crab ya■ ws other early skin le■ sions of ya■ ws hyper■ ker■ at■ osis of ya■ ws g■ um■ mata and ul■ cers of ya■ ws bone and joint le■ sions of ya■ ws other manifestations of ya■ ws latent ya■ ws ya■ ws , unspecified primary le■ sions of p■ int■ a intermediate le■ sions of p■ int■ a late le■ sions of p■ int■ a mixed le■ sions of p■ int■ a p■ int■ a , unspecified lou■ se - borne relap■ sing fever tick - borne relap■ sing fever relap■ sing fever , unspecified necro■ tising ul■ cer■ ative stom■ ati■ tis other vincent ' s infections ly■ me disease other specified spi■ ro■ cha■ etal infections spi■ ro■ cha■ etal infection , unspecified ch■ lam■ y■ dia p■ sit■ tac■ i infection initial stage of tr■ ach■ oma active stage of tr■ ach■ oma tr■ ach■ oma , unspecified ch■ lam■ y■ dial infection , unspecified epidemic lou■ se - borne ty■ ph■ us fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia pro■ wa■ ze■ k■ ii recru■ descent ty■ ph■ us [ bri■ ll ' s disease ] ty■ ph■ us fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia ty■ ph■ i ty■ ph■ us fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia tsu■ tsu■ gam■ ush■ i ty■ ph■ us fever , unspecified spotted fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia ric■ ke■ tt■ si■ i spotted fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia con■ ori■ i spotted fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia siber■ ica spotted fever due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia austr■ alis spotted fever , unspecified q fever tren■ ch fever ric■ ke■ tt■ si■ al■ pox due to ric■ ke■ tt■ sia ak■ ari other specified ric■ ke■ tt■ sio■ ses ric■ ke■ tt■ si■ osis , unspecified acute paraly■ tic poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , vaccine - associated acute paraly■ tic poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , wild virus , imported acute paraly■ tic poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , wild virus , indigenous acute paraly■ tic poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , other and unspecified acute non■ paraly■ tic poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis acute poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , unspecified creutz■ feldt - jakob disease sub■ acute s■ cl■ ero■ sing pan■ en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis progressive multi■ focal leuko■ encephalopathy other atypical virus infections of central nervous system atypical virus infection of central nervous system , unspecified sylv■ atic rabies urban rabies rabies , unspecified japanese en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis western equine en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis eastern equine en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis st . louis en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis australian en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis california en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis ro■ cio virus disease other mosquito - borne viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis mosquito - borne viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis , unspecified far eastern tick - borne en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis [ russian spring - summer en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis ] central european tick - borne en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis other tick - borne viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis tick - borne viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis , unspecified ar■ thro■ pod - borne viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis , unspecified other specified viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis unspecified viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis viral men■ ing■ i■ tis , unspecified enter■ o■ viral ex■ an■ them■ at■ ous fever [ boston ex anthem ] other specified viral infections of central nervous system unspecified viral infection of central nervous system chi■ kun■ gun■ ya virus disease o ' ny■ ong - ny■ ong fever venezuelan equine fever west nile fever rift valley fever other specified mosquito - borne viral fe■ vers mosquito - borne viral fever , unspecified or■ op■ ou■ che virus disease sand■ fly fever colorado tick fever other specified ar■ thro■ pod - borne viral fe■ vers unspecified ar■ thro■ pod - borne viral fever sylv■ atic yellow fever urban yellow fever yellow fever , unspecified jun■ in haemorrha■ gic fever mach■ up■ o haemorrha■ gic fever l■ assa fever other aren■ avi■ ral haemorrha■ gic fe■ vers aren■ avi■ ral haemorrha■ gic fever , unspecified cri■ mean - congo haemorrha■ gic fever om■ sk haemorrha■ gic fever ky■ asan■ ur forest disease mar■ burg virus disease e■ bol■ a virus disease haemorrha■ gic fever with ren■ al syndrome unspecified viral haemorrha■ gic fever ecz■ ema her■ pe■ tic■ um her■ pes■ viral vesicular der■ mati■ tis her■ pes■ viral g■ ing■ ivo■ stom■ ati■ tis and phar■ yn■ go■ ton■ sil■ li■ tis disseminated her■ pes■ viral disease other forms of her■ pes■ viral infection her■ pes■ viral infection , unspecified var■ ic■ ella with other complications var■ ic■ ella without complications disseminated zo■ ster zo■ ster without complic■ ation small■ pox mon■ key■ pox meas■ les with other complications meas■ les without complic■ ation rub■ ella with other complications rub■ ella without complic■ ation viral war■ ts other orth■ o■ po■ x■ virus infections mollus■ cu■ m contag■ io■ sum ex■ an■ them■ a sub■ it■ um [ sixth disease ] er■ y■ them■ a infec■ ti■ o■ sum [ fifth disease ] enter■ o■ viral vesicular stom■ ati■ tis with ex■ anthem enter■ o■ viral vesicular phar■ yn■ gi■ tis other specified viral infections characterized by skin and mu■ co■ us memb■ rane le■ sions unspecified viral infection characterised by skin and mu■ co■ us memb■ rane le■ sions hepatitis a with he■ p■ atic coma hepatitis a without he■ p■ atic coma acute hepatitis b with delta - agent ( co■ infection ) with he■ p■ atic coma acute hepatitis b with delta - agent ( co■ infection ) without he■ p■ atic coma acute hepatitis b without delta - agent with he■ p■ atic coma acute hepatitis b without delta - agent and without he■ p■ atic coma acute delta - ( super ) infection of hepatitis b carrier acute hepatitis c acute hepatitis e other specified acute viral hepatitis chronic viral hepatitis b with delta - agent chronic viral hepatitis b without delta - agent chronic viral hepatitis c other chronic viral hepatitis chronic viral hepatitis , unspecified unspecified viral hepatitis with coma unspecified viral hepatitis without coma human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] disease resulting in infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] disease resulting in m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ ms human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] disease resulting in other specified diseases acute hiv infection syndrome hiv disease resulting in other specified conditions unspecified human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] disease cy■ tom■ eg■ alo■ viral disease , unspecified mum■ ps with other complications mum■ ps without complic■ ation gam■ ma■ her■ pes■ viral mon■ on■ uc■ le■ osis cy■ tom■ eg■ alo■ viral mon■ on■ uc■ le■ osis infectious mon■ on■ uc■ le■ osis , unspecified epidemic my■ al■ gia ross river disease retro■ virus infections , not elsewhere classified other specified viral diseases aden■ o■ virus infection , unspecified enter■ o■ virus infection , unspecified coron■ avi■ rus infection , unspecified par■ vo■ virus infection , unspecified pa■ po■ virus infection , unspecified other viral infections of unspecified site viral infection , unspecified tin■ ea bar■ ba■ e and tin■ ea cap■ i■ tis tin■ ea un■ gu■ ium tin■ ea manu■ um tin■ ea ped■ is tin■ ea corpor■ is tin■ ea im■ bric■ ata tin■ ea cr■ ur■ is other der■ mat■ op■ hy■ to■ ses der■ mat■ op■ hy■ to■ sis , unspecified pit■ y■ ri■ asis versi■ color tin■ ea ni■ gra white pie■ dra black pie■ dra other specified superficial my■ co■ ses superficial my■ co■ sis , unspecified candi■ dal stom■ ati■ tis pul■ mon■ ary candi■ di■ asis candi■ di■ asis of skin and nail candi■ di■ asis of other u■ ro■ genital sites candi■ dal sep■ tic■ aemia candi■ di■ asis , unspecified disseminated coccidio■ id■ om■ y■ co■ sis coccidio■ id■ om■ y■ co■ sis , unspecified disseminated hist■ op■ las■ mo■ sis capsul■ ati hist■ op■ las■ mo■ sis capsul■ ati , unspecified hist■ op■ las■ mo■ sis du■ bo■ is■ ii hist■ op■ las■ mo■ sis , unspecified disseminated bl■ ast■ om■ y■ co■ sis bl■ ast■ om■ y■ co■ sis , unspecified disseminated par■ a■ coccidio■ id■ om■ y■ co■ sis other forms of par■ a■ coccidio■ id■ om■ y■ co■ sis par■ a■ coccidio■ id■ om■ y■ co■ sis , unspecified lymp■ ho■ cu■ taneous spor■ o■ tric■ ho■ sis disseminated spor■ o■ tric■ ho■ sis spor■ o■ tric■ ho■ sis , unspecified cu■ taneous chro■ mom■ y■ co■ sis other forms of chro■ mom■ y■ co■ sis chro■ mom■ y■ co■ sis , unspecified other pul■ mon■ ary asper■ gil■ losis disseminated asper■ gil■ losis other forms of asper■ gil■ losis asper■ gil■ losis , unspecified disseminated cry■ pto■ coc■ co■ sis other forms of cry■ pto■ coc■ co■ sis cry■ pto■ coc■ co■ sis , unspecified disseminated m■ uc■ or■ my■ co■ sis m■ uc■ or■ my■ co■ sis , unspecified other zy■ gom■ y■ co■ ses zy■ gom■ y■ co■ sis , unspecified eu■ my■ ce■ tom■ a ac■ tin■ om■ y■ ce■ tom■ a my■ ce■ tom■ a , unspecified lob■ om■ y■ co■ sis rhin■ os■ por■ idi■ osis all■ es■ cher■ i■ asis geo■ tric■ ho■ sis pen■ ic■ il■ losis opportunistic my■ co■ ses other specified my■ co■ ses unspecified my■ co■ sis other severe and complicated plas■ modi■ um fal■ ci■ par■ um malaria plas■ modi■ um fal■ ci■ par■ um malaria , unspecified plas■ modi■ um vi■ va■ x malaria with other complications plas■ modi■ um vi■ va■ x malaria without complic■ ation plas■ modi■ um mal■ ari■ ae malaria without complic■ ation plas■ modi■ um o■ val■ e malaria malaria due to si■ mi■ an plas■ modi■ a other paras■ ito■ logically confirmed malaria , not elsewhere classified unspecified malaria vis■ cer■ al le■ ish■ mani■ asis cu■ taneous le■ ish■ mani■ asis mu■ co■ cu■ taneous le■ ish■ mani■ asis le■ ish■ mani■ asis , unspecified gambi■ ense try■ pan■ o■ som■ i■ asis rho■ desi■ ense try■ pan■ o■ som■ i■ asis african try■ pan■ o■ som■ i■ asis , unspecified acute cha■ gas ' disease without heart involvement cha■ gas ' disease ( chronic ) with heart involvement tox■ op■ las■ mo■ sis with other organ involvement tox■ op■ las■ mo■ sis , unspecified bab■ esi■ osis ac■ anth■ am■ oe■ bi■ asis negl■ eri■ asis other specified proto■ zo■ al diseases unspecified proto■ zo■ al disease sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis due to sch■ is■ to■ som■ a ha■ em■ at■ ob■ ium [ ur■ inary sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis ] sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis due to sch■ is■ to■ som■ a man■ son■ i [ intest■ inal sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis ] sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis due to sch■ is■ to■ som■ a jap■ on■ ic■ um cer■ cari■ al der■ mati■ tis other sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ ases sch■ is■ to■ som■ i■ asis , unspecified op■ is■ thor■ chi■ asis cl■ on■ or■ chi■ asis dic■ ro■ ce■ li■ asis fas■ ci■ oli■ asis parag■ on■ im■ i■ asis fas■ ci■ ol■ op■ si■ asis other specified flu■ ke infections flu■ ke infection , unspecified echino■ co■ cc■ us gran■ ul■ o■ sus infection of liver echino■ co■ cc■ us gran■ ul■ o■ sus infection , unspecified echino■ co■ cc■ us multi■ loc■ ul■ aris infection of liver echino■ co■ cc■ us multi■ loc■ ul■ aris infection , unspecified echino■ coc■ co■ sis , other and unspecified ta■ enia soli■ um ta■ eni■ asis ta■ enia sag■ in■ ata ta■ eni■ asis ta■ eni■ asis , unspecified c■ ys■ tic■ er■ co■ sis , unspecified di■ ph■ yl■ lo■ bo■ thri■ asis spar■ gan■ osis hy■ men■ ole■ pi■ asis di■ py■ li■ di■ asis other specified c■ est■ ode infections c■ est■ ode infection , unspecified dr■ ac■ un■ cu■ li■ asis on■ cho■ cer■ ci■ asis fil■ ari■ asis due to wu■ cher■ er■ ia ban■ cro■ f■ ti fil■ ari■ asis due to bru■ gia malay■ i fil■ ari■ asis due to bru■ gia ti■ mor■ i lo■ i■ asis man■ son■ elli■ asis other fil■ ari■ ases fil■ ari■ asis , unspecified trichin■ ellosis an■ ky■ lo■ stom■ i■ asis nec■ atori■ asis hook■ worm disease , unspecified as■ cari■ asis with other complications as■ cari■ asis , unspecified intest■ inal stron■ gy■ lo■ idi■ asis disseminated stron■ gy■ lo■ idi■ asis stron■ gy■ lo■ idi■ asis , unspecified tric■ hur■ i■ asis enter■ obi■ asis anis■ ak■ i■ asis intest■ inal cap■ ill■ ari■ asis tric■ ho■ stron■ gy■ li■ asis intest■ inal an■ gi■ o■ stron■ gy■ li■ asis mixed intest■ inal hel■ min■ thi■ ases other specified intest■ inal hel■ min■ thi■ ases intest■ inal hel■ min■ thi■ asis , unspecified intest■ inal par■ asi■ tism , unspecified vis■ cer■ al lar■ va migr■ ans gn■ ath■ o■ stom■ i■ asis an■ gi■ o■ stron■ gy■ li■ asis due to par■ astron■ g■ yl■ us can■ ton■ ensis syn■ gam■ i■ asis internal hir■ ud■ ini■ asis other specified hel■ min■ thi■ ases hel■ min■ thi■ asis , unspecified pe■ dic■ ul■ osis due to pe■ dic■ ul■ us human■ us cap■ i■ tis pe■ dic■ ul■ osis due to pe■ dic■ ul■ us human■ us corpor■ is pe■ dic■ ul■ osis , unspecified ph■ thi■ ri■ asis mixed pe■ dic■ ul■ osis and ph■ thi■ ri■ asis s■ cab■ ies wound my■ i■ asis my■ i■ asis of other sites my■ i■ asis , unspecified other ac■ ari■ asis tun■ gi■ asis [ sand fle■ a inf■ est■ ation ] other ar■ thro■ pod inf■ est■ ations external hir■ ud■ ini■ asis other specified inf■ est■ ations inf■ est■ ation , unspecified unspecified par■ asi■ tic disease sequ■ el■ ae of central nervous system tuberculosis sequ■ el■ ae of gen■ ito - ur■ inary tuberculosis sequ■ el■ ae of tuberculosis of bones and joints sequ■ el■ ae of tuberculosis of other organs sequ■ el■ ae of respiratory and unspecified tubercul■ os sequ■ el■ ae of poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis sequ■ el■ ae of leprosy sequ■ el■ ae of tr■ ach■ oma sequ■ el■ ae of viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis sequ■ el■ ae of viral hepatitis sequ■ el■ ae of other specified infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified infectious or par■ asi■ tic diseases other and unspecified infectious diseases external upper lip external lower lip external lip , unspecified upper lip , inner aspect lower lip , inner aspect lip , unspecified , inner aspect commis■ sure of lip lip , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of base of tongue dor■ sal surface of tongue border of tongue ven■ tr■ al surface of tongue an■ terior two - thirds of tongue , part unspecified lingual ton■ sil overlapping le■ sion of tongue tongue , unspecified upper gum lower gum gum , unspecified an■ terior floor of mouth lateral floor of mouth floor of mouth , unspecified hard pal■ ate soft pal■ ate u■ vul■ a overlapping le■ sion of pal■ ate pal■ ate , unspecified cheek mu■ co■ sa vesti■ bu■ le of mouth retro■ mol■ ar area mouth , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of par■ o■ ti■ d g■ land sub■ man■ di■ bul■ ar g■ land su■ bl■ ing■ ual g■ land major sali■ vary g■ land , unspecified ton■ sill■ ar fo■ ssa ton■ sill■ ar pillar ( an■ terior ) ( poster■ ior ) ton■ sil , unspecified vall■ ec■ ula an■ terior surface of ep■ ig■ lot■ tis lateral wall of or■ op■ har■ yn■ x poster■ ior wall of or■ op■ har■ yn■ x bran■ ch■ ial cle■ ft overlapping le■ sion of or■ op■ har■ yn■ x or■ op■ har■ yn■ x , unspecified superior wall of nas■ op■ har■ yn■ x poster■ ior wall of nas■ op■ har■ yn■ x lateral wall of nas■ op■ har■ yn■ x an■ terior wall of nas■ op■ har■ yn■ x nas■ op■ har■ yn■ x , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of py■ ri■ form sin■ us post■ cri■ co■ id region ar■ ye■ pi■ glo■ t■ tic fold , hypo■ phar■ yn■ ge■ al aspect poster■ ior wall of hypo■ phar■ yn■ x hypo■ phar■ yn■ x , unspecified phar■ yn■ x , unspecified wal■ de■ yer ' s ring overlapping le■ sion of lip , oral cav■ ity and phar■ yn■ x cer■ vic■ al part of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus thor■ ac■ ic part of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus ab■ domin■ al part of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus upper third of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus middle third of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus lower third of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus , unspecified car■ dia fun■ dus of stomach body of stomach p■ yl■ or■ ic an■ tr■ um p■ yl■ or■ us lesser cur■ v■ ature of stomach , unspecified greater cur■ v■ ature of stomach , unspecified overlapping le■ sion of stomach stomach , unspecified du■ o■ den■ um je■ jun■ um i■ leum mec■ kel ' s diver■ ticul■ um overlapping le■ sion of small intest■ ine small intest■ ine , unspecified ca■ ec■ um appendix asc■ ending col■ on he■ p■ atic fl■ ex■ ure trans■ verse col■ on splen■ ic fl■ ex■ ure descending col■ on sig■ mo■ id col■ on overlapping le■ sion of col■ on col■ on , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of rec■ to■ sig■ mo■ id junction m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of rec■ tum an■ us , unspecified anal canal clo■ a■ co■ genic zone overlapping le■ sion of rec■ tum , an■ us and anal canal liver cell carcin■ oma intra■ he■ p■ atic bile duc■ t carcin■ oma he■ pat■ obl■ ast■ oma an■ gi■ os■ ar■ coma of liver other sar■ com■ as of liver other specified carcin■ om■ as of liver liver , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of gall■ blad■ der extra■ he■ p■ atic bile duc■ t am■ pul■ la of v■ ater overlapping le■ sion of bi■ li■ ary tract bi■ li■ ary tract , unspecified head of pan■ cre■ as body of pan■ cre■ as tail of pan■ cre■ as pan■ cre■ atic duc■ t endocrine pan■ cre■ as other parts of pan■ cre■ as pan■ cre■ as , unspecified intest■ inal tract , part unspecified sp■ leen ill - defined sites within the dig■ estive system nas■ al cav■ ity middle ear max■ ill■ ary sin■ us eth■ mo■ idal sin■ us frontal sin■ us sp■ hen■ o■ idal sin■ us accessory sin■ us , unspecified glo■ t■ tis supr■ ag■ lot■ tis sub■ glo■ t■ tis lar■ yn■ ge■ al car■ til■ age lar■ yn■ x , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of trac■ hea main bron■ ch■ us upper lo■ be , bron■ ch■ us or lung middle lo■ be , bron■ ch■ us or lung lower lo■ be , bron■ ch■ us or lung overlapping le■ sion of bron■ ch■ us and lung bron■ ch■ us or lung , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of th■ ym■ us heart an■ terior medi■ ast■ inum poster■ ior medi■ ast■ inum medi■ ast■ inum , part unspecified ple■ ura upper respiratory tract , part unspecified ill - defined sites within the respiratory system s■ cap■ ula and long bones of upper limb short bones of upper limb long bones of lower limb short bones of lower limb bone and artic■ ular car■ til■ age of limb , unspecified man■ di■ ble vertebr■ al column pel■ vic bones , sac■ rum and coc■ cy■ x bone and artic■ ular car■ til■ age , unspecified m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of lip m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of eye■ lid , including can■ thus m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of ear and external aur■ icular canal m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of other and unspecified parts of face m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of scal■ p and neck m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of trunk m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of upper limb , including shoulder m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of lower limb , including hip m■ align■ ant mel■ anom■ a of skin , unspecified skin of lip skin of eye■ lid , including can■ thus skin of ear and external aur■ icular canal skin of other and unspecified parts of face skin of scal■ p and neck skin of trunk skin of upper limb , including shoulder skin of lower limb , including hip m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of skin , unspecified mes■ o■ the■ li■ oma of ple■ ura mes■ o■ the■ li■ oma of per■ it■ on■ eu■ m mes■ o■ the■ li■ oma of peric■ ardi■ um mes■ o■ the■ li■ oma of other sites mes■ o■ the■ li■ oma , unspecified ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma of skin ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma of soft tissue ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma of pal■ ate ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma of lymp■ h no■ des ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma of other sites ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma of multiple organs ka■ posi ' s sar■ coma , unspecified peripheral nerves of head , face and neck peripheral nerves of upper limb , including shoulder peripheral nerves of lower limb , including hip peripheral nerves of thor■ ax peripheral nerves of ab■ dom■ en peripheral nerves of pel■ vis peripheral nerves of trunk , unspecified overlapping le■ sion of peripheral nerves and autonom■ ic nervous system peripheral nerves and autonom■ ic nervous system , unspecified retro■ per■ it■ on■ eu■ m specified parts of per■ it■ on■ eu■ m per■ it■ on■ eu■ m , unspecified connec■ tive and soft tissue of head , face and neck connec■ tive and soft tissue of upper limb , including shoulder connec■ tive and soft tissue of lower limb , including hip connec■ tive and soft tissue of thor■ ax connec■ tive and soft tissue of ab■ dom■ en connec■ tive and soft tissue of pel■ vis connec■ tive and soft tissue of trunk , unspecified overlapping le■ sion of connec■ tive and soft tissue connec■ tive and soft tissue , unspecified nip■ ple and are■ ola central portion of breast upper - inner quad■ rant of breast lower - inner quad■ rant of breast upper - outer quad■ rant of breast lower - outer quad■ rant of breast ax■ ill■ ary tail of breast overlapping le■ sion of breast breast , unspecified lab■ ium maj■ us lab■ ium minus cl■ it■ or■ is vul■ va , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of vag■ ina endo■ cer■ vi■ x exo■ cer■ vi■ x overlapping le■ sion of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i cer■ vi■ x uter■ i , unspecified is■ th■ mus uter■ i end■ ome■ tri■ um my■ ome■ tri■ um fun■ dus uter■ i corpus uter■ i , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of uter■ us , part unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of o■ vary fall■ op■ ian tube broad lig■ ament round lig■ ament parame■ tri■ um uter■ ine ad■ n■ ex■ a , unspecified other specified female genital organs overlapping le■ sion of female genital organs female genital organ , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of plac■ enta pre■ pu■ ce gl■ ans penis body of penis penis , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of pro■ state und■ es■ c■ ended testi■ s descended testi■ s testi■ s , unspecified epi■ di■ dy■ mis sper■ matic cord scro■ tum other specified male genital organs male genital organ , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of kidney , except ren■ al pel■ vis m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of ren■ al pel■ vis m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of u■ re■ ter tri■ gone of blad■ der dom■ e of blad■ der lateral wall of blad■ der an■ terior wall of blad■ der poster■ ior wall of blad■ der blad■ der neck u■ re■ ter■ ic ori■ fice ur■ ach■ us overlapping le■ sion of blad■ der blad■ der , unspecified u■ re■ th■ ra par■ au■ re■ th■ ral g■ lands ur■ inary organ , unspecified con■ junc■ tiva cor■ ne■ a re■ tina chor■ o■ id ci■ li■ ary body l■ ach■ ry■ mal g■ land and duc■ t orbit eye , unspecified cere■ br■ al men■ inges spinal men■ inges men■ inges , unspecified cere■ bru■ m , except lob■ es and ven■ tric■ les frontal lo■ be temporal lo■ be par■ ie■ tal lo■ be oc■ ci■ p■ ital lo■ be cere■ br■ al ven■ tric■ le cere■ bell■ um brain stem overlapping le■ sion of brain brain , unspecified spinal cord c■ aud■ a equ■ ina ol■ factory nerve op■ tic nerve acous■ tic nerve other and unspecified cran■ ial nerves central nervous system , unspecified m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of thyro■ id g■ land cor■ tex of adren■ al g■ land med■ ul■ la of adren■ al g■ land adren■ al g■ land , unspecified par■ ath■ yro■ id g■ land pit■ u■ itary g■ land cran■ iop■ har■ yn■ ge■ al duc■ t pine■ al g■ land caro■ ti■ d body a■ or■ tic body and other parag■ ang■ lia plur■ ig■ land■ ular involvement , unspecified endocrine g■ land , unspecified head , face and neck thor■ ax ab■ dom■ en pel■ vis upper limb lower limb other ill - defined sites overlapping le■ sion of other and ill - defined sites lymp■ h no■ des of head , face and neck intra■ thor■ ac■ ic lymp■ h no■ des intra - ab■ domin■ al lymp■ h no■ des ax■ ill■ ary and upper limb lymp■ h no■ des ingu■ inal and lower limb lymp■ h no■ des intr■ ap■ el■ vic lymp■ h no■ des lymp■ h no■ des of multiple regions lymp■ h no■ de , unspecified secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of lung secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of medi■ ast■ inum secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of ple■ ura secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of other and unspecified respiratory organs secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of small intest■ ine secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of large intest■ ine and rec■ tum secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of retro■ per■ it■ on■ eu■ m and per■ it■ on■ eu■ m secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of liver secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of other and unspecified dig■ estive organs secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of kidney and ren■ al pel■ vis secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of blad■ der and other and unspecified ur■ inary organs secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of skin secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of brain and cere■ br■ al men■ inges secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of other and unspecified parts of nervous system secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of bone and bone marrow secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of o■ vary secondary m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of adren■ al g■ land lymp■ ho■ cy■ tic predominance no■ d■ ular sclerosis mixed cellul■ arity lymp■ ho■ cy■ tic depletion other ho■ dg■ kin ' s disease ho■ dg■ kin ' s disease , unspecified small cle■ a■ ved cell , fol■ lic■ ular mixed small cle■ a■ ved and large cell , fol■ lic■ ular large cell , fol■ lic■ ular other types of fol■ lic■ ular non - ho■ dg■ kin ' s lymp■ homa fol■ lic■ ular non - ho■ dg■ kin ' s lymp■ homa , unspecified small cell ( diffuse ) small cle■ a■ ved cell ( diffuse ) large cell ( diffuse ) lymp■ ho■ bl■ astic ( diffuse ) bur■ kit■ t ' s tum■ our other types of diffuse non - ho■ dg■ kin ' s lymp■ homa diffuse non - ho■ dg■ kin ' s lymp■ homa , unspecified my■ co■ sis fun■ go■ ides s■ ú■ z■ ary ' s disease peripheral t - cell lymp■ homa b - cell lymp■ homa , unspecified other specified types of non - ho■ dg■ kin ' s lymp■ homa non - ho■ dg■ kin ' s lymp■ homa , unspecified type let■ ter■ er - si■ we disease m■ align■ ant m■ ast cell tum■ our m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ ms of lymp■ ho■ id , ha■ emato■ po■ ie■ tic and related tissue , unspecified lip , oral cav■ ity and phar■ yn■ x o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus stomach col■ on rec■ to■ sig■ mo■ id junction rec■ tum an■ us and anal canal other and unspecified parts of intest■ ine liver , gall■ blad■ der and bile duc■ ts other specified dig■ estive organs dig■ estive organ , unspecified lar■ yn■ x trac■ hea bron■ ch■ us and lung other parts of respiratory system respiratory system , unspecified mel■ anom■ a in situ of lip mel■ anom■ a in situ of eye■ lid , including can■ thus mel■ anom■ a in situ of ear and external aur■ icular canal mel■ anom■ a in situ of other and unspecified parts of face mel■ anom■ a in situ of scal■ p and neck mel■ anom■ a in situ of trunk mel■ anom■ a in situ of upper limb , including shoulder mel■ anom■ a in situ of lower limb , including hip mel■ anom■ a in situ of other sites mel■ anom■ a in situ , unspecified skin of lip skin of eye■ lid , including can■ thus skin of ear and external aur■ icular canal skin of other and unspecified parts of face skin of scal■ p and neck skin of trunk skin of upper limb , including shoulder skin of lower limb , including hip skin of other sites skin , unspecified lob■ ular carcin■ oma in situ in■ trad■ uc■ tal carcin■ oma in situ other carcin■ oma in situ of breast carcin■ oma in situ of breast , unspecified endo■ cer■ vi■ x exo■ cer■ vi■ x other parts of cer■ vi■ x cer■ vi■ x , unspecified end■ ome■ tri■ um vul■ va vag■ ina other and unspecified female genital organs penis pro■ state other and unspecified male genital organs blad■ der other and unspecified ur■ inary organs eye thyro■ id and other endocrine g■ lands carcin■ oma in situ of other specified sites carcin■ oma in situ , unspecified lip tongue floor of mouth other and unspecified parts of mouth ton■ sil other parts of or■ op■ har■ yn■ x nas■ op■ har■ yn■ x hypo■ phar■ yn■ x phar■ yn■ x , unspecified par■ o■ ti■ d g■ land other major sali■ vary g■ lands major sali■ vary g■ land , unspecified ca■ ec■ um appendix asc■ ending col■ on trans■ verse col■ on descending col■ on sig■ mo■ id col■ on col■ on , unspecified rec■ to■ sig■ mo■ id junction rec■ tum an■ us and anal canal o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus stomach du■ o■ den■ um other and unspecified parts of small intest■ ine liver extra■ he■ p■ atic bile duc■ ts pan■ cre■ as endocrine pan■ cre■ as ill - defined sites within the dig■ estive system middle ear , nas■ al cav■ ity and accessory sin■ uses lar■ yn■ x trac■ hea bron■ ch■ us and lung respiratory system , unspecified th■ ym■ us heart medi■ ast■ inum other specified intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs s■ cap■ ula and long bones of upper limb short bones of upper limb long bones of lower limb short bones of lower limb lower jaw bone vertebr■ al column pel■ vic bones , sac■ rum and coc■ cy■ x bone and artic■ ular car■ til■ age , unspecified benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue of head , face and neck benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue of trunk benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue of limbs benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue of other and unspecified sites benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of intra - ab■ domin■ al organs benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of sper■ matic cord benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m of other sites benign li■ po■ mat■ ous ne■ op■ las■ m , unspecified mes■ o■ the■ li■ al tissue of ple■ ura mes■ o■ the■ li■ al tissue of per■ it■ on■ eu■ m mes■ o■ the■ li■ al tissue , unspecified retro■ per■ it■ on■ eu■ m per■ it■ on■ eu■ m connec■ tive and other soft tissue of head , face and neck connec■ tive and other soft tissue of upper limb , including shoulder connec■ tive and other soft tissue of lower limb , including hip connec■ tive and other soft tissue of thor■ ax connec■ tive and other soft tissue of ab■ dom■ en connec■ tive and other soft tissue of pel■ vis connec■ tive and other soft tissue of trunk , unspecified connec■ tive and other soft tissue , unspecified mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of lip mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of eye■ lid , including can■ thus mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of ear and external aur■ icular canal mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of other and unspecified parts of face mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of scal■ p and neck mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of trunk mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of upper limb , including shoulder mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i of lower limb , including hip mel■ an■ oc■ y■ tic na■ ev■ i , unspecified skin of lip skin of eye■ lid , including can■ thus skin of ear and external aur■ icular canal skin of other and unspecified parts of face skin of scal■ p and neck skin of trunk skin of upper limb , including shoulder skin of lower limb , including hip skin , unspecified benign ne■ op■ las■ m of breast sub■ mu■ co■ us lei■ om■ y■ oma of uter■ us intr■ am■ ural lei■ om■ y■ oma of uter■ us sub■ ser■ os■ al lei■ om■ y■ oma of uter■ us lei■ om■ y■ oma of uter■ us , unspecified cer■ vi■ x uter■ i corpus uter■ i other parts of uter■ us uter■ us , unspecified benign ne■ op■ las■ m of o■ vary vul■ va vag■ ina uter■ ine tubes and lig■ aments other specified female genital organs female genital organ , unspecified penis pro■ state testi■ s epi■ di■ dy■ mis scro■ tum other male genital organs male genital organ , unspecified kidney ren■ al pel■ vis u■ re■ ter blad■ der u■ re■ th■ ra other ur■ inary organs ur■ inary organ , unspecified con■ junc■ tiva cor■ ne■ a re■ tina chor■ o■ id ci■ li■ ary body l■ ach■ ry■ mal g■ land and duc■ t orbit , unspecified eye , unspecified cere■ br■ al men■ inges spinal men■ inges men■ inges , unspecified brain , supr■ at■ ent■ orial brain , infr■ at■ ent■ orial brain , unspecified cran■ ial nerves spinal cord central nervous system , unspecified benign ne■ op■ las■ m of thyro■ id g■ land adren■ al g■ land par■ ath■ yro■ id g■ land pit■ u■ itary g■ land cran■ iop■ har■ yn■ ge■ al duc■ t pine■ al g■ land caro■ ti■ d body a■ or■ tic body and other parag■ ang■ lia plur■ ig■ land■ ular involvement endocrine g■ land , unspecified lymp■ h no■ des peripheral nerves and autonom■ ic nervous system other specified sites benign ne■ op■ las■ m of unspecified site lip , oral cav■ ity and phar■ yn■ x stomach small intest■ ine appendix col■ on rec■ tum liver , gall■ blad■ der and bile duc■ ts dig■ estive organ , unspecified lar■ yn■ x trac■ hea , bron■ ch■ us and lung ple■ ura medi■ ast■ inum th■ ym■ us other respiratory organs respiratory organ , unspecified uter■ us o■ vary plac■ enta other female genital organs female genital organ , unspecified pro■ state testi■ s other male genital organs male genital organ , unspecified kidney ren■ al pel■ vis u■ re■ ter u■ re■ th■ ra blad■ der other ur■ inary organs ur■ inary organ , unspecified cere■ br■ al men■ inges spinal men■ inges men■ inges , unspecified brain , supr■ at■ ent■ orial brain , infr■ at■ ent■ orial brain , unspecified cran■ ial nerves spinal cord central nervous system , unspecified thyro■ id g■ land adren■ al g■ land par■ ath■ yro■ id g■ land pit■ u■ itary g■ land cran■ iop■ har■ yn■ ge■ al duc■ t pine■ al g■ land caro■ ti■ d body a■ or■ tic body and other parag■ ang■ lia plur■ ig■ land■ ular involvement endocrine g■ land , unspecified poly■ cy■ th■ aemia vera refrac■ tory ana■ emia without sid■ ero■ bl■ asts , so stated refrac■ tory ana■ emia with sid■ ero■ bl■ asts refrac■ tory ana■ emia with excess of bl■ asts refrac■ tory ana■ emia , unspecified my■ el■ odys■ plastic syndrome , unspecified his■ ti■ oc■ y■ tic and m■ ast cell tum■ ours of uncertain and unknown behaviour chronic my■ elo■ prolifer■ ative disease mono■ cl■ onal gam■ mop■ athy essential ( haemorrha■ gic ) thro■ m■ bo■ cy■ th■ aemia other specified ne■ op■ las■ ms of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lymp■ ho■ id , ha■ emato■ po■ ie■ tic and related tissue ne■ op■ las■ m of uncertain or unknown behaviour lymp■ ho■ id , ha■ emato■ po■ ie■ tic and related tissue , unspecified bone and artic■ ular car■ til■ age connec■ tive and other soft tissue peripheral nerves and autonom■ ic nervous system retro■ per■ it■ on■ eu■ m per■ it■ on■ eu■ m skin breast other specified sites ne■ op■ las■ ms of uncertain or unknown behaviour , unspecified iron deficiency ana■ emia secondary to blood loss ( chronic ) sid■ er■ open■ ic dy■ sp■ ha■ gia other iron deficiency ana■ emi■ as iron deficiency ana■ emia , unspecified vitamin b 12 deficiency ana■ emia due to intrinsic factor deficiency vitamin b 12 deficiency ana■ emia due to selective vitamin b 12 mal■ absorption with prote■ in■ ur■ ia trans■ co■ bal■ am■ in ii deficiency other dietary vitamin b 12 deficiency ana■ emia vitamin b 12 deficiency ana■ emia , unspecified dietary fol■ ate deficiency ana■ emia drug - induced fol■ ate deficiency ana■ emia other fol■ ate deficiency ana■ emi■ as fol■ ate deficiency ana■ emia , unspecified protein deficiency ana■ emia other meg■ alo■ bl■ astic ana■ emi■ as , not elsewhere classified scor■ bu■ tic ana■ emia other specified nutritional ana■ emi■ as nutritional ana■ emia , unspecified ana■ emia due to glucose - 6 - phosphate de■ hydro■ gen■ ase [ g 6 pd ] deficiency ana■ emia due to other disorders of glu■ ta■ th■ ione metabol■ ism ana■ emia due to disorders of gly■ col■ y■ tic enzymes ana■ emia due to disorders of nucle■ o■ tide metabol■ ism other ana■ emi■ as due to enzyme disorders ana■ emia due to enzyme disorder , unspecified alpha thal■ assa■ emia beta thal■ assa■ emia delta - beta thal■ assa■ emia thal■ assa■ emia trait hereditary persistence of fo■ etal ha■ emo■ glob■ in [ h■ p■ f■ h ] other thal■ assa■ emi■ as thal■ assa■ emia , unspecified sick■ le - cell ana■ emia with crisis sick■ le - cell ana■ emia without crisis double hetero■ zy■ g■ ous sick■ ling disorders sick■ le - cell trait other sick■ le - cell disorders hereditary spher■ oc■ y■ to■ sis hereditary el■ lip■ to■ cy■ to■ sis other ha■ emo■ glob■ in■ opath■ ies other specified hereditary ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emi■ as hereditary ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emia , unspecified drug - induced auto■ immune ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emia other auto■ immune ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emi■ as drug - induced non■ auto■ immune ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emia ha■ emol■ y■ tic - ur■ a■ emic syndrome other non■ auto■ immune ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emi■ as par■ oxy■ sm■ al no■ c■ tur■ nal ha■ emo■ glob■ in■ ur■ ia [ mar■ chi■ af■ ava - michel■ i ] ha■ emo■ glob■ in■ ur■ ia due to ha■ emol■ ysis from other external causes other acquired ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emi■ as acquired ha■ emol■ y■ tic ana■ emia , unspecified chronic acquired pure red cell ap■ la■ sia transi■ ent acquired pure red cell ap■ la■ sia acquired pure red cell ap■ la■ sia , unspecified constitutional ap■ l■ astic ana■ emia ap■ l■ astic ana■ emia due to other external agents idi■ opathic ap■ l■ astic ana■ emia other specified ap■ l■ astic ana■ emi■ as ap■ l■ astic ana■ emia , unspecified acute pos■ th■ a■ emorrha■ gic ana■ emia hereditary sid■ ero■ bl■ astic ana■ emia secondary sid■ ero■ bl■ astic ana■ emia due to disease secondary sid■ ero■ bl■ astic ana■ emia due to drugs and toxins other sid■ ero■ bl■ astic ana■ emi■ as con■ genital dy■ ser■ y■ thro■ po■ ie■ tic ana■ emia other specified ana■ emi■ as ana■ emia , unspecified hereditary factor viii deficiency hereditary factor ix deficiency hereditary factor xi deficiency acquired co■ ag■ ulation factor deficiency other specified co■ ag■ ulation defects co■ ag■ ulation defect , unspecified allergic pur■ pur■ a qualitative plat■ elet defects other non■ thro■ m■ bo■ cy■ top■ en■ ic pur■ pur■ a idi■ opathic thro■ m■ bo■ cy■ top■ en■ ic pur■ pur■ a haemorrha■ gic condition , unspecified functional disorders of poly■ morph■ on■ uc■ lear neu■ troph■ ils genetic anomalies of leuk■ oc■ y■ tes e■ o■ sin■ ophi■ lia other specified disorders of white blood cells disorder of white blood cells , unspecified hy■ pos■ plen■ ism hy■ pers■ plen■ ism chronic cong■ estive splen■ om■ eg■ al■ y abs■ c■ ess of sp■ leen cyst of sp■ leen inf■ arc■ tion of sp■ leen other diseases of sp■ leen disease of sp■ leen , unspecified con■ genital meth■ a■ emo■ glob■ in■ aemia other meth■ a■ emo■ glob■ in■ a■ emi■ as meth■ a■ emo■ glob■ in■ aemia , unspecified famili■ al er■ y■ thro■ cy■ to■ sis secondary poly■ cy■ th■ aemia other specified diseases of blood and blood - forming organs disease of blood and blood - forming organs , unspecified ha■ em■ op■ ha■ go■ cy■ tic lymp■ ho■ his■ ti■ oc■ y■ to■ sis ha■ em■ op■ ha■ go■ cy■ tic syndrome , infection - associated other his■ ti■ oc■ y■ to■ sis syndro■ mes hereditary hypo■ gam■ mag■ lob■ ul■ in■ aemia non■ famili■ al hypo■ gam■ mag■ lob■ ul■ in■ aemia selective deficiency of immun■ o■ glob■ ulin a [ ig■ a ] selective deficiency of immun■ o■ glob■ ulin g [ ig■ g ] sub■ classes selective deficiency of immun■ o■ glob■ ulin m [ ig■ m ] immun■ o■ deficiency with increased immun■ o■ glob■ ulin m [ ig■ m ] anti■ body deficiency with near - normal immun■ o■ glob■ ul■ ins or with hyper■ immun■ o■ glob■ ul■ in■ aemia transi■ ent hypo■ gam■ mag■ lob■ ul■ in■ aemia of infancy other immun■ o■ deficiencies with predominantly anti■ body defects immun■ o■ deficiency with predominantly anti■ body defects , unspecified severe combined immun■ o■ deficiency [ sci■ d ] with retic■ ular dys■ genesis severe combined immun■ o■ deficiency [ sci■ d ] with low t - and b - cell numbers severe combined immun■ o■ deficiency [ sci■ d ] with low or normal b - cell numbers aden■ os■ ine de■ amin■ ase [ ada ] deficiency ne■ zel■ of ' s syndrome pur■ ine nucle■ o■ side phosphor■ yl■ ase [ p■ n■ p ] deficiency major his■ to■ compatibility complex class i deficiency major his■ to■ compatibility complex class ii deficiency other combined immun■ o■ deficiencies combined immun■ o■ deficiency , unspecified wis■ ko■ tt - al■ drich syndrome di george ' s syndrome immun■ o■ deficiency with short - lim■ bed stature immun■ o■ deficiency following hereditary defective response to ep■ stein - bar■ r virus hyper■ immun■ o■ glob■ ulin e [ i■ ge ] syndrome common variable immun■ o■ deficiency with predominant ab■ norm■ alities of b - cell numbers and function common variable immun■ o■ deficiency with predominant immun■ o■ regulatory t - cell disorders common variable immun■ o■ deficiency with auto■ antibodies to b - or t - cells common variable immun■ o■ deficiency , unspecified lymp■ ho■ cy■ te function antigen - 1 [ l■ fa - 1 ] defect defects in the complement system other specified immun■ o■ deficiencies immun■ o■ deficiency , unspecified sar■ co■ ido■ sis of lung sar■ co■ ido■ sis of lymp■ h no■ des sar■ co■ ido■ sis of lung with sar■ co■ ido■ sis of lymp■ h no■ des sar■ co■ ido■ sis of skin sar■ co■ ido■ sis of other and combined sites sar■ co■ ido■ sis , unspecified pol■ ycl■ onal hyper■ gam■ mag■ lob■ ul■ in■ aemia cry■ o■ glob■ ul■ in■ aemia hyper■ gam■ mag■ lob■ ul■ in■ aemia , unspecified disorder involving the immune mechanism , unspecified con■ genital i■ od■ ine - deficiency syndrome , neuro■ logical type con■ genital i■ od■ ine - deficiency syndrome , my■ x■ oe■ dem■ at■ ous type con■ genital i■ od■ ine - deficiency syndrome , mixed type con■ genital i■ od■ ine - deficiency syndrome , unspecified i■ od■ ine - deficiency - related diffuse ( endemic ) go■ itre i■ od■ ine - deficiency - related multin■ od■ ular ( endemic ) go■ itre i■ od■ ine - deficiency - related ( endemic ) go■ itre , unspecified other i■ od■ ine - deficiency - related thyro■ id disorders and allied conditions sub■ clinical i■ od■ ine - deficiency hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m con■ genital hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m with diffuse go■ itre con■ genital hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m without go■ itre hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m due to medic■ aments and other exo■ genous substances post■ infectious hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m atro■ phy of thyro■ id ( acquired ) my■ x■ oe■ dem■ a coma hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m , unspecified non - toxic diffuse go■ itre non - toxic single thyro■ id no■ dule non - toxic multin■ od■ ular go■ itre non - toxic go■ itre , unspecified thyro■ toxico■ sis with diffuse go■ itre thyro■ toxico■ sis with toxic single thyro■ id no■ dule thyro■ toxico■ sis with toxic multin■ od■ ular go■ itre thyro■ toxico■ sis from ec■ topic thyro■ id tissue thyro■ toxico■ sis fac■ ti■ tia thyro■ id crisis or storm other thyro■ toxico■ sis thyro■ toxico■ sis , unspecified acute thyro■ idi■ tis sub■ acute thyro■ idi■ tis chronic thyro■ idi■ tis with transi■ ent thyro■ toxico■ sis auto■ immune thyro■ idi■ tis drug - induced thyro■ idi■ tis other chronic thyro■ idi■ tis thyro■ idi■ tis , unspecified hyper■ secre■ tion of cal■ cit■ on■ in dy■ shor■ mo■ genetic go■ itre other specified disorders of thyro■ id disorder of thyro■ id , unspecified non■ diabe■ tic hypo■ gly■ ca■ emic coma drug - induced hypo■ gly■ ca■ emia without coma other hypo■ gly■ ca■ emia hypo■ gly■ ca■ emia , unspecified increased secre■ tion of gl■ uc■ agon abnormal secre■ tion of ga■ str■ in other specified disorders of pan■ cre■ atic internal secre■ tion disorder of pan■ cre■ atic internal secre■ tion , unspecified idi■ opathic hypo■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m pseu■ do■ hypo■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m other hypo■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m hypo■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m , unspecified primary hyper■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m secondary hyper■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m , not elsewhere classified other hyper■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m hyper■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m , unspecified other specified disorders of par■ ath■ yro■ id g■ land disorder of par■ ath■ yro■ id g■ land , unspecified acro■ me■ gal■ y and pit■ u■ itary gig■ anti■ sm hyper■ pro■ lac■ tin■ aemia syndrome of inappropriate secre■ tion of anti■ di■ u■ re■ tic hormone other hyper■ function of pit■ u■ itary g■ land hyper■ function of pit■ u■ itary g■ land , unspecified hypo■ pit■ uit■ arism drug - induced hypo■ pit■ uit■ arism diabetes insi■ pi■ dus hypo■ thal■ am■ ic dysfunction , not elsewhere classified other disorders of pit■ u■ itary g■ land disorder of pit■ u■ itary g■ land , unspecified pit■ u■ itary - dependent cu■ shing ' s disease nelson ' s syndrome drug - induced cu■ shing ' s syndrome ec■ topic ac■ th syndrome alcohol - induced pseudo - cu■ shing ' s syndrome other cu■ shing ' s syndrome cu■ shing ' s syndrome , unspecified other ad■ re■ no■ genital disorders ad■ re■ no■ genital disorder , unspecified primary hyper■ al■ do■ ster■ on■ ism secondary hyper■ al■ do■ ster■ on■ ism other hyper■ al■ do■ ster■ on■ ism hyper■ al■ do■ ster■ on■ ism , unspecified other ad■ re■ no■ cor■ tical over■ activity primary ad■ re■ no■ cor■ tical in■ sufficiency ad■ dis■ onian crisis drug - induced ad■ re■ no■ cor■ tical in■ sufficiency other and unspecified ad■ re■ no■ cor■ tical in■ sufficiency ad■ re■ no■ med■ ul■ l■ ary hyper■ function other specified disorders of adren■ al g■ land disorder of adren■ al g■ land , unspecified o■ estro■ gen excess and■ ro■ gen excess poly■ c■ ys■ tic o■ vari■ an syndrome primary o■ vari■ an failure other o■ vari■ an dysfunction o■ vari■ an dysfunction , unspecified tes■ tic■ ular hyper■ function tes■ tic■ ular hypo■ function tes■ tic■ ular dysfunction , unspecified delayed pu■ ber■ ty pre■ co■ cious pu■ ber■ ty other disorders of pu■ ber■ ty disorder of pu■ ber■ ty , unspecified auto■ immune poly■ g■ land■ ular failure poly■ g■ land■ ular hyper■ function other poly■ g■ land■ ular dysfunction poly■ g■ land■ ular dysfunction , unspecified persistent hyper■ pl■ asia of th■ ym■ us abs■ c■ ess of th■ ym■ us other diseases of th■ ym■ us disease of th■ ym■ us , unspecified carcin■ o■ id syndrome other hyper■ secre■ tion of intest■ inal hormones ec■ topic hormone secre■ tion , not elsewhere classified short stature , not elsewhere classified constitutional tall stature other specified endocrine disorders endocrine disorder , unspecified k■ was■ hi■ or■ k■ or nutritional mar■ as■ mus mar■ as■ mic k■ was■ hi■ or■ k■ or unspecified severe protein - energy malnutrition moderate protein - energy malnutrition mild protein - energy malnutrition retar■ ded development following protein - energy malnutrition unspecified protein - energy malnutrition vitamin a deficiency with bit■ ot ' s spot and con■ junc■ ti■ val x■ er■ osis other oc■ ular manifestations of vitamin a deficiency vitamin a deficiency , unspecified ber■ iber■ i wer■ nic■ ke ' s encephalopathy thi■ amine deficiency , unspecified ni■ ac■ in deficiency [ p■ ell■ ag■ ra ] ri■ bo■ flav■ in deficiency py■ ri■ do■ x■ ine deficiency deficiency of other specified b group vitamins vitamin b deficiency , unspecified as■ cor■ bic acid deficiency ric■ kets , active vitamin d deficiency , unspecified deficiency of vitamin e deficiency of vitamin k vitamin deficiency , unspecified dietary calcium deficiency dietary sel■ en■ ium deficiency dietary zinc deficiency copper deficiency iron deficiency magnesium deficiency man■ g■ anese deficiency chromium deficiency mol■ y■ b■ den■ um deficiency van■ adi■ um deficiency deficiency of multiple nutrient elements deficiency of other specified nutrient elements deficiency of nutrient element , unspecified essential fatty acid [ efa ] deficiency imbalance of constituents of food intake other specified nutritional deficiencies nutritional deficiency , unspecified sequ■ el■ ae of protein - energy malnutrition sequ■ el■ ae of vitamin a deficiency sequ■ el■ ae of vitamin c deficiency sequ■ el■ ae of ric■ kets sequ■ el■ ae of other nutritional deficiencies sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified nutritional deficiency loc■ alised adi■ pos■ ity hyper■ vitam■ in■ osis a hyper■ caro■ ten■ aemia meg■ av■ it■ am■ in - b 6 syndrome hyper■ vitam■ in■ osis d other specified hyper■ alim■ entation sequ■ el■ ae of hyper■ alim■ entation classical phen■ yl■ ke■ ton■ ur■ ia other hyper■ phen■ yl■ alan■ in■ a■ emi■ as disorders of ty■ ros■ ine metabol■ ism al■ bin■ ism other disorders of aromatic amino - acid metabol■ ism disorder of aromatic amino - acid metabol■ ism , unspecified map■ le - syrup - urine disease other disorders of bran■ ched - chain amino - acid metabol■ ism disorder of bran■ ched - chain amino - acid metabol■ ism , unspecified disorders of fatty - acid metabol■ ism disorders of amino - acid transport disorders of sulphur - bearing amino - acid metabol■ ism disorders of urea cycle metabol■ ism disorders of lys■ ine and hydrox■ yl■ ys■ ine metabol■ ism disorders of or■ ni■ th■ ine metabol■ ism disorders of gly■ cine metabol■ ism other specified disorders of amino - acid metabol■ ism disorder of amino - acid metabol■ ism , unspecified con■ genital lact■ ase deficiency secondary lact■ ase deficiency lac■ tose intolerance , unspecified gly■ co■ gen storage disease disorders of fructose metabol■ ism disorders of galac■ tose metabol■ ism other disorders of intest■ inal carbo■ hydrate absorption disorders of py■ ru■ v■ ate metabol■ ism and glu■ con■ e■ o■ genesis other specified disorders of carbo■ hydrate metabol■ ism disorder of carbo■ hydrate metabol■ ism , unspecified gm 2 gang■ li■ o■ sid■ osis other gang■ li■ o■ sid■ osis other sp■ hin■ go■ li■ pi■ do■ sis sp■ hin■ go■ li■ pi■ do■ sis , unspecified neuro■ nal cer■ o■ id li■ po■ fus■ cin■ osis other lip■ id storage disorders lip■ id storage disorder , unspecified mu■ co■ pol■ ys■ ac■ ch■ ari■ do■ sis , type i mu■ co■ pol■ ys■ ac■ ch■ ari■ do■ sis , type ii other mu■ co■ pol■ ys■ ac■ ch■ ari■ doses mu■ co■ pol■ ys■ ac■ ch■ ari■ do■ sis , unspecified disorder of glu■ co■ sam■ ino■ gly■ can metabol■ ism , unspecified defects in post■ transl■ ational modification of ly■ so■ som■ al enzymes defects in gly■ co■ protein degradation other disorders of gly■ co■ protein metabol■ ism disorder of gly■ co■ protein metabol■ ism , unspecified pure hyper■ cho■ le■ ster■ ol■ aemia pure hyper■ gly■ cer■ id■ aemia mixed hyper■ li■ pid■ aemia hyper■ ch■ y■ lo■ mic■ ron■ aemia other hyper■ li■ pid■ aemia hyper■ li■ pid■ aemia , unspecified li■ po■ protein deficiency other disorders of li■ po■ protein metabol■ ism disorder of li■ po■ protein metabol■ ism , unspecified hyper■ ur■ ic■ aemia without signs of infl■ am■ matory ar■ thri■ tis and top■ h■ ac■ eous disease les■ ch - ny■ han syndrome other disorders of pur■ ine and py■ ri■ mid■ ine metabol■ ism disorder of pur■ ine and py■ ri■ mid■ ine metabol■ ism , unspecified hereditary er■ y■ thro■ po■ ie■ tic por■ phy■ ria por■ phy■ ria cu■ tane■ a tar■ da other por■ phy■ ria defects of catal■ ase and per■ oxy■ d■ ase gil■ bert ' s syndrome cri■ gl■ er - naj■ jar syndrome other disorders of bi■ li■ rubin metabol■ ism disorder of bi■ li■ rubin metabol■ ism , unspecified disorders of copper metabol■ ism disorders of iron metabol■ ism disorders of zinc metabol■ ism disorders of magnesium metabol■ ism disorder of mineral metabol■ ism , unspecified c■ ys■ tic fi■ bro■ sis with pul■ mon■ ary manifestations c■ ys■ tic fi■ bro■ sis with intest■ inal manifestations c■ ys■ tic fi■ bro■ sis , unspecified n■ onn■ euro■ path■ ic here■ do■ famili■ al amy■ lo■ ido■ sis neuro■ path■ ic here■ do■ famili■ al amy■ lo■ ido■ sis here■ do■ famili■ al amy■ lo■ ido■ sis , unspecified secondary systemic amy■ lo■ ido■ sis organ - limited amy■ lo■ ido■ sis other amy■ lo■ ido■ sis amy■ lo■ ido■ sis , unspecified volume depletion hyper■ o■ sm■ ol■ ality and hyper■ nat■ ra■ emia hy■ po - o■ sm■ ol■ ality and hy■ pon■ at■ ra■ emia aci■ do■ sis al■ k■ alo■ sis mixed disorder of acid - base balance hyper■ kal■ aemia hypo■ kal■ aemia fluid overload other disorders of electro■ ly■ te and fluid balance , not elsewhere classified disorders of plasma - protein metabol■ ism , not elsewhere classified li■ po■ dy■ stro■ phy , not elsewhere classified other specified metabol■ ic disorders metabol■ ic disorder , unspecified post■ procedural hypo■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m post■ procedural hy■ poin■ sul■ in■ aemia post■ procedural hypo■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m post■ procedural hypo■ pit■ uit■ arism post■ procedural o■ vari■ an failure post■ procedural tes■ tic■ ular hypo■ function post■ procedural ad■ re■ no■ cor■ tical ( - med■ ul■ l■ ary ) hypo■ function post■ procedural endocrine and metabol■ ic disorder , unspecified vascular dementia of acute onset multi - inf■ arc■ t dementia sub■ cor■ tical vascular dementia mixed cor■ tical and sub■ cor■ tical vascular dementia vascular dementia , unspecified unspecified dementia organic am■ nes■ ic syndrome , not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances deli■ ri■ um not super■ imposed on dementia , so described deli■ ri■ um super■ imposed on dementia other deli■ ri■ um deli■ ri■ um , unspecified organic halluc■ in■ osis organic cat■ at■ onic disorder organic delu■ sional [ schizophrenia - like ] disorder organic mood [ aff■ ective ] disorders organic anxiety disorder organic dissoci■ ative disorder organic emotionally lab■ ile [ asth■ en■ ic ] disorder mild cognitive disorder other specified mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease organic personality disorder post■ en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tic syndrome post■ con■ cus■ sional syndrome other organic personality and behavi■ our■ al disorders due to brain disease , damage and dysfunction unspecified organic personality and behavi■ our■ al disorder due to brain disease , damage and dysfunction unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome residual and late - onset psychotic disorder other mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders unspecified mental and behavi■ our■ al disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome residual and late - onset psychotic disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome residual and late - onset psychotic disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome residual and late - onset psychotic disorder other mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome residual and late - onset psychotic disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state psychotic disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder am■ nes■ ic syndrome residual and late - onset psychotic disorder acute in■ tox■ ication harmful use dependence syndrome withdrawal state withdrawal state with deli■ ri■ um psychotic disorder residual and late - onset psychotic disorder paranoid schizophrenia he■ be■ ph■ ren■ ic schizophrenia cat■ at■ onic schizophrenia un■ differentiated schizophrenia post■ schizophren■ ic depression residual schizophrenia simple schizophrenia other schizophrenia schizophrenia , unspecified schiz■ o■ typ■ al disorder delu■ sional disorder other persistent delu■ sional disorders persistent delu■ sional disorder , unspecified acute poly■ morph■ ic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia acute poly■ morph■ ic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia acute schizophrenia - like psychotic disorder other acute predominantly delu■ sional psychotic disorders acute and transi■ ent psychotic disorder , unspecified induced delu■ sional disorder schiz■ o■ aff■ ective disorder , man■ ic type schiz■ o■ aff■ ective disorder , depres■ sive type schiz■ o■ aff■ ective disorder , mixed type schiz■ o■ aff■ ective disorder , unspecified other non■ organic psychotic disorders unspecified non■ organic psycho■ sis hypo■ mania mania without psychotic symptoms mania with psychotic symptoms other man■ ic episodes man■ ic episode , unspecified bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode hypo■ man■ ic bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode man■ ic without psychotic symptoms bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode man■ ic with psychotic symptoms bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode mild or moderate depression bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms bipolar aff■ ective disorder , current episode mixed bipolar aff■ ective disorder , currently in remission other bipolar aff■ ective disorders bipolar aff■ ective disorder , unspecified mild depres■ sive episode moderate depres■ sive episode severe depres■ sive episode without psychotic symptoms severe depres■ sive episode with psychotic symptoms other depres■ sive episodes depres■ sive episode , unspecified recurrent depres■ sive disorder , current episode mild recurrent depres■ sive disorder , current episode moderate recurrent depres■ sive disorder , current episode severe without psychotic symptoms recurrent depres■ sive disorder , current episode severe with psychotic symptoms recurrent depres■ sive disorder , currently in remission other recurrent depres■ sive disorders recurrent depres■ sive disorder , unspecified cyclo■ thy■ mia dys■ thy■ mia persistent mood [ aff■ ective ] disorder , unspecified other single mood [ aff■ ective ] disorders other recurrent mood [ aff■ ective ] disorders unspecified mood [ aff■ ective ] disorder social pho■ bias specific ( isolated ) pho■ bias other pho■ bic anxiety disorders pho■ bic anxiety disorder , unspecified panic disorder [ ep■ is■ od■ ic par■ oxy■ sm■ al anxiety ] generalised anxiety disorder mixed anxiety and depres■ sive disorder other mixed anxiety disorders other specified anxiety disorders anxiety disorder , unspecified predominantly obs■ es■ sional thoughts or rumin■ ations predominantly compul■ sive acts [ obs■ es■ sional rit■ uals ] mixed obs■ es■ sional thoughts and acts obs■ essive - compul■ sive disorder , unspecified acute stress reaction post■ traumatic stress disorder adjustment disorders other reactions to severe stress reaction to severe stress , unspecified dissoci■ ative amnesia dissoci■ ative fu■ gue dissoci■ ative stu■ por tr■ ance and possession disorders dissoci■ ative motor disorders dissoci■ ative con■ vul■ sions dissoci■ ative ana■ esthesia and sensory loss mixed dissoci■ ative [ conversion ] disorders dissoci■ ative [ conversion ] disorder , unspecified som■ atisation disorder un■ differentiated som■ ato■ form disorder hypo■ ch■ on■ dri■ ac■ al disorder other som■ ato■ form disorders som■ ato■ form disorder , unspecified ne■ ur■ asth■ enia de■ person■ alisation - dere■ alisation syndrome other specified neuro■ tic disorders neuro■ tic disorder , unspecified atypical an■ ore■ x■ ia ner■ vo■ sa bu■ li■ mia ner■ vo■ sa atypical bu■ li■ mia ner■ vo■ sa over■ eating associated with other psychological disturbances v■ om■ iting associated with other psychological disturbances other eating disorders eating disorder , unspecified non■ organic in■ som■ nia non■ organic hyper■ som■ nia non■ organic disorder of the sleep - wake schedule sleep■ walking [ som■ nam■ bul■ ism ] sleep terr■ ors [ night terr■ ors ] nightmares other non■ organic sleep disorders non■ organic sleep disorder , unspecified lack or loss of sexual desire sexual aversion and lack of sexual enjoyment failure of genital response org■ as■ mic dysfunction premature e■ jac■ ulation non■ organic vag■ in■ is■ mus non■ organic dy■ sp■ are■ un■ ia excessive sexual drive other sexual dysfunction , not caused by organic disorder or disease unspecified sexual dysfunction , not caused by organic disorder or disease mild mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders associated with the puer■ peri■ um , not elsewhere classified severe mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders associated with the puer■ peri■ um , not elsewhere classified other mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders associated with the puer■ peri■ um , not elsewhere classified puer■ per■ al mental disorder , unspecified psychological and behavi■ our■ al factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere unspecified behavi■ our■ al syndro■ mes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors paranoid personality disorder schiz■ o■ id personality disorder dis■ social personality disorder his■ tri■ onic personality disorder an■ an■ k■ astic personality disorder anxious [ avoid■ ant ] personality disorder dependent personality disorder other specific personality disorders personality disorder , unspecified mixed and other personality disorders enduring personality change after catastrophic experience enduring personality change after psychiatric illness enduring personality change , unspecified pathological gambling pathological fire - setting [ py■ romania ] pathological stealing [ kle■ p■ tom■ ania ] tric■ ho■ til■ lo■ mania other habit and impulse disorders habit and impulse disorder , unspecified trans■ sex■ u■ alism dual - role trans■ vesti■ sm gender identity disorder of childhood gender identity disorder , unspecified fe■ ti■ sh■ ism fe■ ti■ sh■ istic trans■ vesti■ sm exhibi■ tion■ ism vo■ ye■ ur■ ism paedophilia sad■ om■ as■ och■ ism multiple disorders of sexual preference other disorders of sexual preference disorder of sexual preference , unspecified sexual matur■ ation disorder ego■ dy■ st■ onic sexual orientation sexual relationship disorder other psycho■ sexual development disorders psycho■ sexual development disorder , unspecified elaboration of physical symptoms for psychological reasons intentional production or fe■ ign■ ing of symptoms or disabilities , either physical or psychological [ fac■ ti■ tious disorder ] other specified disorders of adult personality and behaviour unspecified disorder of adult personality and behaviour other impair■ ments of behaviour without mention of impairment of behaviour other impair■ ments of behaviour without mention of impairment of behaviour significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment other impair■ ments of behaviour without mention of impairment of behaviour significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment other impair■ ments of behaviour without mention of impairment of behaviour with the statement of no , or minimal , impairment of behaviour significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment other impair■ ments of behaviour without mention of impairment of behaviour specific speech artic■ ulation disorder expres■ sive language disorder acquired ap■ ha■ sia with epi■ le■ psy [ land■ au - kle■ ff■ ner ] other developmental disorders of speech and language developmental disorder of speech and langu■ u■ age , unspecified specific reading disorder specific spelling disorder specific disorder of arithme■ tical skills mixed disorder of schol■ astic skills other developmental disorders of schol■ astic skills developmental disorder of schol■ astic skills , unspecified mixed specific developmental disorders childhood au■ tism atypical au■ tism rett ' s syndrome other childhood dis■ integr■ ative disorder over■ active disorder associated with mental retar■ dation and stereo■ ty■ ped movements asper■ ger ' s syndrome pervasive developmental disorder , unspecified other disorders of psychological development unspecified disorder of psychological development disturbance of activity and attention hyper■ k■ ine■ tic conduct disorder other hyper■ k■ ine■ tic disorders hyper■ k■ ine■ tic disorder , unspecified conduct disorder confined to the family context un■ soci■ alised conduct disorder soci■ alised conduct disorder op■ posi■ tional defi■ ant disorder other conduct disorders conduct disorder , unspecified depres■ sive conduct disorder other mixed disorders of conduct and emotions mixed disorder of conduct and emotions , unspecified separation anxiety disorder of childhood pho■ bic anxiety disorder of childhood social anxiety disorder of childhood si■ bling rivalry disorder other childhood emotional disorders childhood emotional disorder , unspecified elec■ tive mu■ tism reactive attachment disorder of childhood dis■ inhi■ bited attachment disorder of childhood childhood disorder of social functioning , unspecified transi■ ent tic disorder chronic motor or vocal tic disorder combined vocal and multiple motor tic disorder [ de la tou■ ret■ te ] other tic disorders tic disorder , unspecified non■ organic en■ co■ pres■ is feeding disorder of infancy and childhood pic■ a of infancy and childhood stu■ t■ tering [ stam■ mering ] clu■ t■ tering other specified behavi■ our■ al and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adoles■ cence unspecified behavi■ our■ al and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adoles■ cence mental disorder , not otherwise specified ha■ em■ oph■ il■ us men■ ing■ i■ tis pneu■ mo■ coc■ cal men■ ing■ i■ tis st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal men■ ing■ i■ tis stap■ hy■ lo■ coc■ cal men■ ing■ i■ tis other bacterial men■ ing■ i■ tis bacterial men■ ing■ i■ tis , unspecified non■ py■ ogenic men■ ing■ i■ tis chronic men■ ing■ i■ tis benign recurrent men■ ing■ i■ tis [ mol■ la■ ret ] men■ ing■ i■ tis due to other specified causes men■ ing■ i■ tis , unspecified acute disseminated en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis tropical sp■ astic par■ ap■ legi■ a bacterial men■ in■ go■ en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis and men■ ing■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , not elsewhere classified other en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis , m■ ye■ li■ tis and encephal■ om■ ye■ li■ tis en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis , m■ ye■ li■ tis and encephal■ om■ ye■ li■ tis , unspecified in■ trac■ ran■ ial abs■ c■ ess and gran■ ul■ oma intr■ asp■ inal abs■ c■ ess and gran■ ul■ oma extrad■ ural and sub■ d■ ural abs■ c■ ess , unspecified in■ trac■ ran■ ial and intr■ asp■ inal ph■ le■ bi■ tis and thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis sequ■ el■ ae of infl■ am■ matory diseases of central nervous system hun■ t■ ington ' s disease con■ genital non■ progressive at■ ax■ ia early - onset cere■ bell■ ar at■ ax■ ia late - onset cere■ bell■ ar at■ ax■ ia cere■ bell■ ar at■ ax■ ia with defective dna repair hereditary sp■ astic par■ ap■ legi■ a other hereditary at■ ax■ ias hereditary at■ ax■ ia , unspecified inf■ anti■ le spinal muscular atro■ phy , type i [ wer■ dni■ g - hoff■ man ] other inherited spinal muscular atro■ phy motor ne■ uron disease other spinal muscular atro■ ph■ ies and related syndro■ mes spinal muscular atro■ phy , unspecified m■ align■ ant neuro■ le■ ptic syndrome other drug - induced secondary par■ k■ ins■ on■ ism secondary par■ k■ ins■ on■ ism due to other external agents post■ en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tic par■ k■ ins■ on■ ism secondary par■ k■ ins■ on■ ism , unspecified hall■ er■ v■ orden - sp■ atz disease progressive supran■ uc■ lear oph■ thal■ mop■ legi■ a [ st■ ee■ le - ric■ hard■ son - ol■ sze■ wski ] stri■ at■ oni■ gr■ al de■ generation other specified degenerative diseases of bas■ al gang■ lia degenerative disease of bas■ al gang■ lia , unspecified drug - induced dy■ st■ onia idi■ opathic famili■ al dy■ st■ onia idi■ opathic non■ famili■ al dy■ st■ onia sp■ as■ mod■ ic tor■ ti■ coll■ is idi■ opathic oro■ facial dy■ st■ onia ble■ phar■ o■ sp■ asm other dy■ st■ onia dy■ st■ onia , unspecified essential trem■ or drug - induced trem■ or other specified forms of trem■ or my■ o■ cl■ onus drug - induced cho■ rea other cho■ rea drug - induced tics and other tics of organic origin extr■ ap■ y■ ram■ idal and movement disorder , unspecified alzheimer ' s disease with early onset alzheimer ' s disease with late onset alzheimer ' s disease , unspecified circum■ scri■ bed brain atro■ phy sen■ ile de■ generation of brain , not elsewhere classified de■ generation of nervous system due to alcohol degenerative disease of nervous system , unspecified neuro■ m■ ye■ li■ tis op■ tica [ dev■ ic ] acute and sub■ acute haemorrha■ gic leuko■ en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis [ hur■ st ] acute disseminated dem■ yel■ ination , unspecified diffuse sclerosis central dem■ yel■ ination of corpus cal■ lo■ sum central pon■ tine my■ el■ in■ ol■ ysis acute trans■ verse m■ ye■ li■ tis in dem■ yel■ inating disease sub■ acute necro■ tising m■ ye■ li■ tis concentr■ ic sclerosis [ bal■ ó ] other specified dem■ yel■ inating diseases of central nervous system dem■ yel■ inating disease of central nervous system loc■ alisation - related ( focal ) ( partial ) symptomatic epi■ le■ psy and epi■ le■ ptic syndro■ mes with simple partial seizures loc■ alisation - related ( focal ) ( partial ) symptomatic epi■ le■ psy and epi■ le■ ptic syndro■ mes with complex partial seizures generalised idi■ opathic epi■ le■ psy and epi■ le■ ptic syndro■ mes other generalised epi■ le■ psy and epi■ le■ ptic syndro■ mes special epi■ le■ ptic syndro■ mes grand mal seizures , unspecified ( with or without peti■ t mal ) peti■ t mal , unspecified , without grand mal seizures other epi■ le■ psy epi■ le■ psy , unspecified grand mal status epi■ le■ p■ tic■ us peti■ t mal status epi■ le■ p■ tic■ us complex partial status epi■ le■ p■ tic■ us other status epi■ le■ p■ tic■ us status epi■ le■ p■ tic■ us , unspecified migr■ aine without a■ ura [ common migr■ aine ] migr■ aine with a■ ura [ classical migr■ aine ] status migr■ ain■ o■ sus complicated migr■ aine other migr■ aine migr■ aine , unspecified cluster headache syndrome vascular headache , not elsewhere classified tension - type headache chronic post■ traumatic headache drug - induced headache , not elsewhere classified other specified headache syndro■ mes disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep [ in■ som■ ni■ as ] disorders of excessive som■ no■ l■ ence [ hyper■ som■ ni■ as ] disorders of the sleep - wake schedule narco■ le■ psy and cat■ ap■ l■ ex■ y other sleep disorders sleep disorder , unspecified tri■ gem■ inal ne■ ur■ al■ gia atypical facial pain other disorders of tri■ gem■ inal nerve disorder of tri■ gem■ inal nerve , unspecified bell ' s pal■ sy gen■ ic■ ulate gang■ li■ oni■ tis mel■ ker■ sson ' s syndrome cl■ onic hem■ i■ facial sp■ asm facial my■ ok■ y■ mia other disorders of facial nerve disorder of facial nerve , unspecified disorders of ol■ factory nerve disorders of glos■ sop■ har■ yn■ ge■ al nerve disorders of vag■ us nerve disorders of hypo■ glos■ sal nerve disorders of multiple cran■ ial nerves disorders of other specified cran■ ial nerves cran■ ial nerve disorder , unspecified br■ achi■ al plex■ us disorders lum■ bo■ sac■ ral plex■ us disorders cer■ vic■ al root disorders , not elsewhere classified thor■ ac■ ic root disorders , not elsewhere classified lum■ bo■ sac■ ral root disorders , not elsewhere classified ne■ ur■ al■ gic am■ yo■ tro■ phy phantom limb syndrome with pain phantom limb syndrome without pain nerve root and plex■ us disorder , unspecified car■ pal tunnel syndrome other le■ sions of median nerve le■ sion of ul■ nar nerve le■ sion of rad■ ial nerve ca■ usal■ gia other mon■ on■ euro■ path■ ies of upper limb mon■ on■ euro■ pa■ thy of upper limb , unspecified le■ sion of sci■ atic nerve mer■ al■ gia par■ a■ esthe■ tica le■ sion of fem■ oral nerve le■ sion of lateral po■ pl■ ite■ al nerve le■ sion of medi■ al po■ pl■ ite■ al nerve tar■ sal tunnel syndrome le■ sion of plan■ tar nerve other mon■ on■ euro■ path■ ies of lower limb mon■ on■ euro■ pa■ thy of lower limb , unspecified inter■ cost■ al neuro■ pa■ thy mon■ on■ eur■ i■ tis multi■ pl■ ex other specified mon■ on■ euro■ path■ ies mon■ on■ euro■ pa■ thy , unspecified hereditary motor and sensory neuro■ pa■ thy ref■ sum ' s disease neuro■ pa■ thy in association with hereditary at■ ax■ ia idi■ opathic progressive neuro■ pa■ thy other hereditary and idi■ opathic neuro■ path■ ies hereditary and idi■ opathic neuro■ pa■ thy , unspecified guil■ lain - bar■ r■ ú syndrome serum neuro■ pa■ thy other infl■ am■ matory pol■ yn■ euro■ path■ ies infl■ am■ matory pol■ yn■ euro■ pa■ thy , unspecified drug - induced pol■ yn■ euro■ pa■ thy alcoholic pol■ yn■ euro■ pa■ thy pol■ yn■ euro■ pa■ thy due to other toxic agents pol■ yn■ euro■ pa■ thy , unspecified other disorders of peripheral nervous system my■ asth■ enia grav■ is toxic my■ on■ eur■ al disorders con■ genital and developmental my■ asth■ enia other specified my■ on■ eur■ al disorders my■ on■ eur■ al disorder , unspecified muscular dy■ stro■ phy my■ o■ tonic disorders con■ genital my■ opath■ ies mit■ och■ on■ dri■ al my■ opathy , not elsewhere classified other primary disorders of muscles primary disorder of muscle , unspecified drug - induced my■ opathy alcoholic my■ opathy my■ opathy due to other toxic agents periodic paralysis infl■ am■ matory my■ opathy , not elsewhere classified my■ opathy , unspecified sp■ astic cere■ br■ al pal■ sy sp■ astic di■ ple■ gia inf■ anti■ le hem■ ip■ legi■ a dy■ sk■ ine■ tic cere■ br■ al pal■ sy at■ ax■ ic cere■ br■ al pal■ sy other inf■ anti■ le cere■ br■ al pal■ sy inf■ anti■ le cere■ br■ al pal■ sy , unspecified fl■ acci■ d hem■ ip■ legi■ a sp■ astic hem■ ip■ legi■ a hem■ ip■ legi■ a , unspecified di■ ple■ gia of upper limbs mon■ op■ legi■ a of lower limb mon■ op■ legi■ a of upper limb mon■ op■ legi■ a , unspecified other specified paraly■ tic syndro■ mes paraly■ tic syndrome , unspecified famili■ al dys■ autonom■ ia [ ri■ ley - day ] hor■ ner ' s syndrome other disorders of autonom■ ic nervous system disorder of autonom■ ic nervous system , unspecified communicating hydro■ cephal■ us obstruc■ tive hydro■ cephal■ us post■ traumatic hydro■ cephal■ us , unspecified hydro■ cephal■ us , unspecified toxic encephalopathy cere■ br■ al cy■ sts an■ ox■ ic brain damage , not elsewhere classified benign in■ trac■ ran■ ial hyper■ tension post■ viral fatigue syndrome encephalopathy , unspecified compression of brain cere■ br■ al oe■ dem■ a re■ ye ' s syndrome disorder of brain , unspecified syr■ ing■ om■ ye■ lia and syr■ in■ go■ bul■ bia cord compression , unspecified disease of spinal cord , unspecified cere■ bro■ spinal fluid leak disorders of men■ inges , not elsewhere classified other specified disorders of central nervous system disorder of central nervous system , unspecified cere■ bro■ spinal fluid leak from spinal punc■ ture other reaction to spinal and lum■ bar punc■ ture in■ trac■ ran■ ial hypo■ tension following ven■ tric■ ular sh■ unting post■ procedural disorder of nervous system , unspecified other disorders of nervous system , not elsewhere classified hor■ de■ ol■ um and other deep infl■ amm■ ation of eye■ lid chal■ az■ ion ble■ ph■ ari■ tis non - infectious der■ mato■ ses of eye■ lid other specified infl■ amm■ ation of eye■ lid infl■ amm■ ation of eye■ lid , unspecified ent■ ro■ p■ ion and tric■ hi■ asis of eye■ lid ec■ tro■ p■ ion of eye■ lid lag■ oph■ thal■ mos ble■ phar■ och■ al■ asis pto■ sis of eye■ lid other disorders affecting eye■ lid function x■ anth■ el■ as■ ma of eye■ lid other degenerative disorders of eye■ lid and peri■ oc■ ular area other specified disorders of eye■ lid disorder of eye■ lid , unspecified d■ ac■ ry■ o■ ad■ eni■ tis other disorders of lac■ ri■ mal g■ land ep■ ip■ hor■ a acute and unspecified infl■ amm■ ation of lac■ ri■ mal passages chronic infl■ amm■ ation of lac■ ri■ mal passages sten■ osis and in■ sufficiency of lac■ ri■ mal passages other changes in lac■ ri■ mal passages other disorders of lac■ ri■ mal system disorder of lac■ ri■ mal system , unspecified acute infl■ amm■ ation of orbit chronic infl■ am■ matory disorders of orbit ex■ oph■ thal■ mic conditions de■ form■ ity of orbit en■ oph■ thal■ mos retained ( old ) foreign body following penetr■ ating wound of orbit other disorders of orbit disorder of orbit , unspecified mu■ co■ pur■ ul■ ent con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis acute at■ op■ ic con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis other acute con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis acute con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis , unspecified chronic con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis ble■ phar■ o■ con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis other con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis , unspecified p■ ter■ y■ gi■ um con■ junc■ ti■ val de■ generations and deposits con■ junc■ ti■ val scars con■ junc■ ti■ val haemorrha■ ge other con■ junc■ ti■ val vascular disorders and cy■ sts other specified disorders of con■ junc■ tiva disorder of con■ junc■ tiva , unspecified s■ cl■ eri■ tis ep■ is■ cl■ eri■ tis other disorders of s■ cl■ era disorder of s■ cl■ era , unspecified cor■ ne■ al ul■ cer other superficial ker■ ati■ tis without con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis ker■ ato■ con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis inter■ sti■ tial and deep ker■ ati■ tis cor■ ne■ al ne■ ov■ as■ cul■ arisation other ker■ ati■ tis ker■ ati■ tis , unspecified adher■ ent leuk■ oma other central cor■ ne■ al op■ acity other cor■ ne■ al scars and op■ ac■ ities cor■ ne■ al scar and op■ acity , unspecified cor■ ne■ al pi■ gm■ ent■ ations and deposits bull■ ous ker■ at■ opathy other cor■ ne■ al oe■ dem■ a changes in cor■ ne■ al memb■ ran■ es cor■ ne■ al de■ generation hereditary cor■ ne■ al dy■ stro■ ph■ ies ker■ ato■ con■ us other cor■ ne■ al de■ form■ ities other specified disorders of cor■ ne■ a disorder of cor■ ne■ a , unspecified acute and sub■ acute i■ ri■ do■ cy■ cli■ tis chronic i■ ri■ do■ cy■ cli■ tis lens - induced i■ ri■ do■ cy■ cli■ tis other i■ ri■ do■ cy■ cli■ tis i■ ri■ do■ cy■ cli■ tis , unspecified hyp■ ha■ ema other vascular disorders of iris and ci■ li■ ary body de■ generation of iris and ci■ li■ ary body cyst of iris , ci■ li■ ary body and an■ terior chamber pu■ pill■ ary memb■ ran■ es other adhe■ sions and disruptions of iris and ci■ li■ ary body other specified disorders of iris and ci■ li■ ary body disorder of iris and ci■ li■ ary body , unspecified sen■ ile incipient cat■ ar■ act sen■ ile nuclear cat■ ar■ act sen■ ile cat■ ar■ act , mor■ g■ ag■ ni■ an type other sen■ ile cat■ ar■ act sen■ ile cat■ ar■ act , unspecified inf■ anti■ le , juvenile and pres■ en■ ile cat■ ar■ act traumatic cat■ ar■ act complicated cat■ ar■ act drug - induced cat■ ar■ act after - cat■ ar■ act other specified cat■ ar■ act cat■ ar■ act , unspecified ap■ ha■ k■ ia dis■ location of lens other specified disorders of lens disorder of lens , unspecified focal ch■ ori■ ore■ tin■ al infl■ amm■ ation disseminated ch■ ori■ ore■ tin■ al infl■ amm■ ation poster■ ior cy■ cli■ tis other ch■ ori■ ore■ tin■ al infl■ amm■ ations ch■ ori■ ore■ tin■ al infl■ amm■ ation , unspecified ch■ ori■ ore■ tin■ al scars chor■ o■ idal de■ generation hereditary chor■ o■ idal dy■ stro■ phy chor■ o■ idal haemorrha■ ge and rupture chor■ o■ idal det■ achment other specified disorders of chor■ o■ id disorder of chor■ o■ id , unspecified re■ tin■ al det■ achment with re■ tin■ al break re■ tin■ o■ sch■ is■ is and re■ tin■ al cy■ sts ser■ ous re■ tin■ al det■ achment re■ tin■ al breaks without det■ achment traction det■ achment of re■ tina other re■ tin■ al det■ ach■ ments transi■ ent re■ tin■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion central re■ tin■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion other re■ tin■ al artery oc■ clu■ sions other re■ tin■ al vascular oc■ clu■ sions re■ tin■ al vascular oc■ clu■ sion , unspecified background re■ tin■ opathy and re■ tin■ al vascular changes re■ tin■ opathy of pre■ maturity other prolifer■ ative re■ tin■ opathy de■ generation of mac■ ula and poster■ ior pole peripheral re■ tin■ al de■ generation hereditary re■ tin■ al dy■ stro■ phy re■ tin■ al haemorrha■ ge separation of re■ tin■ al layers other specified re■ tin■ al disorders re■ tin■ al disorder , unspecified gl■ au■ coma suspect primary open - angle gl■ au■ coma primary angle - closure gl■ au■ coma gl■ au■ coma secondary to eye trauma gl■ au■ coma secondary to eye infl■ amm■ ation gl■ au■ coma secondary to other eye disorders gl■ au■ coma secondary to drugs other gl■ au■ coma gl■ au■ coma , unspecified vit■ re■ ous pro■ lapse vit■ re■ ous haemorrha■ ge cryst■ alline deposits in vit■ re■ ous body other vit■ re■ ous op■ ac■ ities other disorders of vit■ re■ ous body disorder of vit■ re■ ous body , unspecified pur■ ul■ ent end■ oph■ thal■ miti■ s other end■ oph■ thal■ miti■ s degenerative myop■ ia other degenerative disorders of globe hy■ pot■ ony of eye de■ generated conditions of globe retained ( old ) intra■ oc■ ular foreign body , magnetic retained ( old ) intra■ oc■ ular foreign body , non■ magnetic other disorders of globe disorder of globe , unspecified op■ tic ne■ uri■ tis disorders of op■ tic nerve , not elsewhere classified pap■ il■ lo■ e■ dem■ a , unspecified op■ tic atro■ phy other disorders of op■ tic disk disorders of op■ tic chi■ asm disorders of other visual pathways disorders of visual cor■ tex disorder of visual pathways , unspecified third [ oc■ ul■ om■ o■ tor ] nerve pal■ sy fourth [ tro■ ch■ lear ] nerve pal■ sy sixth [ abduc■ ent ] nerve pal■ sy total ( external ) oph■ thal■ mop■ legi■ a progressive external oph■ thal■ mop■ legi■ a other paraly■ tic str■ ab■ is■ mus paraly■ tic str■ ab■ is■ mus , unspecified conver■ gent concomitant str■ ab■ is■ mus divergent concomitant str■ ab■ is■ mus vertical str■ ab■ is■ mus inter■ mit■ tent hetero■ tro■ p■ ia other and unspecified hetero■ tro■ p■ ia heter■ oph■ oria mechanical str■ ab■ is■ mus other specified str■ ab■ is■ mus str■ ab■ is■ mus , unspecified pal■ sy of con■ ju■ gate gaze convergence in■ sufficiency and excess inter■ nuclear oph■ thal■ mop■ legi■ a other specified disorders of bin■ oc■ ular movement disorder of bin■ oc■ ular movement , unspecified hyper■ metro■ p■ ia myop■ ia as■ ti■ gm■ atism anis■ ome■ tro■ p■ ia and anis■ ei■ k■ onia pres■ by■ op■ ia disorders of accommodation disorder of ref■ r■ action , unspecified am■ bl■ y■ op■ ia ex an■ op■ sia subjective visual disturbances di■ pl■ op■ ia other disorders of bin■ oc■ ular vision visual field defects colour vision deficiencies night blindness other visual disturbances visual disturbance , unspecified blindness , both eyes blindness , one eye , low vision , other eye low vision , both eyes unqualified visual loss , both eyes blindness , one eye low vision , one eye unqualified visual loss , one eye ny■ stag■ mus and other irregular eye movements anomalies of pu■ pill■ ary function oc■ ular pain other specified disorders of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a disorder of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a , unspecified vit■ re■ ous syndrome following cat■ ar■ act surgery other post■ procedural disorders of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a post■ procedural disorder of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a , unspecified abs■ c■ ess of external ear cell■ u■ li■ tis of external ear m■ align■ ant o■ ti■ tis exter■ na other infec■ tive o■ ti■ tis exter■ na cho■ le■ ste■ atom■ a of external ear acute o■ ti■ tis exter■ na , non - infec■ tive other o■ ti■ tis exter■ na o■ ti■ tis exter■ na , unspecified peric■ hon■ dri■ tis of external ear non - infec■ tive disorders of pin■ na imp■ acted cer■ umen acquired sten■ osis of external ear canal other specified disorders of external ear disorder of external ear , unspecified acute ser■ ous o■ ti■ tis media other acute non■ sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media chronic ser■ ous o■ ti■ tis media chronic mu■ co■ id o■ ti■ tis media other chronic non■ sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media non■ sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media , unspecified acute sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media chronic tu■ bo■ ty■ mp■ anic sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media chronic at■ ti■ co■ an■ tr■ al sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media other chronic sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media sup■ pur■ ative o■ ti■ tis media , unspecified o■ ti■ tis media , unspecified eu■ st■ achi■ an sal■ p■ ing■ i■ tis obstruction of eu■ st■ achi■ an tube pat■ ulous eu■ st■ achi■ an tube other specified disorders of eu■ st■ achi■ an tube eu■ st■ achi■ an tube disorder , unspecified acute ma■ sto■ idi■ tis chronic ma■ sto■ idi■ tis petro■ si■ tis other ma■ sto■ idi■ tis and related conditions ma■ sto■ idi■ tis , unspecified cho■ le■ ste■ atom■ a of middle ear central per■ for■ ation of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane attic per■ for■ ation of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane other marginal per■ for■ ations of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane other per■ for■ ations of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane per■ for■ ation of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane , unspecified acute my■ ring■ i■ tis chronic my■ ring■ i■ tis other specified disorders of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane disorder of ty■ mp■ anic memb■ rane , unspecified ty■ mp■ an■ os■ clerosis adhe■ sive middle ear disease dis■ continuity and dis■ location of ear os■ sic■ les other acquired ab■ norm■ alities of ear os■ sic■ les poly■ p of middle ear other specified disorders of middle ear and ma■ sto■ id disorder of middle ear and ma■ sto■ id , unspecified o■ tos■ clerosis involving o■ val window , non■ obliter■ ative o■ tos■ clerosis involving o■ val window , obliter■ ative co■ ch■ lear o■ tos■ clerosis o■ tos■ clerosis , unspecified m■ ú■ ni■ þ■ re ' s disease benign par■ oxy■ sm■ al ver■ ti■ go vesti■ bul■ ar neuro■ ni■ tis other peripheral ver■ ti■ go ver■ ti■ go of central origin other disorders of vesti■ bul■ ar function disorder of vesti■ bul■ ar function , unspecified labyrin■ thi■ tis labyrin■ th■ ine f■ ist■ ula labyrin■ th■ ine dysfunction noise effects on inner ear other specified diseases of inner ear disease of inner ear , unspecified conduc■ tive hearing loss , bilateral conduc■ tive hearing loss , unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contr■ al■ ateral side conduc■ tive hearing loss , unspecified sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss , bilateral sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss , unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contr■ al■ ateral side sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss , unspecified mixed conduc■ tive and sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss , bilateral mixed conduc■ tive and sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss , unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contr■ al■ ateral side mixed conduc■ tive and sens■ or■ in■ eur■ al hearing loss , unspecified o■ to■ toxic hearing loss pres■ by■ cus■ is sudden idi■ opathic hearing loss deaf mu■ tism , not elsewhere classified hearing loss , unspecified o■ tal■ gia o■ tor■ rho■ ea o■ tor■ rha■ gia degenerative and vascular disorders of ear tin■ nit■ us other abnormal aud■ itory perceptions disorders of acous■ tic nerve other specified disorders of ear disorder of ear , unspecified recurrent cho■ le■ ste■ atom■ a of post■ ma■ sto■ i■ dec■ tomy cav■ ity other disorders following ma■ sto■ i■ dec■ tomy post■ procedural disorder of ear and ma■ sto■ id process , unspecified r■ heu■ matic fever without mention of heart involvement acute r■ heu■ matic peric■ ardi■ tis acute r■ heu■ matic endo■ cardi■ tis acute r■ heu■ matic my■ o■ cardi■ tis other acute r■ heu■ matic heart disease acute r■ heu■ matic heart disease , unspecified r■ heu■ matic cho■ rea with heart involvement r■ heu■ matic cho■ rea without heart involvement mit■ ral sten■ osis r■ heu■ matic mit■ ral in■ sufficiency mit■ ral sten■ osis with in■ sufficiency other mit■ ral valve diseases mit■ ral valve disease , unspecified r■ heu■ matic a■ or■ tic sten■ osis r■ heu■ matic a■ or■ tic in■ sufficiency r■ heu■ matic a■ or■ tic sten■ osis with in■ sufficiency other r■ heu■ matic a■ or■ tic valve diseases r■ heu■ matic a■ or■ tic valve disease , unspecified tric■ us■ pid sten■ osis tric■ us■ pid in■ sufficiency tric■ us■ pid sten■ osis with in■ sufficiency other tric■ us■ pid valve diseases tric■ us■ pid valve disease , unspecified disorders of both mit■ ral and a■ or■ tic valves disorders of both mit■ ral and tric■ us■ pid valves disorders of both a■ or■ tic and tric■ us■ pid valves combined disorders of mit■ ral , a■ or■ tic and tric■ us■ pid valves other multiple valve diseases multiple valve disease , unspecified r■ heu■ matic my■ o■ cardi■ tis r■ heu■ matic diseases of endo■ cardi■ um , valve unspecified chronic r■ heu■ matic peric■ ardi■ tis other specified r■ heu■ matic heart diseases r■ heu■ matic heart disease , unspecified unstable ang■ ina ang■ ina pec■ tor■ is with documented sp■ asm other forms of ang■ ina pec■ tor■ is ang■ ina pec■ tor■ is , unspecified acute trans■ m■ ural my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of an■ terior wall acute trans■ m■ ural my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of inferior wall acute trans■ m■ ural my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of other sites acute trans■ m■ ural my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of unspecified site acute sub■ endo■ cardi■ al my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion , unspecified subsequent my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of an■ terior wall subsequent my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of inferior wall subsequent my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of other sites subsequent my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion of unspecified site ha■ em■ oper■ ic■ ardi■ um as current complic■ ation following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion atri■ al sep■ tal defect as current complic■ ation following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion ven■ tric■ ular sep■ tal defect as current complic■ ation following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion rupture of cardiac wall without ha■ em■ oper■ ic■ ardi■ um as current complic■ ation following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion rupture of ch■ ord■ ae tend■ ine■ ae as current complic■ ation following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion rupture of pap■ ill■ ary muscle as current complic■ ation following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion thro■ m■ bo■ sis of atri■ um , aur■ icular append■ age , and ven■ tric■ le as current complications following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion other current complications following acute my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion coron■ ary thro■ m■ bo■ sis not resulting in my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion dres■ sl■ er ' s syndrome other forms of acute is■ cha■ emic heart disease acute is■ cha■ emic heart disease , unspecified a■ ther■ os■ cl■ erotic cardiovascular disease , so described an■ eur■ ys■ m of heart coron■ ary artery an■ eur■ ys■ m is■ cha■ emic cardi■ om■ y■ opathy silent my■ o■ cardi■ al is■ cha■ emia other forms of chronic is■ cha■ emic heart disease chronic is■ cha■ emic heart disease , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary embol■ ism with mention of acute cor pul■ mon■ ale pul■ mon■ ary embol■ ism without mention of acute cor pul■ mon■ ale primary pul■ mon■ ary hyper■ tension ky■ pho■ sco■ li■ otic heart disease other specified pul■ mon■ ary heart diseases pul■ mon■ ary heart disease , unspecified arter■ io■ ven■ ous f■ ist■ ula of pul■ mon■ ary vessels an■ eur■ ys■ m of pul■ mon■ ary artery other specified diseases of pul■ mon■ ary vessels disease of pul■ mon■ ary vessels , unspecified acute non■ specific idi■ opathic peric■ ardi■ tis infec■ tive peric■ ardi■ tis other forms of acute peric■ ardi■ tis acute peric■ ardi■ tis , unspecified chronic adhe■ sive peric■ ardi■ tis chronic con■ stric■ tive peric■ ardi■ tis ha■ em■ oper■ ic■ ardi■ um , not elsewhere classified peric■ ardi■ al eff■ usion ( non■ infl■ am■ matory ) other specified diseases of peric■ ardi■ um disease of peric■ ardi■ um , unspecified acute and sub■ acute infec■ tive endo■ cardi■ tis acute endo■ cardi■ tis , unspecified mit■ ral ( valve ) in■ sufficiency mit■ ral ( valve ) pro■ lapse non■ r■ heu■ matic mit■ ral ( valve ) sten■ osis non■ r■ heu■ matic mit■ ral valve disorder , unspecified a■ or■ tic ( valve ) sten■ osis a■ or■ tic ( valve ) in■ sufficiency a■ or■ tic ( valve ) sten■ osis with in■ sufficiency other a■ or■ tic valve disorders a■ or■ tic valve disorder , unspecified non■ r■ heu■ matic tric■ us■ pid ( valve ) sten■ osis non■ r■ heu■ matic tric■ us■ pid ( valve ) in■ sufficiency non■ r■ heu■ matic tric■ us■ pid ( valve ) sten■ osis with in■ sufficiency other non■ r■ heu■ matic tric■ us■ pid valve disorders non■ r■ heu■ matic tric■ us■ pid valve disorder , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary valve sten■ osis pul■ mon■ ary valve in■ sufficiency pul■ mon■ ary valve sten■ osis with in■ sufficiency other pul■ mon■ ary valve disorders pul■ mon■ ary valve disorder , unspecified endo■ cardi■ tis , valve unspecified infec■ tive my■ o■ cardi■ tis isolated my■ o■ cardi■ tis other acute my■ o■ cardi■ tis acute my■ o■ cardi■ tis , unspecified dil■ ated cardi■ om■ y■ opathy obstruc■ tive hyper■ troph■ ic cardi■ om■ y■ opathy other hyper■ troph■ ic cardi■ om■ y■ opathy end■ om■ yo■ cardi■ al ( e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic ) disease endo■ cardi■ al fi■ bro■ el■ ast■ osis other restrictive cardi■ om■ y■ opathy alcoholic cardi■ om■ y■ opathy cardi■ om■ y■ opathy due to drugs and other external agents cardi■ om■ y■ opathy , unspecified atri■ o■ ven■ tric■ ular block , first degree atri■ o■ ven■ tric■ ular block , second degree atri■ o■ ven■ tric■ ular block , complete other and unspecified atri■ o■ ven■ tric■ ular block left an■ terior fasc■ icular block left poster■ ior fasc■ icular block other and unspecified fasc■ icular block left bundle - branch block , unspecified right fasc■ icular block other and unspecified right bundle - branch block bi■ fasc■ icular block tri■ fasc■ icular block non■ specific intra■ ven■ tric■ ular block other specified heart block pre■ exc■ itation syndrome other specified conduc■ tion disorders conduc■ tion disorder , unspecified cardiac arrest with successful resusc■ itation sudden cardiac death , so described cardiac arrest , unspecified re■ entry ven■ tric■ ular arr■ hy■ th■ mia su■ pra■ ven■ tric■ ular t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia ven■ tric■ ular t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia par■ oxy■ sm■ al t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia , unspecified ven■ tric■ ular fi■ bri■ ll■ ation and fl■ utter atri■ al premature de■ polarisation junc■ tional premature de■ polarisation ven■ tric■ ular premature de■ polarisation other and unspecified premature de■ polarisation sick sin■ us syndrome other specified cardiac arr■ hy■ th■ mi■ as cardiac arr■ hy■ th■ mia , unspecified heart failure , unspecified cardiac sep■ tal defect , acquired rupture of ch■ ord■ ae tend■ ine■ ae , not elsewhere classified rupture of pap■ ill■ ary muscle , not elsewhere classified in■ trac■ ardi■ ac thro■ m■ bo■ sis , not elsewhere classified my■ o■ cardi■ tis , unspecified my■ o■ cardi■ al de■ generation cardiovascular disease , unspecified cardi■ om■ eg■ al■ y other ill - defined heart diseases heart disease , unspecified sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from caro■ ti■ d si■ ph■ on and bi■ fur■ c■ ation sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from middle cere■ br■ al artery sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from an■ terior communicating artery sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from poster■ ior communicating artery sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from basi■ l■ ar artery sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from vertebr■ al artery sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from other in■ trac■ ran■ ial arter■ ies sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge from in■ trac■ ran■ ial artery , unspecified other sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge , unspecified in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge in hemisphere , sub■ cor■ tical in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge in hemisphere , cor■ tical in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge in hemisphere , unspecified in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge in brain stem in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge in cere■ bell■ um in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge , intra■ ven■ tric■ ular in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge , multiple loc■ alised other in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge , unspecified non■ traumatic extrad■ ural haemorrha■ ge in■ trac■ ran■ ial haemorrha■ ge ( non■ traumatic ) , unspecified cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to thro■ m■ bo■ sis of prec■ ere■ br■ al arter■ ies cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to embol■ ism of prec■ ere■ br■ al arter■ ies cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to unspecified oc■ clu■ sion or sten■ osis of prec■ ere■ br■ al arter■ ies cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to thro■ m■ bo■ sis of cere■ br■ al arter■ ies cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to embol■ ism of cere■ br■ al arter■ ies cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to unspecified oc■ clu■ sion or sten■ osis of cere■ br■ al arter■ ies cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion due to cere■ br■ al ven■ ous thro■ m■ bo■ sis , non■ py■ ogenic other cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion , unspecified stroke , not specified as haemorrha■ ge or inf■ arc■ tion oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of vertebr■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of basi■ l■ ar artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of caro■ ti■ d artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of multiple and bilateral prec■ ere■ br■ al arter■ ies oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of other prec■ ere■ br■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of unspecified prec■ ere■ br■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of middle cere■ br■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of an■ terior cere■ br■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of poster■ ior cere■ br■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of cere■ bell■ ar arter■ ies oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of multiple and bilateral cere■ br■ al arter■ ies oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of other cere■ br■ al artery oc■ clu■ sion and sten■ osis of unspecified cere■ br■ al artery dis■ section of cere■ br■ al arter■ ies , non■ rup■ tured cere■ br■ al a■ ther■ os■ clerosis progressive vascular leuko■ encephalopathy hyper■ ten■ sive encephalopathy mo■ yam■ o■ ya disease non■ py■ ogenic thro■ m■ bo■ sis of in■ trac■ ran■ ial ven■ ous system cere■ br■ al arter■ i■ tis , not elsewhere classified cere■ bro■ vascular disease , unspecified sequ■ el■ ae of sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge sequ■ el■ ae of in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge sequ■ el■ ae of other non■ traumatic in■ trac■ ran■ ial haemorrha■ ge sequ■ el■ ae of cere■ br■ al inf■ arc■ tion sequ■ el■ ae of stroke , not specified as haemorrha■ ge or inf■ arc■ tion sequ■ el■ ae of other and unspecified cere■ bro■ vascular diseases a■ ther■ os■ clerosis of a■ or■ ta a■ ther■ os■ clerosis of ren■ al artery a■ ther■ os■ clerosis of other arter■ ies generalised and unspecified a■ ther■ os■ clerosis thor■ ac■ ic a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m , rup■ tured thor■ ac■ ic a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m , without mention of rupture ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m , rup■ tured ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m , without mention of rupture thor■ a■ co■ ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m , rup■ tured thor■ a■ co■ ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m , without mention of rupture a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m of unspecified site , rup■ tured a■ or■ tic an■ eur■ ys■ m of unspecified site , without mention of rupture an■ eur■ ys■ m of caro■ ti■ d artery an■ eur■ ys■ m of artery of upper extre■ mity an■ eur■ ys■ m of ren■ al artery an■ eur■ ys■ m of ili■ ac artery an■ eur■ ys■ m of artery of lower extre■ mity an■ eur■ ys■ m of other specified arter■ ies an■ eur■ ys■ m of unspecified site ray■ n■ aud ' s syndrome thro■ m■ bo■ an■ gi■ i■ tis obliter■ ans [ bu■ er■ ger ] other specified peripheral vascular diseases peripheral vascular disease , unspecified embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ ta embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of other and unspecified parts of a■ or■ ta embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of arter■ ies of upper extre■ mi■ ties embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of arter■ ies of lower extre■ mi■ ties embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of arter■ ies of extre■ mi■ ties , unspecified embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of ili■ ac artery embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of other arter■ ies embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of unspecified artery arter■ io■ ven■ ous f■ ist■ ula , acquired stric■ ture of artery rupture of artery arter■ ial fi■ bro■ muscular dys■ pl■ asia co■ eli■ ac artery compression syndrome necro■ sis of artery arter■ i■ tis , unspecified other specified disorders of arter■ ies and arter■ i■ oles disorder of arter■ ies and arter■ i■ oles , unspecified hereditary haemorrha■ gic tel■ an■ gi■ ec■ ta■ sia na■ ev■ us , non■ ne■ op■ l■ astic other diseases of cap■ il■ lar■ ies disease of cap■ il■ lar■ ies , unspecified ph■ le■ bi■ tis and thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis of superficial vessels of lower extre■ mi■ ties ph■ le■ bi■ tis and thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis of fem■ oral vein ph■ le■ bi■ tis and thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis of lower extre■ mi■ ties , unspecified ph■ le■ bi■ tis and thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis of unspecified site portal vein thro■ m■ bo■ sis bud■ d - chi■ ari syndrome thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis migr■ ans embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of ven■ a cav■ a embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of ren■ al vein embol■ ism and thro■ m■ bo■ sis of unspecified vein vari■ cose ve■ ins of lower extre■ mi■ ties with ul■ cer vari■ cose ve■ ins of lower extre■ mi■ ties with infl■ amm■ ation vari■ cose ve■ ins of lower extre■ mi■ ties with both ul■ cer and infl■ amm■ ation vari■ cose ve■ ins of lower extre■ mi■ ties without ul■ cer or infl■ amm■ ation o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al var■ ices with bleeding o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al var■ ices without bleeding su■ bl■ ing■ ual var■ ices scro■ tal var■ ices pel■ vic var■ ices vul■ val var■ ices ga■ str■ ic var■ ices compression of vein other specified disorders of ve■ ins disorder of vein , unspecified non■ specific mes■ enter■ ic lymp■ had■ eni■ tis chronic lymp■ had■ eni■ tis , except mes■ enter■ ic other non■ specific lymp■ had■ eni■ tis non■ specific lymp■ had■ eni■ tis , unspecified lymp■ han■ gi■ tis other specified non - infec■ tive disorders of lymp■ h■ atic vessels and lymp■ h no■ des non - infec■ tive disorder of lymp■ h■ atic vessels and lymp■ h no■ des , unspecified idi■ opathic hypo■ tension orth■ o■ static hypo■ tension hypo■ tension due to drugs other hypo■ tension hypo■ tension , unspecified post■ cardi■ o■ tomy syndrome other functional disturbances following cardiac surgery post■ procedural disorder of circul■ atory system , unspecified other and unspecified disorders of circul■ atory system acute nas■ op■ har■ yn■ gi■ tis [ common cold ] acute max■ ill■ ary sin■ u■ si■ tis acute frontal sin■ u■ si■ tis acute eth■ mo■ idal sin■ u■ si■ tis acute sp■ hen■ o■ idal sin■ u■ si■ tis acute pan■ sin■ u■ si■ tis other acute sin■ u■ si■ tis acute sin■ u■ si■ tis , unspecified st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal phar■ yn■ gi■ tis acute phar■ yn■ gi■ tis due to other specified organisms acute phar■ yn■ gi■ tis , unspecified st■ rep■ to■ coc■ cal ton■ sil■ li■ tis acute ton■ sil■ li■ tis due to other specified organisms acute ton■ sil■ li■ tis , unspecified acute lar■ yn■ gi■ tis acute trac■ hei■ tis acute lar■ yn■ go■ trac■ hei■ tis acute obstruc■ tive lar■ yn■ gi■ tis [ cro■ up ] acute ep■ ig■ lot■ ti■ tis acute lar■ yn■ g■ op■ har■ yn■ gi■ tis other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites acute upper respiratory infection , unspecified influenza with pneumonia , influenza virus identified influenza with other respiratory manifestations , other influenza virus identified influenza with other manifestations , influenza virus identified influenza with pneumonia , virus not identified influenza with other respiratory manifestations , virus not identified influenza with other manifestations , virus not identified aden■ o■ viral pneumonia respiratory syn■ cy■ tial virus pneumonia par■ ain■ flu■ enza virus pneumonia viral pneumonia , unspecified pneumonia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us pneu■ mon■ i■ ae pneumonia due to ha■ em■ oph■ il■ us influ■ enz■ ae pneumonia due to kle■ b■ si■ ella pneu■ mon■ i■ ae pneumonia due to pseu■ dom■ onas pneumonia due to stap■ hy■ lo■ co■ cc■ us pneumonia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us , group b pneumonia due to other st■ rep■ to■ coc■ ci pneumonia due to es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli pneumonia due to other aer■ ob■ ic gram - negative bacteria pneumonia due to my■ co■ plasma pneu■ mon■ i■ ae bacterial pneumonia , unspecified ch■ lam■ y■ dial pneumonia pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms bron■ chop■ neu■ monia , unspecified lob■ ar pneumonia , unspecified hy■ post■ atic pneumonia , unspecified other pneumonia , organism unspecified pneumonia , unspecified acute bron■ chi■ tis due to my■ co■ plasma pneu■ mon■ i■ ae acute bron■ chi■ tis due to ha■ em■ oph■ il■ us influ■ enz■ ae acute bron■ chi■ tis due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us acute bron■ chi■ tis due to co■ x■ s■ ack■ ie virus acute bron■ chi■ tis due to par■ ain■ flu■ enza virus acute bron■ chi■ tis due to respiratory syn■ cy■ tial virus acute bron■ chi■ tis due to rhin■ o■ virus acute bron■ chi■ tis due to echo■ virus acute bron■ chi■ tis due to other specified organisms acute bron■ chi■ tis , unspecified acute bron■ chi■ oli■ tis due to respiratory syn■ cy■ tial virus acute bron■ chi■ oli■ tis due to other specified organisms acute bron■ chi■ oli■ tis , unspecified unspecified acute lower respiratory infection vas■ om■ o■ tor rh■ initi■ s allergic rh■ initi■ s due to poll■ en other seasonal allergic rh■ initi■ s other allergic rh■ initi■ s allergic rh■ initi■ s , unspecified chronic rh■ initi■ s chronic nas■ op■ har■ yn■ gi■ tis chronic phar■ yn■ gi■ tis chronic max■ ill■ ary sin■ u■ si■ tis chronic frontal sin■ u■ si■ tis chronic eth■ mo■ idal sin■ u■ si■ tis chronic sp■ hen■ o■ idal sin■ u■ si■ tis chronic pan■ sin■ u■ si■ tis other chronic sin■ u■ si■ tis chronic sin■ u■ si■ tis , unspecified poly■ p of nas■ al cav■ ity poly■ po■ id sin■ us de■ generation other poly■ p of sin■ us nas■ al poly■ p , unspecified abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of nose cyst and mu■ co■ ce■ le of nose and nas■ al sin■ us devi■ ated nas■ al sep■ tum hyper■ tro■ phy of nas■ al tur■ bin■ ates other specified disorders of nose and nas■ al sin■ uses chronic ton■ sil■ li■ tis hyper■ tro■ phy of ton■ si■ ls hyper■ tro■ phy of aden■ oids hyper■ tro■ phy of ton■ si■ ls with hyper■ tro■ phy of aden■ oids other chronic diseases of ton■ si■ ls and aden■ oids chronic disease of ton■ si■ ls and aden■ oids , unspecified per■ it■ on■ sill■ ar abs■ c■ ess chronic lar■ yn■ gi■ tis chronic lar■ yn■ go■ trac■ hei■ tis poly■ p of vocal cord and lar■ yn■ x no■ d■ ules of vocal cords other diseases of vocal cords oe■ dem■ a of lar■ yn■ x lar■ yn■ ge■ al sp■ asm sten■ osis of lar■ yn■ x other diseases of lar■ yn■ x retro■ phar■ yn■ ge■ al and par■ ap■ har■ yn■ ge■ al abs■ c■ ess other abs■ c■ ess of phar■ yn■ x other diseases of phar■ yn■ x upper respiratory tract hy■ pers■ ensi■ tivity reaction , site unspecified disease of upper respiratory tract , unspecified bron■ chi■ tis , not specified as acute or chronic simple chronic bron■ chi■ tis mu■ co■ pur■ ul■ ent chronic bron■ chi■ tis mixed simple and mu■ co■ pur■ ul■ ent chronic bron■ chi■ tis unspecified chronic bron■ chi■ tis mac■ le■ od ' s syndrome pan■ lob■ ular emph■ ys■ ema centri■ lob■ ular emph■ ys■ ema emph■ ys■ ema , unspecified predominantly allergic asthma non■ allergic asthma mixed asthma asthma , unspecified status asth■ m■ atic■ us bron■ chi■ ec■ tas■ is coal■ worker ' s pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis due to tal■ c dust■ g pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis due to other dust containing silic■ a alumin■ osis ( of lung ) b■ aux■ ite fi■ bro■ sis ( of lung ) ber■ yl■ li■ osis graph■ ite fi■ bro■ sis ( of lung ) sid■ er■ osis stan■ no■ sis pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis due to other specified in■ organic du■ sts unspecified pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis pneu■ mo■ con■ i■ osis associated with tuberculosis b■ ys■ sin■ osis flax - dres■ ser ' s disease cannab■ in■ osis air■ way disease due to other specific organic dust farmer ' s lung bag■ as■ so■ sis bird fanci■ er ' s lung sub■ er■ osis mal■ t■ worker ' s lung mush■ room - worker ' s lung map■ le - bark - stri■ pper ' s lung air - condi■ tioner and hum■ idi■ fier lung hy■ pers■ ensi■ tivity pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to other organic du■ sts hy■ pers■ ensi■ tivity pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to unspecified organic dust bron■ chi■ tis and pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours acute pul■ mon■ ary oe■ dem■ a due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours upper respiratory infl■ amm■ ation due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours , not elsewhere classified other acute and sub■ acute respiratory conditions due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours chronic respiratory conditions due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours other respiratory conditions due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours unspecified respiratory condition due to chemicals , gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to food and v■ omit pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to oils and ess■ ences pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to other soli■ ds and liquids acute pul■ mon■ ary manifestations due to radi■ ations chronic and other pul■ mon■ ary manifestations due to radiation acute drug - induced inter■ sti■ tial lung disorders chronic drug - induced inter■ sti■ tial lung disorders drug - induced inter■ sti■ tial lung disorder , unspecified respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent pul■ mon■ ary oe■ dem■ a pul■ mon■ ary e■ o■ sin■ ophi■ lia , not elsewhere classified al■ ve■ ol■ ar and par■ ie■ to■ al■ ve■ ol■ ar conditions other inter■ sti■ tial pul■ mon■ ary diseases with fi■ bro■ sis other specified inter■ sti■ tial pul■ mon■ ary diseases inter■ sti■ tial pul■ mon■ ary disease , unspecified gang■ rene and necro■ sis of lung abs■ c■ ess of lung with pneumonia abs■ c■ ess of lung without pneumonia abs■ c■ ess of medi■ ast■ inum py■ o■ thor■ ax with f■ ist■ ula py■ o■ thor■ ax without f■ ist■ ula ple■ ural eff■ usion , not elsewhere classified ple■ ural pla■ que with presence of asbestos ple■ ural pla■ que without asbestos spontaneous tension pneu■ mo■ thor■ ax other spontaneous pneu■ mo■ thor■ ax other pneu■ mo■ thor■ ax pneu■ mo■ thor■ ax , unspecified ch■ yl■ ous eff■ usion fi■ bro■ thor■ ax ha■ emo■ thor■ ax other specified ple■ ural conditions ple■ ural condition , unspecified trac■ he■ o■ stom■ y mal■ function acute pul■ mon■ ary in■ sufficiency following thor■ ac■ ic surgery acute pul■ mon■ ary in■ sufficiency following non■ thor■ ac■ ic surgery chronic pul■ mon■ ary in■ sufficiency following surgery mend■ elson ' s syndrome post■ procedural sub■ glo■ t■ tic sten■ osis post■ procedural respiratory disorder , unspecified diseases of bron■ ch■ us , not elsewhere classified pul■ mon■ ary collapse inter■ sti■ tial emph■ ys■ ema compensatory emph■ ys■ ema other disorders of lung disorders of di■ aphr■ ag■ m other specified respiratory disorders respiratory disorder , unspecified an■ od■ on■ tia super■ numer■ ary teeth ab■ norm■ alities of size and form of teeth mo■ tt■ led teeth disturbances in tooth formation hereditary disturbances in tooth structure , not elsewhere classified disturbances in tooth eruption tee■ thing syndrome other disorders of tooth development disorder of tooth development , unspecified embedded teeth imp■ acted teeth car■ ies limited to en■ am■ el car■ ies of denti■ n car■ ies of cem■ ent■ um arrested dental car■ ies od■ on■ to■ cl■ asia dental car■ ies , unspecified excessive at■ tri■ tion of teeth abra■ sion of teeth erosion of teeth pathological resor■ ption of teeth hyper■ cem■ ent■ osis an■ ky■ losis of teeth deposits [ acc■ re■ tions ] on teeth poster■ up■ tive colour changes of dental hard tissues other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth disease of hard tissues of teeth , unspecified pul■ pi■ tis necro■ sis of pulp pulp de■ generation abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp acute ap■ ical period■ on■ ti■ tis of pul■ pal origin chronic ap■ ical period■ on■ ti■ tis peri■ ap■ ical abs■ c■ ess with sin■ us peri■ ap■ ical abs■ c■ ess without sin■ us radic■ ular cyst other and unspecified diseases of pulp and peri■ ap■ ical tissues acute g■ ing■ i■ vi■ tis chronic g■ ing■ i■ vi■ tis acute period■ on■ ti■ tis chronic period■ on■ ti■ tis period■ on■ to■ sis other period■ on■ tal diseases period■ on■ tal disease , unspecified g■ ing■ i■ val recession g■ ing■ i■ val enlargement g■ ing■ i■ val and ed■ ent■ ulous al■ ve■ ol■ ar ridge le■ sions associated with trauma other specified disorders of g■ ing■ iva and ed■ ent■ ulous al■ ve■ ol■ ar ridge disorder of g■ ing■ iva and ed■ ent■ ulous al■ ve■ ola major anomalies of jaw size anomalies of jaw - cran■ ial base relationship anomalies of dental arch relationship anomalies of tooth position mal■ oc■ clu■ sion , unspecified d■ ent■ o■ facial functional ab■ norm■ alities tempor■ om■ andi■ bul■ ar joint disorders d■ ent■ o■ facial anomaly , unspecified ex■ foli■ ation of teeth due to systemic causes loss of teeth due to accident , extraction or local period■ on■ tal disease atro■ phy of ed■ ent■ ulous al■ ve■ ol■ ar ridge retained dental root disorder of teeth and supporting structures , unspecified developmental od■ on■ to■ genic cy■ sts developmental ( non■ od■ on■ to■ genic ) cy■ sts of oral region other cy■ sts of jaw other cy■ sts of oral region , not elsewhere classified cyst of oral region , unspecified developmental disorders of ja■ ws giant cell gran■ ul■ oma , central al■ ve■ oli■ tis of ja■ ws other specified diseases of ja■ ws disease of ja■ ws , unspecified atro■ phy of sali■ vary g■ land hyper■ tro■ phy of sali■ vary g■ land si■ alo■ ad■ eni■ tis abs■ c■ ess of sali■ vary g■ land f■ ist■ ula of sali■ vary g■ land si■ alo■ li■ thi■ asis mu■ co■ ce■ le of sali■ vary g■ land disturbances of sali■ vary secre■ tion other diseases of sali■ vary g■ lands disease of sali■ vary g■ land , unspecified recurrent oral aph■ th■ ae other forms of stom■ ati■ tis diseases of lips cheek and lip biting leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia and other disturbances of oral epi■ the■ lium , including tongue ha■ iry leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia gran■ ul■ oma and gran■ ul■ oma - like le■ sions of oral mu■ co■ sa oral sub■ mu■ co■ us fi■ bro■ sis irrit■ ative hyper■ pl■ asia of oral mu■ co■ sa other and unspecified le■ sions of oral mu■ co■ sa glos■ si■ tis geographic tongue median r■ hom■ bo■ id glos■ si■ tis hyper■ tro■ phy of tongue pap■ il■ la■ e atro■ phy of tongue pap■ il■ la■ e plic■ ated tongue glos■ so■ dy■ nia other diseases of tongue disease of tongue , unspecified o■ es■ op■ ha■ gi■ tis ga■ stro - o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al ref■ lux disease with o■ es■ op■ ha■ gi■ tis ga■ stro - o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al ref■ lux disease without o■ es■ op■ ha■ gi■ tis ac■ hal■ asia of car■ dia ul■ cer of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al obstruction per■ for■ ation of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus dy■ sk■ ine■ sia of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus diver■ ticul■ um of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus , acquired ga■ stro - o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al lac■ eration - haemorrha■ ge syndrome disease of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus , unspecified acute with haemorrha■ ge acute with per■ for■ ation acute with both haemorrha■ ge and per■ for■ ation acute without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation chronic or unspecified with haemorrha■ ge chronic or unspecified with per■ for■ ation chronic or unspecified with both haemorrha■ ge and per■ for■ ation chronic without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation unspecified as acute or chronic , without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation acute with haemorrha■ ge acute with per■ for■ ation acute with both haemorrha■ ge and per■ for■ ation acute without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation chronic or unspecified with haemorrha■ ge chronic or unspecified with per■ for■ ation chronic or unspecified with both haemorrha■ ge and per■ for■ ation chronic without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation unspecified as acute or chronic , without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation acute with haemorrha■ ge acute with per■ for■ ation acute with both haemorrha■ ge and per■ for■ ation acute without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation chronic or unspecified with haemorrha■ ge chronic or unspecified with per■ for■ ation chronic without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation unspecified as acute or chronic , without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation acute with haemorrha■ ge acute with per■ for■ ation acute with both haemorrha■ ge and per■ for■ ation acute without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation chronic or unspecified with haemorrha■ ge chronic or unspecified with per■ for■ ation chronic without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation unspecified as acute or chronic , without haemorrha■ ge or per■ for■ ation acute haemorrha■ gic gast■ ri■ tis other acute gast■ ri■ tis alcoholic gast■ ri■ tis chronic superficial gast■ ri■ tis chronic atro■ ph■ ic gast■ ri■ tis chronic gast■ ri■ tis , unspecified other gast■ ri■ tis gast■ ri■ tis , unspecified du■ o■ deni■ tis gastro■ du■ o■ deni■ tis , unspecified dy■ spe■ p■ sia acute di■ lat■ ation of stomach adult hyper■ troph■ ic p■ yl■ or■ ic sten■ osis hour■ glass stric■ ture and sten■ osis of stomach p■ yl■ oro■ sp■ asm , not elsewhere classified ga■ str■ ic diver■ ticul■ um obstruction of du■ o■ den■ um f■ ist■ ula of stomach and du■ o■ den■ um poly■ p of stomach and du■ o■ den■ um disease of stomach and du■ o■ den■ um , unspecified other append■ ic■ i■ tis unspecified append■ ic■ i■ tis hyper■ pl■ asia of appendix append■ icular concre■ tions diver■ ticul■ um of appendix f■ ist■ ula of appendix other specified diseases of appendix disease of appendix , unspecified bilateral fem■ oral her■ nia , with obstruction , without gang■ rene bilateral fem■ oral her■ nia , with gang■ rene bilateral fem■ oral her■ nia , without obstruction or gang■ rene unilateral or unspecified fem■ oral her■ nia , with obstruction , without gang■ rene unilateral or unspecified fem■ oral her■ nia , with gang■ rene unilateral or unspecified fem■ oral her■ nia , without obstruction or gang■ rene um■ bil■ ical her■ nia with obstruction , without gang■ rene um■ bil■ ical her■ nia with gang■ rene um■ bil■ ical her■ nia without obstruction or gang■ rene ven■ tr■ al her■ nia with obstruction , without gang■ rene ven■ tr■ al her■ nia with gang■ rene di■ aphr■ agm■ atic her■ nia with obstruction , without gang■ rene di■ aphr■ agm■ atic her■ nia with gang■ rene di■ aphr■ agm■ atic her■ nia without obstruction or gang■ rene other specified ab■ domin■ al her■ nia with obstruction , without gang■ rene other specified ab■ domin■ al her■ nia with gang■ rene other specified ab■ domin■ al her■ nia without obstruction or gang■ rene unspecified ab■ domin■ al her■ nia with obstruction , without gang■ rene unspecified ab■ domin■ al her■ nia with gang■ rene unspecified ab■ domin■ al her■ nia without obstruction or gang■ rene cro■ hn ' s disease of small intest■ ine cro■ hn ' s disease of large intest■ ine cro■ hn ' s disease , unspecified ul■ cer■ ative ( chronic ) enter■ o■ co■ li■ tis ul■ cer■ ative ( chronic ) proc■ ti■ tis ul■ cer■ ative ( chronic ) rec■ to■ sig■ mo■ idi■ tis pseu■ do■ poly■ pos■ is of col■ on mu■ cos■ al proc■ to■ co■ li■ tis ul■ cer■ ative co■ li■ tis , unspecified ga■ stro - enter■ i■ tis and co■ li■ tis due to radiation toxic ga■ stro - enter■ i■ tis and co■ li■ tis allergic and die■ te■ tic gastro■ enter■ i■ tis and co■ li■ tis other specified non - infec■ tive gastro■ enter■ i■ tis and co■ li■ tis non - infec■ tive gastro■ enter■ i■ tis and co■ li■ tis , unspecified acute vascular disorders of intest■ ine chronic vascular disorders of intest■ ine vascular disorder of intest■ ine , unspecified paraly■ tic i■ le■ us int■ us■ suscep■ tion vol■ vul■ us gall■ stone i■ le■ us other imp■ action of intest■ ine intest■ inal adhe■ sions [ bands ] with obstruction other and unspecified intest■ inal obstruction i■ le■ us , unspecified irrit■ able bo■ wel syndrome with diarr■ ho■ ea irrit■ able bo■ wel syndrome without diarr■ ho■ ea con■ sti■ p■ ation functional diarr■ ho■ ea neuro■ genic bo■ wel , not elsewhere classified me■ ga■ col■ on , not elsewhere classified anal sp■ asm other specified functional intest■ inal disorders functional intest■ inal disorder , unspecified acute anal fis■ sure chronic anal fis■ sure anal fis■ sure , unspecified anal f■ ist■ ula rec■ tal f■ ist■ ula ano■ rec■ tal f■ ist■ ula anal abs■ c■ ess rec■ tal abs■ c■ ess ano■ rec■ tal abs■ c■ ess is■ chi■ o■ rec■ tal abs■ c■ ess intr■ as■ ph■ inc■ ter■ ic abs■ c■ ess anal poly■ p rec■ tal poly■ p anal pro■ lapse rec■ tal pro■ lapse sten■ osis of an■ us and rec■ tum haemorrha■ ge of an■ us and rec■ tum ul■ cer of an■ us and rec■ tum radiation proc■ ti■ tis other specified diseases of an■ us and rec■ tum disease of an■ us and rec■ tum , unspecified abs■ c■ ess of intest■ ine per■ for■ ation of intest■ ine ( non■ traumatic ) f■ ist■ ula of intest■ ine ul■ cer of intest■ ine enter■ op■ to■ sis poly■ p of col■ on other specified diseases of intest■ ine disease of intest■ ine , unspecified acute per■ it■ oni■ tis other per■ it■ oni■ tis per■ it■ oni■ tis , unspecified per■ it■ one■ al adhe■ sions ha■ em■ oper■ it■ on■ eu■ m other specified disorders of per■ it■ on■ eu■ m disorder of per■ it■ on■ eu■ m , unspecified alcoholic fatty liver alcoholic hepatitis alcoholic fi■ bro■ sis and sclerosis of liver alcoholic cir■ rho■ sis of liver alcoholic he■ p■ atic failure alcoholic liver disease , unspecified toxic liver disease with cho■ le■ st■ asis toxic liver disease with he■ p■ atic necro■ sis toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis toxic liver disease with chronic lob■ ular hepatitis toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis toxic liver disease with hepatitis , not elsewhere classified toxic liver disease with fi■ bro■ sis and cir■ rho■ sis of liver toxic liver disease , unspecified acute and sub■ acute he■ p■ atic failure chronic he■ p■ atic failure he■ p■ atic failure , unspecified chronic persistent hepatitis , not elsewhere classified chronic lob■ ular hepatitis , not elsewhere classified chronic active hepatitis , not elsewhere classified other chronic hepatitis , not elsewhere classified chronic hepatitis , unspecified he■ p■ atic fi■ bro■ sis he■ p■ atic sclerosis he■ p■ atic fi■ bro■ sis with he■ p■ atic sclerosis primary bi■ li■ ary cir■ rho■ sis secondary bi■ li■ ary cir■ rho■ sis bi■ li■ ary cir■ rho■ sis , unspecified other and unspecified cir■ rho■ sis of liver abs■ c■ ess of liver ph■ le■ bi■ tis of portal vein non■ specific reactive hepatitis gran■ ul■ om■ at■ ous hepatitis , not elsewhere classified auto■ immune hepatitis other specified infl■ am■ matory liver diseases infl■ am■ matory liver disease , unspecified fatty ( change of ) liver , not elsewhere classified chronic passive congestion of liver central haemorrha■ gic necro■ sis of liver inf■ arc■ tion of liver pe■ li■ osis hepati■ s he■ p■ atic ven■ o - oc■ clu■ sive disease portal hyper■ tension he■ pat■ o■ ren■ al syndrome other specified diseases of liver liver disease , unspecified acute chol■ ec■ y■ sti■ tis chronic chol■ ec■ y■ sti■ tis other chol■ ec■ y■ sti■ tis chol■ ec■ y■ sti■ tis , unspecified obstruction of gall■ blad■ der hydro■ ps of gall■ blad■ der per■ for■ ation of gall■ blad■ der f■ ist■ ula of gall■ blad■ der cho■ le■ ster■ o■ losis of gall■ blad■ der other specified diseases of gall■ blad■ der disease of gall■ blad■ der , unspecified chol■ an■ gi■ tis obstruction of bile duc■ t per■ for■ ation of bile duc■ t f■ ist■ ula of bile duc■ t sp■ asm of sp■ h■ inc■ ter of od■ di bi■ li■ ary cyst other specified diseases of bi■ li■ ary tract disease of bi■ li■ ary tract , unspecified alcohol - induced chronic pan■ cre■ ati■ tis other chronic pan■ cre■ ati■ tis cyst of pan■ cre■ as pseu■ do■ cyst of pan■ cre■ as other specified diseases of pan■ cre■ as disease of pan■ cre■ as , unspecified co■ eli■ ac disease tropical sp■ rue blind loop syndrome , not elsewhere classified pan■ cre■ atic ste■ at■ or■ rho■ ea mal■ absorption due to intolerance , not elsewhere classified other intest■ inal mal■ absorption intest■ inal mal■ absorption , unspecified v■ om■ iting following ga■ stro - intest■ inal surgery post■ ga■ str■ ic surgery syndro■ mes post■ surgical mal■ absorption , not elsewhere classified post■ operative intest■ inal obstruction colo■ stom■ y and enter■ o■ stom■ y mal■ function post■ chol■ ec■ y■ stec■ tomy syndrome post■ procedural disorder of dig■ estive system , unspecified ha■ em■ at■ em■ esis mel■ a■ ena ga■ stro - intest■ inal haemorrha■ ge , unspecified other specified diseases of dig■ estive system disease of dig■ estive system , unspecified impe■ ti■ go [ any organism ] [ any site ] impe■ ti■ gin■ isation of other der■ mato■ ses cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of face cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of neck cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of trunk cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of but■ to■ ck cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of limb cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle of other sites cu■ taneous abs■ c■ ess , fur■ uncle and car■ bun■ cle , unspecified cell■ u■ li■ tis of face cell■ u■ li■ tis of trunk cell■ u■ li■ tis of other sites cell■ u■ li■ tis , unspecified acute lymp■ had■ eni■ tis of face , head and neck acute lymp■ had■ eni■ tis of trunk acute lymp■ had■ eni■ tis of upper limb acute lymp■ had■ eni■ tis of lower limb acute lymp■ had■ eni■ tis , unspecified pil■ on■ idal cyst with abs■ c■ ess pil■ on■ idal cyst without abs■ c■ ess py■ o■ der■ ma er■ y■ thr■ as■ ma other specified local infections of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue local infection of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue , unspecified p■ emp■ hi■ gus vul■ gar■ is p■ emp■ hi■ gus vege■ t■ ans p■ emp■ hi■ gus foli■ ac■ eus brazilian p■ emp■ hi■ gus [ fo■ go sel■ vag■ em ] p■ emp■ hi■ gus er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus drug - induced p■ emp■ hi■ gus other p■ emp■ hi■ gus p■ emp■ hi■ gus , unspecified acquired ker■ at■ osis fol■ lic■ ul■ aris transi■ ent ac■ anth■ ol■ y■ tic der■ mat■ osis [ gro■ ver ] ac■ anth■ ol■ y■ tic disorder , unspecified bull■ ous p■ emp■ hi■ go■ id cic■ at■ ric■ ial p■ emp■ hi■ go■ id chronic bull■ ous disease of childhood acquired ep■ id■ er■ mol■ ysis bul■ los■ a other p■ emp■ hi■ go■ id p■ emp■ hi■ go■ id , unspecified der■ mati■ tis her■ peti■ form■ is sub■ cor■ ne■ al pu■ st■ ular der■ mati■ tis other specified bull■ ous disorders bull■ ous disorder , unspecified bes■ nier ' s pr■ uri■ go other at■ op■ ic der■ mati■ tis at■ op■ ic der■ mati■ tis , unspecified se■ bor■ rho■ ea cap■ i■ tis se■ bor■ rho■ e■ ic inf■ anti■ le der■ mati■ tis se■ bor■ rho■ e■ ic der■ mati■ tis , unspecified di■ aper [ nap■ kin ] der■ mati■ tis allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to metals allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to adhe■ sives allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to cosmetics allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to drugs in contact with skin allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to d■ yes allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to other chemical products allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to food in contact with skin allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to plants , except food allergic contact der■ mati■ tis due to other agents allergic contact der■ mati■ tis , unspecified cause irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to detergents irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to oils and gre■ ases irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to solvents irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to cosmetics irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to drugs in contact with skin irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to other chemical products irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to food in contact with skin irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to plants , except food irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis due to other agents irrit■ ant contact der■ mati■ tis , unspecified cause unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis due to cosmetics unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis due to drugs in contact with skin unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis due to d■ yes unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis due to other chemical products unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis due to food in contact with skin unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis due to plants , except food unspecified contact der■ mati■ tis , unspecified cause ex■ foli■ ative der■ mati■ tis generalised skin eruption due to drugs and medic■ aments loc■ alised skin eruption due to drugs and medic■ aments der■ mati■ tis due to ing■ ested food der■ mati■ tis due to other substances taken internally der■ mati■ tis due to unspecified substance taken internally lichen simpl■ ex ch■ ron■ ic■ us pr■ uri■ go no■ dul■ aris other pr■ uri■ go pr■ ur■ it■ us ani pr■ ur■ it■ us scro■ ti pr■ ur■ it■ us vul■ v■ ae ano■ genital pr■ ur■ it■ us , unspecified other pr■ ur■ it■ us pr■ ur■ it■ us , unspecified num■ mul■ ar der■ mati■ tis dy■ sh■ id■ ro■ sis [ pomp■ hol■ y■ x ] cu■ taneous auto■ sensi■ tisation infec■ tive der■ mati■ tis er■ y■ them■ a inter■ tri■ go pit■ y■ ri■ asis alba other specified der■ mati■ tis der■ mati■ tis , unspecified ps■ ori■ asis vul■ gar■ is generalised pu■ st■ ular ps■ ori■ asis acro■ der■ mati■ tis continu■ a pu■ st■ ul■ osis pal■ mar■ is et plan■ tar■ is gu■ tt■ ate ps■ ori■ asis other ps■ ori■ asis ps■ ori■ asis , unspecified pit■ y■ ri■ asis lic■ hen■ o■ ides et vari■ oli■ form■ is acu■ ta pit■ y■ ri■ asis lic■ hen■ o■ ides ch■ ron■ ica small pla■ que par■ ap■ s■ ori■ asis large pla■ que par■ ap■ s■ ori■ asis reti■ form par■ ap■ s■ ori■ asis other par■ ap■ s■ ori■ asis par■ ap■ s■ ori■ asis , unspecified pit■ y■ ri■ asis ro■ sea hyper■ troph■ ic lichen plan■ us bull■ ous lichen plan■ us lic■ hen■ o■ id drug reaction sub■ acute ( active ) lichen plan■ us other lichen plan■ us lichen plan■ us , unspecified pit■ y■ ri■ asis ru■ bra pil■ aris lichen ni■ ti■ dus lichen stri■ atus lichen ru■ ber mon■ ili■ form■ is inf■ anti■ le pap■ ular acro■ der■ mati■ tis [ gian■ not■ ti - cro■ sti ] other specified pap■ ul■ os■ qu■ am■ ous disorders pap■ ul■ os■ qu■ am■ ous disorder , unspecified allergic ur■ tic■ aria idi■ opathic ur■ tic■ aria ur■ tic■ aria due to cold and heat der■ mato■ graphic ur■ tic■ aria vibr■ atory ur■ tic■ aria chol■ iner■ gic ur■ tic■ aria contact ur■ tic■ aria other ur■ tic■ aria ur■ tic■ aria , unspecified non■ bull■ ous er■ y■ them■ a multi■ forme bull■ ous er■ y■ them■ a multi■ forme er■ y■ them■ a multi■ forme , unspecified er■ y■ them■ a no■ do■ sum toxic er■ y■ them■ a er■ y■ them■ a annul■ are centrifu■ gum er■ y■ them■ a margin■ at■ um other chronic fig■ urate er■ y■ them■ a other specified er■ y■ them■ at■ ous conditions er■ y■ them■ at■ ous condition , unspecified sun■ burn of first degree sun■ burn of second degree sun■ burn of third degree sun■ burn , unspecified drug photo■ toxic response drug photo■ allergic response photo■ contact der■ mati■ tis [ ber■ lo■ que der■ mati■ tis ] solar ur■ tic■ aria poly■ morph■ ous light eruption other specified acute skin changes due to ultra■ violet radiation acute skin change due to ultra■ violet radiation , unspecified ac■ tin■ ic ker■ at■ osis ac■ tin■ ic re■ ticul■ o■ id cu■ tis r■ hom■ bo■ id■ alis nuc■ ha■ e po■ i■ kilo■ der■ ma of ci■ vat■ te cu■ tis la■ xa sen■ il■ is ac■ tin■ ic gran■ ul■ oma other skin changes due to chronic exposure to non■ ionizing radiation skin changes due to chronic exposure to non■ ionizing radiation , unspecified acute radio■ der■ mati■ tis chronic radio■ der■ mati■ tis radio■ der■ mati■ tis , unspecified er■ y■ them■ a ab ign■ e [ der■ mati■ tis ab ign■ e ] other specified disorders of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue related to radiation disorder of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue related to radiation , unspecified ing■ rowing nail ony■ chol■ ysis ony■ cho■ gry■ pho■ sis nail dy■ stro■ phy beau ' s lines yellow nail syndrome other nail disorders nail disorder , unspecified al■ op■ ec■ ia ( cap■ i■ tis ) total■ is al■ op■ ec■ ia univer■ sal■ is ophi■ asis al■ op■ ec■ ia are■ ata , unspecified drug - induced and■ ro■ genic al■ op■ ec■ ia other and■ ro■ genic al■ op■ ec■ ia and■ ro■ genic al■ op■ ec■ ia , unspecified tel■ o■ gen efflu■ vi■ um an■ agen efflu■ vi■ um al■ op■ ec■ ia m■ uc■ in■ osa other specified non■ scar■ ring hair loss non■ scar■ ring hair loss , unspecified pseu■ dop■ el■ ade lichen plan■ op■ il■ aris fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis dec■ al■ vans peri■ fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis cap■ i■ tis abs■ ce■ dens fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis ul■ er■ y■ them■ at■ osa re■ ticul■ ata cic■ at■ ric■ ial al■ op■ ec■ ia , unspecified tric■ hor■ rh■ ex■ is no■ do■ sa variations in hair colour other hair colour and hair shaft ab■ norm■ alities hair colour and hair shaft ab■ normality , unspecified hir■ su■ tism acquired hyper■ tric■ ho■ sis lan■ u■ gin■ osa loc■ alised hyper■ tric■ ho■ sis poly■ tric■ hia other hyper■ tric■ ho■ sis hyper■ tric■ ho■ sis , unspecified ac■ ne vul■ gar■ is ac■ ne con■ glob■ ata ac■ ne vari■ oli■ form■ is ac■ ne tro■ pic■ a inf■ anti■ le ac■ ne ac■ n■ ú exc■ ori■ ú■ e des je■ un■ es fil■ les other ac■ ne ac■ ne , unspecified peri■ oral der■ mati■ tis rhin■ op■ hy■ ma other ro■ sac■ ea ro■ sac■ ea , unspecified ep■ id■ er■ mal cyst tric■ hil■ em■ mal cyst ste■ at■ oc■ y■ stom■ a multi■ pl■ ex fol■ lic■ ular cyst of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue , unspecified ac■ ne kel■ o■ id pseu■ do■ fol■ lic■ u■ li■ tis bar■ ba■ e hi■ dr■ ad■ eni■ tis sup■ pur■ ativa other specified fol■ lic■ ular disorders fol■ lic■ ular disorder , unspecified mili■ aria ru■ bra mili■ aria cryst■ all■ ina mili■ aria pro■ fund■ a mili■ aria , unspecified an■ hi■ dro■ sis other ec■ cr■ ine sweat disorders ec■ cr■ ine sweat disorder , unspecified bro■ m■ hi■ dro■ sis ch■ rom■ hi■ dro■ sis apo■ cr■ ine mili■ aria other apo■ cr■ ine sweat disorders apo■ cr■ ine sweat disorder , unspecified viti■ li■ go post■ infl■ am■ matory hyper■ pi■ gm■ entation chlo■ as■ ma f■ reck■ les caf■ ú au la■ it spots other mel■ an■ in hyper■ pi■ gm■ entation leuko■ der■ ma , not elsewhere classified other disorders of diminished mel■ an■ in formation pi■ gm■ ented pur■ pur■ ic der■ mat■ osis other specified disorders of pi■ gm■ entation disorder of pi■ gm■ entation , unspecified se■ bor■ rho■ e■ ic ker■ at■ osis ac■ anth■ osis ni■ gr■ ic■ ans cor■ ns and cal■ lo■ sities acquired ich■ thy■ osis acquired ker■ at■ osis [ ker■ ato■ der■ ma ] pal■ mar■ is et plan■ tar■ is ker■ at■ osis pun■ ct■ ata ( pal■ mar■ is et plan■ tar■ is ) x■ er■ osis cu■ tis other specified ep■ id■ er■ mal thick■ ening ep■ id■ er■ mal thick■ ening , unspecified ker■ at■ osis fol■ lic■ ul■ aris et par■ af■ ol■ lic■ ul■ aris in cut■ em pen■ e■ trans [ kyr■ le ] reactive per■ for■ ating coll■ agen■ osis el■ ast■ osis per■ for■ ans ser■ pi■ gin■ osa tran■ se■ pid■ er■ mal elimination disorder , unspecified py■ o■ der■ ma gan■ gre■ no■ sum lichen s■ cl■ ero■ sus et atro■ ph■ ic■ us ane■ to■ der■ ma of sch■ wen■ inger - bu■ zzi ane■ to■ der■ ma of j■ ad■ as■ sohn - pel■ li■ zz■ ari atro■ pho■ der■ ma of pas■ ini and pier■ ini acro■ der■ mati■ tis ch■ ron■ ica atro■ ph■ ic■ ans scar conditions and fi■ bro■ sis of skin stri■ ae atro■ ph■ ic■ ae other atro■ ph■ ic disorders of skin atro■ ph■ ic disorder of skin , unspecified kel■ o■ id scar other hyper■ troph■ ic disorders of skin hyper■ troph■ ic disorder of skin , unspecified gran■ ul■ oma annul■ are necro■ bio■ sis li■ po■ i■ dic■ a , not elsewhere classified gran■ ul■ oma fac■ i■ ale [ e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic gran■ ul■ oma of skin ] foreign body gran■ ul■ oma of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue other gran■ ul■ om■ at■ ous disorders of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue gran■ ul■ om■ at■ ous disorder of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue , unspecified dis■ co■ id lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus sub■ acute cu■ taneous lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus other local lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus loc■ alised s■ cl■ ero■ der■ ma [ mor■ p■ hea ] linear s■ cl■ ero■ der■ ma cal■ cin■ osis cu■ tis s■ cler■ od■ ac■ ty■ ly got■ tr■ on ' s pap■ ules po■ i■ kilo■ der■ ma vas■ cul■ are atro■ ph■ ic■ ans ain■ h■ um loc■ alised connec■ tive tissue disorder , unspecified live■ do■ id vas■ cu■ li■ tis er■ y■ them■ a elev■ at■ um di■ u■ tin■ um other vas■ cu■ li■ tis limited to skin vas■ cu■ li■ tis limited to skin , unspecified ul■ cer of lower limb , not elsewhere classified py■ ogenic gran■ ul■ oma fac■ ti■ tial der■ mati■ tis fe■ bri■ le neu■ tro■ phil■ ic der■ mat■ osis [ sweet ] e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic cell■ u■ li■ tis [ wells ] chronic ul■ cer of skin , not elsewhere classified m■ uc■ in■ osis of skin other infiltr■ ative disorders of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue other specified disorders of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue disorder of skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue , unspecified juvenile poly■ ar■ thri■ tis ( ser■ on■ eg■ ative ) poly■ ar■ thri■ tis , unspecified primary generalised ( o■ ste■ o ) ar■ thro■ sis he■ ber■ den ' s no■ des ( with ar■ thro■ pa■ thy ) bou■ chard ' s no■ des ( with ar■ thro■ pa■ thy ) secondary multiple ar■ thro■ sis ero■ sive ( o■ ste■ o ) ar■ thro■ sis other poly■ ar■ thro■ sis poly■ ar■ thro■ sis , unspecified primary co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis , bilateral other primary co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis resulting from dys■ pl■ asia , bilateral other dys■ plastic co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis post■ traumatic co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis , bilateral other post■ traumatic co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis other secondary co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis , bilateral other secondary co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis co■ x■ ar■ thro■ sis , unspecified primary gon■ ar■ thro■ sis , bilateral other primary gon■ ar■ thro■ sis post■ traumatic gon■ ar■ thro■ sis , bilateral other post■ traumatic gon■ ar■ thro■ sis other secondary gon■ ar■ thro■ sis , bilateral other secondary gon■ ar■ thro■ sis gon■ ar■ thro■ sis , unspecified primary ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joints , bilateral other primary ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joint post■ traumatic ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joints , bilateral other post■ traumatic ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joint other secondary ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joints , bilateral other secondary ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joint ar■ thro■ sis of first car■ po■ me■ tac■ ar■ pal joint , unspecified de■ form■ ity of finger ( s ) hall■ ux val■ gus ( acquired ) hall■ ux rigi■ dus other de■ form■ ity of hall■ ux ( acquired ) other hammer toe ( s ) ( acquired ) other de■ form■ ities of toe ( s ) ( acquired ) acquired de■ form■ ity of toe ( s ) , unspecified flat foot [ pes plan■ us ] ( acquired ) recurrent dis■ location of pat■ ella recurrent su■ blu■ x■ ation of pat■ ella pat■ el■ lo■ fem■ oral disorders other der■ ang■ ements of pat■ ella ch■ on■ dro■ mal■ ac■ ia pat■ el■ la■ e other disorders of pat■ ella disorder of pat■ ella , unspecified loose body in knee pro■ tru■ si■ o ace■ tab■ uli poly■ arter■ i■ tis no■ do■ sa poly■ arter■ i■ tis with lung involvement [ chur■ g - strauss ] juvenile poly■ arter■ i■ tis mu■ co■ cu■ taneous lymp■ h no■ de syndrome [ k■ aw■ as■ aki ] other conditions related to poly■ arter■ i■ tis no■ do■ sa hy■ pers■ ensi■ tivity an■ gi■ i■ tis thro■ m■ bo■ tic micro■ an■ gi■ opathy lethal mid■ line gran■ ul■ oma we■ gen■ er ' s gran■ ul■ om■ at■ osis a■ or■ tic arch syndrome [ tak■ ay■ as■ u ] giant cell arter■ i■ tis with poly■ my■ al■ gia r■ heu■ m■ atica other giant cell arter■ i■ tis other specified necro■ tising vas■ cul■ opath■ ies necro■ tising vas■ cul■ opathy , unspecified drug - induced systemic lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus systemic lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus with organ or system involvement systemic lup■ us er■ y■ them■ ato■ sus , unspecified juvenile der■ mat■ om■ yo■ si■ tis other der■ mat■ om■ yo■ si■ tis poly■ my■ osi■ tis der■ mato■ poly■ my■ osi■ tis , unspecified progressive systemic sclerosis cr ( e ) st syndrome systemic sclerosis induced by drugs and chemicals other forms of systemic sclerosis systemic sclerosis , unspecified sic■ ca syndrome [ s■ j ÷ gre■ n ] other overlap syndro■ mes beh■ þ■ et ' s disease poly■ my■ al■ gia r■ heu■ m■ atica diffuse ( e■ o■ sin■ oph■ il■ ic ) fas■ ci■ i■ tis multi■ focal fi■ bro■ sclerosis relap■ sing pann■ ic■ u■ li■ tis [ weber - christian ] hyper■ mobility syndrome other specified systemic involvement of connec■ tive tissue systemic involvement of connec■ tive tissue , unspecified recurrent atlan■ to■ ax■ ial su■ blu■ x■ ation with my■ el■ opathy tor■ ti■ coll■ is sac■ ro - ili■ i■ tis , not elsewhere classified other cer■ vic■ al disk displacement other cer■ vic■ al disk de■ generation cer■ vic■ al disk disorder , unspecified other specified inter■ vertebr■ al disk displacement other specified inter■ vertebr■ al disk de■ generation sch■ mor■ l ' s no■ des other specified inter■ vertebr■ al disk disorders inter■ vertebr■ al disk disorder , unspecified cer■ vi■ co■ cran■ ial syndrome cer■ vi■ co■ br■ achi■ al syndrome sacro■ coc■ cy■ ge■ al disorders , not elsewhere classified cer■ vic■ al■ gia sci■ atica l■ umb■ ago with sci■ atica low back pain pain in thor■ ac■ ic sp■ ine trigger finger rad■ ial sty■ loid ten■ o■ sy■ no■ vi■ tis [ de quer■ vain ] rupture of po■ pl■ ite■ al cyst short achilles tend■ on ( acquired ) chronic cre■ pit■ ant sy■ no■ vi■ tis of hand and wrist bur■ si■ tis of hand ol■ ec■ ran■ on bur■ si■ tis other bur■ si■ tis of el■ bow pre■ pat■ ell■ ar bur■ si■ tis other bur■ si■ tis of knee tro■ chan■ ter■ ic bur■ si■ tis other bur■ si■ tis of hip other soft tissue disorders related to use , over■ use and pressure unspecified soft tissue disorder related to use , over■ use and pressure sy■ no■ vi■ al cyst of po■ pl■ ite■ al space [ baker ] pal■ mar fas■ cial fi■ bro■ mat■ osis [ du■ pu■ y■ tre■ n ] knuc■ kle p■ ads plan■ tar fas■ cial fi■ bro■ mat■ osis adhe■ sive cap■ su■ li■ tis of shoulder rot■ ator cuff syndrome b■ icip■ ital tend■ initi■ s calci■ fic tend■ initi■ s of shoulder imp■ ing■ ement syndrome of shoulder bur■ si■ tis of shoulder other shoulder le■ sions shoulder le■ sion , unspecified glu■ teal tend■ initi■ s p■ so■ as tend■ initi■ s ili■ ac c■ rest spur ili■ o■ ti■ bial band syndrome ti■ bial collateral bur■ si■ tis [ pel■ le■ gr■ ini - sti■ eda ] pat■ ell■ ar tend■ initi■ s achilles tend■ initi■ s per■ one■ al tend■ initi■ s other en■ thes■ opath■ ies of lower limb , excluding foot en■ thes■ opathy of lower limb , unspecified medi■ al epi■ con■ dy■ li■ tis lateral epi■ con■ dy■ li■ tis peri■ ar■ thri■ tis of wrist cal■ can■ e■ al spur met■ at■ ar■ sal■ gia other en■ thes■ opathy of foot other en■ thes■ opath■ ies , not elsewhere classified en■ thes■ opathy , unspecified hyper■ o■ sto■ sis of skull pag■ et ' s disease of skull juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of pel■ vis juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of head of fem■ ur [ leg■ g - cal■ vé - per■ thes ] co■ xa pl■ ana pseu■ do■ co■ x■ al■ gia other juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of hip and pel■ vis juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of hip and pel■ vis , unspecified juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of hum■ er■ us juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of radius and ul■ na juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of hand other juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of upper limb juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of pat■ ella juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of ti■ bia and fi■ bul■ a juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of tar■ sus juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis of met■ at■ ar■ sus other specified juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis juvenile o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ sis , unspecified slipped upper fem■ oral ep■ ip■ h■ ysis ( non■ traumatic ) ki■ en■ b ÷ ck ' s disease of adults o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ pa■ thy , unspecified ch■ on■ dro■ cost■ al junction syndrome [ ti■ et■ ze ] relap■ sing poly■ ch■ on■ dri■ tis acquired de■ form■ ity of nose cau■ lif■ lower ear other acquired de■ form■ ity of head acquired de■ form■ ity of neck acquired de■ form■ ity of chest and ri■ b acquired de■ form■ ity of pel■ vis other specified acquired de■ form■ ities of mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal system acquired de■ form■ ity of mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal system , unspecified pseu■ dar■ thro■ sis after fusion or ar■ thro■ des■ is post■ lam■ in■ ec■ tomy syndrome , not elsewhere classified po■ str■ adi■ ation ky■ pho■ sis post■ lam■ in■ ec■ tomy ky■ pho■ sis post■ surgical lor■ do■ sis po■ str■ adi■ ation sco■ li■ osis frac■ ture of bone following insertion of or th■ opa■ ed■ ic impl■ ant , joint pro■ s■ thesis , or bone plate post■ procedural mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal disorder , unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ al prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse endo■ cap■ ill■ ary prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis dense deposit disease diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis other unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ al prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse endo■ cap■ ill■ ary prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis dense deposit disease diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ al prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse endo■ cap■ ill■ ary prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis dense deposit disease diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis other unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ al prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse endo■ cap■ ill■ ary prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis dense deposit disease diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis other unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ al prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse endo■ cap■ ill■ ary prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis dense deposit disease diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis other unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis other unspecified minor glo■ mer■ ular ab■ normality focal and seg■ mental glo■ mer■ ular le■ sions diffuse memb■ ran■ ous glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ al prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse endo■ cap■ ill■ ary prolifer■ ative glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis diffuse mes■ an■ gi■ oc■ ap■ ill■ ary glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis dense deposit disease diffuse cres■ cen■ tic glo■ mer■ ul■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis unspecified acute tu■ bul■ o - inter■ sti■ tial ne■ ph■ ri■ tis non■ obstruc■ tive ref■ lux - associated chronic p■ yel■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis chronic obstruc■ tive p■ yel■ on■ eph■ ri■ tis other chronic tu■ bul■ o - inter■ sti■ tial ne■ ph■ ri■ tis chronic tu■ bul■ o - inter■ sti■ tial ne■ ph■ ri■ tis , unspecified tu■ bul■ o - inter■ sti■ tial ne■ ph■ ri■ tis , not specified as acute or chronic hydro■ ne■ ph■ ro■ sis with u■ re■ ter■ op■ el■ vic junction obstruction hydro■ ne■ ph■ ro■ sis with u■ re■ ter■ al stric■ ture , not elsewhere classified hydro■ ne■ ph■ ro■ sis with ren■ al and u■ re■ ter■ al calcul■ ous obstruction other and unspecified hydro■ ne■ ph■ ro■ sis hy■ drou■ re■ ter kin■ king and stric■ ture of u■ re■ ter without hydro■ ne■ ph■ ro■ sis py■ on■ eph■ ro■ sis ve■ si■ cou■ re■ ter■ al - ref■ lux - associated u■ ro■ pa■ thy other obstruc■ tive and ref■ lux u■ ro■ pa■ thy obstruc■ tive and ref■ lux u■ ro■ pa■ thy , unspecified anal■ ges■ ic ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy induced by unspecified drug , medic■ ament or biological substance ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy induced by heavy metals toxic ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy , not elsewhere classified balkan ne■ ph■ ro■ pa■ thy other specified ren■ al tu■ bul■ o - inter■ sti■ tial diseases ren■ al tu■ bul■ o - inter■ sti■ tial disease , unspecified chronic ren■ al failure , unspecified unspecified ren■ al failure calcul■ us of kidney calcul■ us of u■ re■ ter calcul■ us of kidney with calcul■ us of u■ re■ ter ur■ inary calcul■ us , unspecified calcul■ us in blad■ der calcul■ us in u■ re■ th■ ra calcul■ us of lower ur■ inary tract , unspecified unspecified ren■ al col■ ic ren■ al o■ ste■ od■ y■ stro■ phy ne■ ph■ ro■ genic diabetes insi■ pi■ dus other disorders resulting from impaired ren■ al tu■ bul■ ar function disorder resulting from impaired ren■ al tu■ bul■ ar function , unspecified unspecified contracted kidney small kidney , unilateral small kidney , bilateral small kidney , unspecified is■ cha■ emia and inf■ arc■ tion of kidney cyst of kidney , acquired other specified disorders of kidney and u■ re■ ter disorder of kidney and u■ re■ ter , unspecified acute cy■ sti■ tis inter■ sti■ tial cy■ sti■ tis ( chronic ) other chronic cy■ sti■ tis tri■ g■ oni■ tis irradiation cy■ sti■ tis other cy■ sti■ tis cy■ sti■ tis , unspecified un■ inhi■ bited neuro■ path■ ic blad■ der , not elsewhere classified reflex neuro■ path■ ic blad■ der , not elsewhere classified fl■ acci■ d neuro■ path■ ic blad■ der , not elsewhere classified neuro■ muscular dysfunction of blad■ der , unspecified blad■ der - neck obstruction ve■ si■ co■ intest■ inal f■ ist■ ula ves■ ical f■ ist■ ula , not elsewhere classified diver■ ticul■ um of blad■ der rupture of blad■ der , non■ traumatic other specified disorders of blad■ der blad■ der disorder , unspecified u■ re■ th■ ral abs■ c■ ess non■ specific u■ re■ thri■ tis other u■ re■ thri■ tis u■ re■ th■ ral syndrome , unspecified post■ traumatic u■ re■ th■ ral stric■ ture post■ infec■ tive u■ re■ th■ ral stric■ ture , not elsewhere classified other u■ re■ th■ ral stric■ ture u■ re■ th■ ral stric■ ture , unspecified u■ re■ th■ ral f■ ist■ ula u■ re■ th■ ral diver■ ticul■ um u■ re■ th■ ral car■ uncle pro■ lapsed u■ re■ th■ ral mu■ co■ sa other specified disorders of u■ re■ th■ ra u■ re■ th■ ral disorder , unspecified ur■ inary tract infection , site not specified persistent prote■ in■ ur■ ia , unspecified orth■ o■ static prote■ in■ ur■ ia , unspecified stress in■ contin■ ence disorder of ur■ inary system , unspecified hyper■ pl■ asia of pro■ state acute pro■ stati■ tis chronic pro■ stati■ tis abs■ c■ ess of pro■ state pro■ stat■ oc■ y■ sti■ tis other infl■ am■ matory diseases of pro■ state infl■ am■ matory disease of pro■ state , unspecified calcul■ us of pro■ state congestion and haemorrha■ ge of pro■ state atro■ phy of pro■ state other specified disorders of pro■ state disorder of pro■ state , unspecified en■ cy■ sted hydro■ ce■ le infected hydro■ ce■ le other hydro■ ce■ le hydro■ ce■ le , unspecified sper■ mat■ oce■ le or■ chi■ tis , epi■ di■ dy■ miti■ s and epi■ di■ dy■ mo - or■ chi■ tis with abs■ c■ ess or■ chi■ tis , epi■ di■ dy■ miti■ s and epi■ di■ dy■ mo - or■ chi■ tis without abs■ c■ ess male in■ fertility redundant pre■ pu■ ce , ph■ im■ osis and par■ ap■ him■ osis leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia of penis balan■ o■ pos■ thi■ tis other infl■ am■ matory disorders of penis impotence of organic origin ul■ cer of penis balan■ i■ tis x■ ero■ tica obliter■ ans other specified disorders of penis disorder of penis , unspecified infl■ am■ matory disorders of sem■ inal ves■ ic■ le infl■ am■ matory disorders of sper■ matic cord , tun■ ica vag■ in■ alis and vas defer■ ens infl■ am■ matory disorders of scro■ tum infl■ am■ matory disorder of unspecified male genital organ atro■ phy of testi■ s vascular disorders of male genital organs other specified disorders of male genital organs disorder of male genital organs , unspecified solitary cyst of breast diffuse c■ ys■ tic ma■ stop■ athy fi■ broad■ en■ osis of breast fi■ bro■ sclerosis of breast mam■ mary duc■ t ec■ ta■ sia other benign mam■ mary dys■ pl■ asi■ as benign mam■ mary dys■ pl■ asia , unspecified infl■ am■ matory disorders of breast hyper■ tro■ phy of breast unspecified lump in breast fis■ sure and f■ ist■ ula of nip■ ple fat necro■ sis of breast atro■ phy of breast galac■ tor■ rho■ ea not associated with childbirth ma■ st■ od■ y■ nia other signs and symptoms in breast other specified disorders of breast disorder of breast , unspecified acute sal■ p■ ing■ i■ tis and o■ oph■ ori■ tis chronic sal■ p■ ing■ i■ tis and o■ oph■ ori■ tis sal■ p■ ing■ i■ tis and o■ oph■ ori■ tis , unspecified acute infl■ am■ matory disease of uter■ us chronic infl■ am■ matory disease of uter■ us infl■ am■ matory disease of uter■ us , unspecified infl■ am■ matory disease of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i acute parame■ tri■ tis and pel■ vic cell■ u■ li■ tis chronic parame■ tri■ tis and pel■ vic cell■ u■ li■ tis unspecified parame■ tri■ tis and pel■ vic cell■ u■ li■ tis female acute pel■ vic per■ it■ oni■ tis female chronic pel■ vic per■ it■ oni■ tis female pel■ vic per■ it■ oni■ tis , unspecified female pel■ vic per■ it■ one■ al adhe■ sions other specified female pel■ vic infl■ am■ matory diseases female pel■ vic infl■ am■ matory disease , unspecified cyst of bar■ th■ olin ' s g■ land abs■ c■ ess of bar■ th■ olin ' s g■ land other diseases of bar■ th■ olin ' s g■ land acute vag■ initi■ s sub■ acute and chronic vag■ initi■ s acute vul■ vi■ tis sub■ acute and chronic vul■ vi■ tis abs■ c■ ess of vul■ va ul■ cer■ ation of vag■ ina ul■ cer■ ation of vul■ va end■ ome■ tri■ osis of uter■ us end■ ome■ tri■ osis of o■ vary end■ ome■ tri■ osis of fall■ op■ ian tube end■ ome■ tri■ osis of pel■ vic per■ it■ on■ eu■ m end■ ome■ tri■ osis of rec■ to■ vag■ inal sep■ tum and vag■ ina end■ ome■ tri■ osis of intest■ ine end■ ome■ tri■ osis in cu■ taneous scar other end■ ome■ tri■ osis end■ ome■ tri■ osis , unspecified female u■ re■ thro■ ce■ le cy■ sto■ ce■ le incomplete uter■ ov■ ag■ inal pro■ lapse complete uter■ ov■ ag■ inal pro■ lapse uter■ ov■ ag■ inal pro■ lapse , unspecified vag■ inal enter■ oce■ le rec■ to■ ce■ le other female genital pro■ lapse female genital pro■ lapse , unspecified ve■ si■ co■ vag■ inal f■ ist■ ula other female ur■ inary - genital tract f■ ist■ ul■ ae f■ ist■ ula of vag■ ina to small intest■ ine f■ ist■ ula of vag■ ina to large intest■ ine other female intest■ inal - genital tract f■ ist■ ul■ ae female genital tract - skin f■ ist■ ul■ ae female genital tract f■ ist■ ula , unspecified fol■ lic■ ular cyst of o■ vary corpus lu■ t■ eu■ m cyst other and unspecified o■ vari■ an cy■ sts acquired atro■ phy of o■ vary and fall■ op■ ian tube pro■ lapse and her■ nia of o■ vary and fall■ op■ ian tube tor■ sion of o■ vary , o■ vari■ an pe■ dic■ le and fall■ op■ ian tube ha■ emato■ sal■ pin■ x ha■ em■ atom■ a of broad lig■ ament other non■ infl■ am■ matory disorders of o■ vary , fall■ op■ ian tube and broad lig■ ament non■ infl■ am■ matory disorder of o■ vary , fall■ op■ ian tube and broad lig■ ament , unspecified poly■ p of corpus uter■ i poly■ p of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i poly■ p of vag■ ina poly■ p of vul■ va poly■ p of other parts of female genital tract poly■ p of female genital tract , unspecified end■ ome■ trial g■ land■ ular hyper■ pl■ asia end■ ome■ trial aden■ om■ at■ ous hyper■ pl■ asia hyper■ tro■ phy of uter■ us sub■ inv■ olution of uter■ us mal■ position of uter■ us in■ version of uter■ us intra - uter■ ine sy■ nec■ hi■ ae ha■ em■ atom■ e■ tra other specified non■ infl■ am■ matory disorders of uter■ us non■ infl■ am■ matory disorder of uter■ us , unspecified erosion and ec■ tro■ p■ ion of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i mild cer■ vic■ al dys■ pl■ asia moderate cer■ vic■ al dys■ pl■ asia severe cer■ vic■ al dys■ pl■ asia , not elsewhere classified dys■ pl■ asia of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i , unspecified leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i old lac■ eration of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i stric■ ture and sten■ osis of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i incompetence of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i hyper■ troph■ ic el■ on■ gation of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i other specified non■ infl■ am■ matory disorders of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i non■ infl■ am■ matory disorder of cer■ vi■ x uter■ i , unspecified mild vag■ inal dys■ pl■ asia moderate vag■ inal dys■ pl■ asia severe vag■ inal dys■ pl■ asia , not elsewhere classified dys■ pl■ asia of vag■ ina , unspecified leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia of vag■ ina stric■ ture and at■ re■ sia of vag■ ina tight hy■ men■ al ring ha■ emato■ col■ pos other specified non■ infl■ am■ matory disorders of vag■ ina non■ infl■ am■ matory disorder of vag■ ina , unspecified mild vul■ var dys■ pl■ asia moderate vul■ var dys■ pl■ asia severe vul■ var dys■ pl■ asia , not elsewhere classified dys■ pl■ asia of vul■ va , unspecified leuk■ op■ la■ k■ ia of vul■ va atro■ phy of vul■ va hyper■ tro■ phy of vul■ va vul■ var cyst other specified non■ infl■ am■ matory disorders of vul■ va and per■ in■ eu■ m non■ infl■ am■ matory disorder of vul■ va and per■ in■ eu■ m , unspecified primary amen■ or■ rho■ ea secondary amen■ or■ rho■ ea amen■ or■ rho■ ea , unspecified primary olig■ omen■ or■ rho■ ea secondary olig■ omen■ or■ rho■ ea olig■ omen■ or■ rho■ ea , unspecified excessive and frequent men■ str■ uation with regular cycle excessive and frequent men■ str■ uation with irregular cycle excessive men■ str■ uation at pu■ ber■ ty ov■ ulation bleeding excessive bleeding in the pre■ men■ opa■ usal period other specified irregular men■ str■ uation irregular men■ str■ uation , unspecified post■ co■ ital and contact bleeding other specified abnormal uter■ ine and vag■ inal bleeding abnormal uter■ ine and vag■ inal bleeding , unspecified mittel■ sch■ mer■ z dy■ sp■ are■ un■ ia vag■ in■ is■ mus pre■ men■ str■ ual tension syndrome primary dy■ sm■ en■ or■ rho■ ea secondary dy■ sm■ en■ or■ rho■ ea dy■ sm■ en■ or■ rho■ ea , unspecified other specified conditions associated with female genital organs and men■ str■ ual cycle unspecified condition associated with female genital organs and men■ str■ ual cycle post■ men■ opa■ usal bleeding men■ opa■ usal and female clim■ ac■ ter■ ic states post■ men■ opa■ usal atro■ ph■ ic vag■ initi■ s states associated with artificial men■ op■ ause other specified men■ opa■ usal and perim■ en■ opa■ usal disorders men■ opa■ usal and perim■ en■ opa■ usal disorder , unspecified habitual abor■ ter female in■ fertility associated with an■ ov■ ulation female in■ fertility of tu■ bal origin female in■ fertility of uter■ ine origin female in■ fertility of cer■ vic■ al origin female in■ fertility associated with male factors female in■ fertility of other origin female in■ fertility , unspecified infection associated with artificial ins■ em■ ination hyper■ stimulation of ov■ aries complications of attempted introduction of fertili■ zed ov■ um following in vitro fertili■ zation complications of attempted introduction of embryo in embryo transfer other complications associated with artificial fertili■ zation complic■ ation associated with artificial fertili■ zation , unspecified post■ procedural ren■ al failure post■ procedural u■ re■ th■ ral stric■ ture post■ procedural adhe■ sions of vag■ ina pro■ lapse of vag■ inal vault after hyster■ ec■ tomy post■ procedural pel■ vic per■ it■ one■ al adhe■ sions mal■ function of external stom■ a of ur■ inary tract other post■ procedural disorders of gen■ it■ our■ inary system post■ procedural disorder of gen■ it■ our■ inary system , unspecified ab■ domin■ al pregnancy tu■ bal pregnancy o■ vari■ an pregnancy other ec■ topic pregnancy ec■ topic pregnancy , unspecified classical hy■ d■ ati■ di■ form mole incomplete and partial hy■ d■ ati■ di■ form mole hy■ d■ ati■ di■ form mole , unspecified b■ lighted ov■ um and non■ hy■ d■ ati■ di■ form mole missed abortion other specified abnormal products of conception abnormal product of conception , unspecified incomplete , with other and unspecified complications incomplete , without complic■ ation complete or unspecified , complicated by genital tract and pel■ vic infection complete or unspecified , complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrha■ ge complete or unspecified , with other and unspecified complications complete or unspecified , without complic■ ation incomplete , with other and unspecified complications incomplete , without complic■ ation complete or unspecified , with other and unspecified complications complete or unspecified , without complic■ ation complete or unspecified , with other and unspecified complications complete or unspecified , without complic■ ation incomplete , with other and unspecified complications incomplete , without complic■ ation complete or unspecified , complicated by genital tract and pel■ vic infection complete or unspecified , complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrha■ ge complete or unspecified , with other and unspecified complications complete or unspecified , without complic■ ation failed medical abortion , complicated by genital tract and pel■ vic infection failed medical abortion , complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrha■ ge failed medical abortion , complicated by embol■ ism failed medical abortion , with other and unspecified complications failed medical abortion , without complic■ ation other and unspecified failed attempted abortion , complicated by genital tract and pel■ vic infection other and unspecified failed attempted abortion , complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrha■ ge other and unspecified failed attempted abortion , complicated by embol■ ism other and unspecified failed attempted abortion , with other and unspecified complications other and unspecified failed attempted abortion , without complic■ ation genital tract and pel■ vic infection following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy delayed or excessive haemorrha■ ge following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy embol■ ism following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy shock following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy ren■ al failure following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy metabol■ ic disorders following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy damage to pel■ vic organs and tissues following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy other ven■ ous complications following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy other complications following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy complic■ ation following abortion and ec■ topic and mol■ ar pregnancy , unspecified pre - existing essential hyper■ tension complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um pre - existing hyper■ ten■ sive heart disease complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um pre - existing hyper■ ten■ sive ren■ al disease complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um pre - existing hyper■ ten■ sive heart and ren■ al disease complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um pre - existing secondary hyper■ tension complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um pre - existing hyper■ ten■ sive disorder with super■ imposed prote■ in■ ur■ ia gest■ ational oe■ dem■ a gest■ ational prote■ in■ ur■ ia gest■ ational oe■ dem■ a with prote■ in■ ur■ ia gest■ ational [ pregnancy - induced ] hyper■ tension without significant prote■ in■ ur■ ia moderate pre■ ec■ lam■ p■ sia severe pre■ ec■ lam■ p■ sia pre■ ec■ lam■ p■ sia , unspecified ec■ lam■ p■ sia in pregnancy ec■ lam■ p■ sia in labour ec■ lam■ p■ sia in the puer■ peri■ um ec■ lam■ p■ sia , unspecified as to time period unspecified maternal hyper■ tension threatened abortion other haemorrha■ ge in early pregnancy haemorrha■ ge in early pregnancy , unspecified mild hyper■ em■ esis gr■ avi■ dar■ um hyper■ em■ esis gr■ avi■ dar■ um with metabol■ ic disturbance late v■ om■ iting of pregnancy v■ om■ iting of pregnancy , unspecified vari■ cose ve■ ins of lower extre■ mity in pregnancy genital var■ ices in pregnancy superficial thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis in pregnancy deep ph■ le■ bo■ thro■ m■ bo■ sis in pregnancy ha■ emor■ rho■ ids in pregnancy cere■ br■ al ven■ ous thro■ m■ bo■ sis in pregnancy other ven■ ous complications in pregnancy ven■ ous complic■ ation in pregnancy , unspecified infections of kidney in pregnancy infections of blad■ der in pregnancy infections of u■ re■ th■ ra in pregnancy infections of other parts of ur■ inary tract in pregnancy unspecified infection of ur■ inary tract in pregnancy infections of the genital tract in pregnancy other and unspecified gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract infection in pregnancy pre - existing diabetes mell■ it■ us , insulin - dependent pre - existing diabetes mell■ it■ us , non - insulin - dependent pre - existing malnutrition - related diabetes mell■ it■ us pre - existing diabetes mell■ it■ us , unspecified diabetes mell■ it■ us arising in pregnancy diabetes mell■ it■ us in pregnancy , unspecified malnutrition in pregnancy excessive weight gain in pregnancy low weight gain in pregnancy pregnancy care of habitual abor■ ter retained intra - uter■ ine contrac■ eptive device in pregnancy her■ pes gest■ ation■ is maternal hypo■ tension syndrome su■ blu■ x■ ation of symp■ h■ ysis ( pu■ bis ) in pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um pregnancy - related condition , unspecified abnormal ha■ em■ at■ ological finding on anten■ atal screening of mother abnormal bio■ chemical finding on anten■ atal screening of mother abnormal cy■ to■ logical finding on anten■ atal screening of mother abnormal ul■ tras■ onic finding on anten■ atal screening of mother abnormal radiological finding on anten■ atal screening of mother abnormal chro■ mo■ som■ al and genetic finding on anten■ atal screening of mother other abnormal findings on anten■ atal screening of mother abnormal finding on anten■ atal screening of mother , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary complications of ana■ esthesia during pregnancy cardiac complications of ana■ esthesia during pregnancy central nervous system complications of ana■ esthesia during pregnancy toxic reaction to local ana■ esthesia during pregnancy spinal and ep■ id■ ural ana■ esthesia - induced headache during pregnancy other complications of spinal and ep■ id■ ural ana■ esthesia during pregnancy failed or difficult intu■ b■ ation during pregnancy complic■ ation of ana■ esthesia during pregnancy , unspecified twin pregnancy tri■ p■ let pregnancy quad■ rup■ let pregnancy other multiple gest■ ation multiple gest■ ation , unspecified pap■ y■ rac■ eous fe■ tus continuing pregnancy after abortion of one fe■ tus or more continuing pregnancy after in■ trau■ ter■ ine death of one fe■ tus or more maternal care for unstable lie maternal care for bre■ ech presentation maternal care for trans■ verse and obli■ que lie maternal care for face , bro■ w and chin presentation maternal care for high head at term maternal care for multiple gest■ ation with mal■ presentation of one fe■ tus or more maternal care for compound presentation maternal care for other mal■ presentation of fe■ tus maternal care for mal■ presentation of fe■ tus , unspecified maternal care for dis■ proportion due to de■ form■ ity of maternal pel■ vic bones maternal care for dis■ proportion due to generally contracted pel■ vis maternal care for dis■ proportion due to in■ let contraction of pel■ vis maternal care for dis■ proportion due to outlet contraction of pel■ vis maternal care for dis■ proportion of mixed maternal and fe■ tal origin maternal care for dis■ proportion due to unusually large fe■ tus maternal care for dis■ proportion due to hydro■ cephal■ ic fe■ tus maternal care for dis■ proportion due to other fe■ tal de■ form■ ities maternal care for dis■ proportion of other origin maternal care for dis■ proportion , unspecified maternal care for con■ genital mal■ formation of uter■ us maternal care for tum■ our of corpus uter■ i maternal care due to uter■ ine scar from previous surgery maternal care for other ab■ norm■ alities of cer■ vi■ x maternal care for other ab■ norm■ alities of gr■ avi■ d uter■ us maternal care for ab■ normality of vag■ ina maternal care for ab■ normality of vul■ va and per■ in■ eu■ m maternal care for other ab■ norm■ alities of pel■ vic organs maternal care for ab■ normality of pel■ vic organ , unspecified maternal care for ( suspected ) central nervous system mal■ formation in fe■ tus maternal care for ( suspected ) chro■ mo■ som■ al ab■ normality in fe■ tus maternal care for ( suspected ) hereditary disease in fe■ tus maternal care for ( suspected ) damage to fe■ tus from viral disease in mother maternal care for ( suspected ) damage to fe■ tus from alcohol maternal care for ( suspected ) damage to fe■ tus by drugs maternal care for ( suspected ) damage to fe■ tus by radiation maternal care for ( suspected ) damage to fe■ tus by other medical procedures maternal care for other ( suspected ) fe■ tal ab■ normality and damage maternal care for ( suspected ) fe■ tal ab■ normality and damage , unspecified maternal care for r■ hes■ us iso■ immun■ isation maternal care for other iso■ immun■ isation maternal care for hydro■ ps fe■ tal■ is maternal care for signs of fe■ tal hypo■ x■ ia maternal care for intra - uter■ ine death maternal care for poor fe■ tal growth maternal care for excessive fe■ tal growth maternal care for viable fe■ tus in ab■ domin■ al pregnancy maternal care for other specified fe■ tal problems maternal care for fo■ etal problem , unspecified poly■ hy■ dram■ ni■ os oligo■ hy■ dram■ ni■ os infection of am■ ni■ otic s■ ac and memb■ ran■ es other specified disorders of am■ ni■ otic fluid and memb■ ran■ es disorder of am■ ni■ otic fluid and memb■ ran■ es , unspecified premature rupture of memb■ ran■ es , onset of labour within 24 hours premature rupture of memb■ ran■ es , unspecified plac■ ental transfusion syndro■ mes mal■ formation of plac■ enta other plac■ ental disorders plac■ ental disorder , unspecified premature separation of plac■ enta with co■ ag■ ulation defect other premature separation of plac■ enta premature separation of plac■ enta , unspecified an■ te■ par■ tum haemorrha■ ge with co■ ag■ ulation defect other an■ te■ par■ tum haemorrha■ ge an■ te■ par■ tum haemorrha■ ge , unspecified false labour before 37 completed weeks of gest■ ation false labour at or after 37 completed weeks of gest■ ation false labour , unspecified prolonged pregnancy failed medical induc■ tion of labour failed instrumental induc■ tion of labour failed induc■ tion of labour , unspecified primary inadequate contr■ actions secondary uter■ ine inertia other uter■ ine inertia precipitate labour hyper■ tonic , in■ coordinate and prolonged uter■ ine contr■ actions other ab■ norm■ alities of forces of labour ab■ normality of forces of labour , unspecified prolonged first stage ( of labour ) prolonged second stage ( of labour ) delayed delivery of second twin , tri■ p■ let , etc . long labour , unspecified obstructed labour due to incomplete rotation of fe■ tal head obstructed labour due to bre■ ech presentation obstructed labour due to face presentation obstructed labour due to bro■ w presentation obstructed labour due to shoulder presentation obstructed labour due to compound presentation obstructed labour due to other mal■ position and mal■ presentation obstructed labour due to mal■ position and mal■ presentation , unspecified obstructed labour due to de■ formed pel■ vis obstructed labour due to generally contracted pel■ vis obstructed labour due to pel■ vic in■ let contraction obstructed labour due to pel■ vic outlet and mid - cav■ ity contraction obstructed labour due to fo■ et■ op■ el■ vic dis■ proportion , unspecified obstructed labour due to ab■ normality of maternal pel■ vic organs obstructed labour due to other maternal pel■ vic ab■ norm■ alities obstructed labour due to maternal pel■ vic ab■ normality , unspecified obstructed labour due to shoulder dy■ sto■ cia obstructed labour due to locked twins obstructed labour due to unusually large fe■ tus obstructed labour due to other ab■ norm■ alities of fe■ tus failed trial of labour , unspecified failed application of vacuum ex■ tractor and for■ cep■ s , unspecified other specified obstructed labour obstructed labour , unspecified intr■ apar■ tum haemorrha■ ge with co■ ag■ ulation defect other intr■ apar■ tum haemorrha■ ge intr■ apar■ tum haemorrha■ ge , unspecified labour and delivery complicated by fe■ tal heart rate anomaly labour and delivery complicated by me■ con■ ium in am■ ni■ otic fluid labour and delivery complicated by fe■ tal heart rate anomaly with me■ con■ ium in am■ ni■ otic fluid labour and delivery complicated by bio■ chemical evidence of fe■ tal stress labour and delivery complicated by other evidence of fe■ tal stress labour and delivery complicated by fe■ tal stress , unspecified labour and delivery complicated by pro■ lapse of cord labour and delivery complicated by cord around neck , with compression labour and delivery complicated by other cord entang■ lement labour and delivery complicated by short cord labour and delivery complicated by v■ asa pra■ evi■ a labour and delivery complicated by vascular le■ sion of cord labour and delivery complicated by other cord complications labour and delivery complicated by cord complic■ ation , unspecified first degree per■ ine■ al lac■ eration during delivery second degree per■ ine■ al lac■ eration during delivery third degree per■ ine■ al lac■ eration during delivery fourth degree per■ ine■ al lac■ eration during delivery per■ ine■ al lac■ eration during delivery , unspecified rupture of uter■ us before onset of labour rupture of uter■ us during labour post■ par■ tum in■ version of uter■ us ob■ ste■ tric lac■ eration of cer■ vi■ x ob■ ste■ tric high vag■ inal lac■ eration alone other ob■ ste■ tric injury to pel■ vic organs ob■ ste■ tric damage to pel■ vic joints and lig■ aments ob■ ste■ tric ha■ em■ atom■ a of pel■ vis other specified ob■ ste■ tric trauma ob■ ste■ tric trauma , unspecified third - stage haemorrha■ ge other immediate post■ par■ tum haemorrha■ ge delayed and secondary post■ par■ tum haemorrha■ ge post■ par■ tum co■ ag■ ulation defects retained plac■ enta , without haemorrha■ ge retained portions of plac■ enta and memb■ ran■ es , without haemorrha■ ge aspiration pneu■ mon■ i■ tis due to ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery other pul■ mon■ ary complications of ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery cardiac complications of ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery central nervous system complications of ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery toxic reaction to local ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery spinal and ep■ id■ ural ana■ esthesia - induced headache during labour and delivery other complications of spinal and ep■ id■ ural ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery failed or difficult intu■ b■ ation during labour and delivery complic■ ation of ana■ esthesia during labour and delivery , unspecified maternal distress during labour and delivery shock during or following labour and delivery py■ re■ x■ ia during labour , not elsewhere classified other infection during labour other complications of ob■ ste■ tric surgery and procedures delayed delivery after artificial rupture of memb■ ran■ es delayed delivery after spontaneous or unspecified rupture of memb■ ran■ es vag■ inal delivery following previous ca■ es■ are■ an section other specified complications of labour and delivery complic■ ation of labour and delivery , unspecified single spontaneous delivery single delivery by for■ cep■ s and vacuum ex■ tractor single delivery by ca■ es■ are■ an section puer■ per■ al sep■ sis infection of ob■ ste■ tric surgical wound other infection of genital tract following delivery ur■ inary tract infection following delivery other gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract infections following delivery py■ re■ x■ ia of unknown origin following delivery other specified puer■ per■ al infections superficial thro■ m■ b■ oph■ le■ bi■ tis in the puer■ peri■ um deep ph■ le■ bo■ thro■ m■ bo■ sis in the puer■ peri■ um ha■ emor■ rho■ ids in the puer■ peri■ um cere■ br■ al ven■ ous thro■ m■ bo■ sis in the puer■ peri■ um other ven■ ous complications in the puer■ peri■ um ven■ ous complic■ ation in the puer■ peri■ um , unspecified ob■ ste■ tric air embol■ ism am■ ni■ otic fluid embol■ ism ob■ ste■ tric py■ a■ emic and se■ ptic embol■ ism other ob■ ste■ tric embol■ ism pul■ mon■ ary complications of ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um cardiac complications of ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um central nervous system complications of ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um toxic reaction to local ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um spinal and ep■ id■ ural ana■ esthesia - induced headache during the puer■ peri■ um other complications of spinal and ep■ id■ ural ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um failed or difficult intu■ b■ ation during the puer■ peri■ um other complications of ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um complic■ ation of ana■ esthesia during the puer■ peri■ um , unspecified disruption of ca■ es■ are■ an section wound disruption of per■ ine■ al ob■ ste■ tric wound ha■ em■ atom■ a of ob■ ste■ tric wound cardi■ om■ y■ opathy in the puer■ peri■ um post■ par■ tum acute ren■ al failure post■ par■ tum thyro■ idi■ tis other complications of the puer■ peri■ um , not elsewhere classified complic■ ation of the puer■ peri■ um , unspecified sequ■ el■ ae of complic■ ation of pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um ob■ ste■ tric death of unspecified cause tuberculosis complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um sy■ phil■ is complicating pregnancy , child■ bir■ t and the puer■ peri■ um gon■ or■ rho■ ea complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um other viral diseases complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um proto■ zo■ al diseases complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um other maternal infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um unspecified maternal infectious or par■ asi■ tic diseases complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um ana■ emia complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um endocrine , nutritional and metabol■ ic diseases complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um diseases of the circul■ atory system complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um diseases of the respiratory system complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um diseases of the dig■ estive system complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um diseases of the skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal hyper■ ten■ sive disorders fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal ren■ al and ur■ inary tract diseases fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other maternal circul■ atory and respiratory diseases fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal nutritional disorders fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal injury fe■ tus and new■ born affected by surgical procedure on mother fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other medical procedures on mother , not elsewhere classified fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other maternal conditions fe■ tus and new■ born affected by unspecified maternal condition fe■ tus and new■ born affected by incompetent cer■ vi■ x fe■ tus and new■ born affected by premature rupture of memb■ ran■ es fe■ tus and new■ born affected by oligo■ hy■ dram■ ni■ os fe■ tus and new■ born affected by poly■ hy■ dram■ ni■ os fe■ tus and new■ born affected by ec■ topic pregnancy fe■ tus and new■ born affected by multiple pregnancy fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal death fe■ tus and new■ born affected by mal■ presentation before labour fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other maternal complications of pregnancy fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal complic■ ation of pregnancy , unspecified fe■ tus and new■ born affected by plac■ enta pra■ evi■ a fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other forms of plac■ ental separation and haemorrha■ ge fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other and unspecified mor■ pho■ logical and functional ab■ norm■ alities of plac■ enta fe■ tus and new■ born affected by plac■ ental transfusion syndro■ mes fe■ tus and new■ born affected by pro■ lapsed cord fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other compression of um■ bil■ ical cord fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other and unspecified conditions of um■ bil■ ical cord fe■ tus and new■ born affected by ch■ ori■ o■ am■ ni■ oni■ tis fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other ab■ norm■ alities of memb■ ran■ es fe■ tus and new■ born affected by ab■ normality of memb■ ran■ es , unspecified fe■ tus and new■ born affected by bre■ ech delivery and extraction fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other mal■ presentation , mal■ position and dis■ proportion during labour and delivery fe■ tus and new■ born affected by for■ cep■ s delivery fe■ tus and new■ born affected by delivery by vacuum ex■ tractor [ vent■ ouse ] fe■ tus and new■ born affected by ca■ es■ are■ an delivery fe■ tus and new■ born affected by precipitate delivery fe■ tus and new■ born affected by abnormal uter■ ine contr■ actions fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other specified complications of labour and delivery fe■ tus and new■ born affected by complic■ ation of labour and delivery , unspecified fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal ana■ esthesia and anal■ ge■ sia in pregnancy , labour and delivery fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other maternal medication fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal use of tobacco fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal use of alcohol fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances fe■ tus and new■ born affected by other maternal noxious influences fe■ tus and new■ born affected by maternal noxious influence , unspecified light for gest■ ational age small for gest■ ational age fo■ etal malnutrition without mention of light or small for gest■ ational age slow fo■ etal growth , unspecified extreme im■ maturity other pre■ term infants exceptionally large baby other heavy for gest■ ational age infants post■ term infant , not heavy for gest■ ational age sub■ d■ ural haemorrha■ ge due to birth injury cere■ br■ al haemorrha■ ge due to birth injury intra■ ven■ tric■ ular haemorrha■ ge due to birth injury sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge due to birth injury tent■ orial tear due to birth injury other in■ trac■ ran■ ial lac■ er■ ations and haemorrha■ ges due to birth injury unspecified in■ trac■ ran■ ial lac■ eration and haemorrha■ ge due to birth injury cere■ br■ al oe■ dem■ a due to birth injury other specified brain damage due to birth injury unspecified brain damage due to birth injury birth injury to facial nerve birth injury to other cran■ ial nerves birth injury to central nervous system , unspecified cephal■ ha■ em■ atom■ a due to birth injury chi■ gnon due to birth injury epic■ ran■ ial sub■ ap■ on■ euro■ tic haemorrha■ ge due to birth injury bru■ ising of scal■ p due to birth injury monitoring injury of scal■ p of new■ born other birth injuries to scal■ p birth injury to scal■ p , unspecified frac■ ture of skull due to birth injury other birth injuries to skull birth injury to fem■ ur birth injury to other long bones frac■ ture of cla■ vic■ le due to birth injury birth injury to skelet■ on , unspecified er■ b ' s paralysis due to birth injury kl■ ump■ ke ' s paralysis due to birth injury ph■ ren■ ic nerve paralysis due to birth injury other br■ achi■ al plex■ us birth injuries birth injury to peripheral nervous system , unspecified birth injury to liver birth injury to sp■ leen ster■ no■ ma■ sto■ id injury due to birth injury birth injury to eye birth injury to face birth injury to external gen■ italia sub■ cu■ taneous fat necro■ sis due to birth injury other specified birth injuries birth injury , unspecified in■ trau■ ter■ ine hypo■ x■ ia first noted before onset of labour in■ trau■ ter■ ine hypo■ x■ ia first noted during labour and delivery in■ trau■ ter■ ine hypo■ x■ ia , unspecified severe birth as■ phy■ x■ ia mild and moderate birth as■ phy■ x■ ia birth as■ phy■ x■ ia , unspecified respiratory distress syndrome of new■ born transi■ ent t■ ach■ y■ p■ no■ ea of new■ born other respiratory distress of new■ born respiratory distress of new■ born , unspecified con■ genital pneumonia due to viral agent con■ genital pneumonia due to ch■ lam■ y■ dia con■ genital pneumonia due to stap■ hy■ lo■ co■ cc■ us con■ genital pneumonia due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us , group b con■ genital pneumonia due to es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli con■ genital pneumonia due to pseu■ dom■ onas con■ genital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents con■ genital pneumonia , unspecified ne■ on■ atal aspiration of me■ con■ ium ne■ on■ atal aspiration of am■ ni■ otic fluid and m■ uc■ us ne■ on■ atal aspiration of blood ne■ on■ atal aspiration of milk and reg■ urg■ itated food other ne■ on■ atal aspiration syndro■ mes ne■ on■ atal aspiration syndrome , unspecified inter■ sti■ tial emph■ ys■ ema originating in the per■ in■ atal period pneu■ mo■ thor■ ax originating in the per■ in■ atal period pneu■ mom■ edi■ ast■ inum originating in the per■ in■ atal period pneu■ m■ oper■ ic■ ardi■ um originating in the per■ in■ atal period other conditions related to inter■ sti■ tial emph■ ys■ ema originating in the per■ in■ atal period trac■ he■ ob■ ron■ ch■ ial haemorrha■ ge originating in the per■ in■ atal period massive pul■ mon■ ary haemorrha■ ge originating in the per■ in■ atal period other pul■ mon■ ary haemorrha■ ges originating in the per■ in■ atal period unspecified pul■ mon■ ary haemorrha■ ge originating in the per■ in■ atal period wilson - mik■ ity syndrome bron■ chop■ ul■ mon■ ary dys■ pl■ asia originating in the per■ in■ atal period other chronic respiratory diseases originating in the per■ in■ atal period unspecified chronic respiratory disease originating in the per■ in■ atal period primary at■ elect■ asis of new■ born other and unspecified at■ elect■ asis of new■ born cyan■ otic attacks of new■ born primary sleep ap■ no■ ea of new■ born other ap■ no■ ea of new■ born respiratory failure of new■ born other specified respiratory conditions of new■ born respiratory condition of new■ born , unspecified ne■ on■ atal cardiac failure ne■ on■ atal cardiac dys■ rhy■ th■ mia ne■ on■ atal hyper■ tension persistent fo■ etal circulation transi■ ent my■ o■ cardi■ al is■ cha■ emia of new■ born other cardiovascular disorders originating in the per■ in■ atal period cardiovascular disorder originating in the per■ in■ atal period , unspecified con■ genital rub■ ella syndrome con■ genital cy■ tom■ eg■ alo■ virus infection con■ genital her■ pes■ viral [ her■ pes simpl■ ex ] infection con■ genital viral hepatitis other con■ genital viral diseases con■ genital viral disease , unspecified sep■ sis of new■ born due to st■ rep■ to■ co■ cc■ us , group b sep■ sis of new■ born due to other and unspecified st■ rep■ to■ coc■ ci sep■ sis of new■ born due to stap■ hy■ lo■ co■ cc■ us au■ re■ us sep■ sis of new■ born due to other and unspecified stap■ hy■ lo■ coc■ ci sep■ sis of new■ born due to es■ cher■ ic■ hia coli sep■ sis of new■ born due to an■ aer■ ob■ es bacterial sep■ sis of new■ born , unspecified con■ genital tuberculosis con■ genital tox■ op■ las■ mo■ sis ne■ on■ atal ( disseminated ) lis■ ter■ i■ osis con■ genital fal■ ci■ par■ um malaria other con■ genital malaria ne■ on■ atal candi■ di■ asis con■ genital infectious or par■ asi■ tic disease , unspecified om■ ph■ ali■ tis of new■ born with or without mild haemorrha■ ge ne■ on■ atal infec■ tive mas■ ti■ tis ne■ on■ atal con■ junc■ ti■ vi■ tis and d■ ac■ ry■ oc■ y■ sti■ tis intra - am■ ni■ otic infection of fo■ etus , not elsewhere classified ne■ on■ atal ur■ inary tract infection ne■ on■ atal skin infection other specified infections specific to the per■ in■ atal period infection specific to the per■ in■ atal period , unspecified fe■ tal blood loss from v■ asa pra■ evi■ a fe■ tal blood loss from rup■ tured cord fe■ tal blood loss from plac■ enta haemorrha■ ge into co - twin haemorrha■ ge into maternal circulation fe■ tal blood loss from cut end of co - twin ' s cord fe■ tal blood loss , unspecified massive um■ bil■ ical haemorrha■ ge of new■ born other um■ bil■ ical haemorrha■ ges of new■ born um■ bil■ ical haemorrha■ ge of new■ born , unspecified intra■ ven■ tric■ ular ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge , grade 1 , of fe■ tus and new■ born intra■ ven■ tric■ ular ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge , grade 2 , of fe■ tus and new■ born intra■ ven■ tric■ ular ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge , grade 3 , of fe■ tus and new■ born unspecified intra■ ven■ tric■ ular ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge of fe■ tus and new■ born in■ trac■ ere■ br■ al ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge of fe■ tus and new■ born sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge of fe■ tus and new■ born cere■ bell■ ar ( non■ traumatic ) and poster■ ior fo■ ssa haemorrha■ ge of fe■ tus and new■ born other in■ trac■ ran■ ial ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ges of fe■ tus and new■ born in■ trac■ ran■ ial ( non■ traumatic ) haemorrha■ ge of fe■ tus and new■ born , unspecified haemorrha■ gic disease of fo■ etus and new■ born ne■ on■ atal ha■ em■ at■ em■ esis ne■ on■ atal mel■ a■ ena ne■ on■ atal rec■ tal haemorrha■ ge other ne■ on■ atal ga■ stro - intest■ inal haemorrha■ ge ne■ on■ atal adren■ al haemorrha■ ge ne■ on■ atal cu■ taneous haemorrha■ ge ne■ on■ atal vag■ inal haemorrha■ ge other specified ne■ on■ atal haemorrha■ ges ne■ on■ atal haemorrha■ ge , unspecified r■ h iso■ immun■ isation of fo■ etus and new■ born abo iso■ immun■ isation of fo■ etus and new■ born other ha■ emol■ y■ tic diseases of fo■ etus and new■ born ha■ emol■ y■ tic disease of fo■ etus and new■ born , unspecified hydro■ ps fo■ e■ tal■ is due to iso■ immun■ isation ker■ nic■ ter■ us due to iso■ immun■ isation ker■ nic■ ter■ us , unspecified ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to bru■ ising ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to bleeding ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to infection ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to poly■ cy■ th■ aemia ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother or given to new■ born ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to swallowed maternal blood ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to other specified excessive ha■ emol■ ysis ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice due to excessive ha■ emol■ ysis , unspecified ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice associated with pre■ term delivery insp■ iss■ ated bile syndrome ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice from other and unspecified he■ pat■ oc■ ell■ ular damage ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice from breast milk inhi■ bit■ or ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice from other specified causes ne■ on■ atal ja■ und■ ice , unspecified disseminated intr■ av■ ascular co■ ag■ ulation of fe■ tus and new■ born transi■ ent ne■ on■ atal thro■ m■ bo■ cy■ top■ enia poly■ cy■ th■ aemia ne■ on■ at■ orum ana■ emia of pre■ maturity con■ genital ana■ emia from fo■ etal blood loss other con■ genital ana■ emi■ as , not elsewhere classified transi■ ent ne■ on■ atal neu■ tro■ pen■ ia other transi■ ent ne■ on■ atal disorders of co■ ag■ ulation per■ in■ atal ha■ em■ at■ ological disorder , unspecified syndrome of infant of mother with gest■ ational diabetes syndrome of infant of a diabe■ tic mother ne■ on■ atal diabetes mell■ it■ us i■ atro■ genic ne■ on■ atal hypo■ gly■ ca■ emia other ne■ on■ atal hypo■ gly■ ca■ emia transitory disorder of carbo■ hydrate metabol■ ism of fe■ tus and new■ born , unspecified cow ' s milk hypo■ cal■ ca■ emia in new■ born other ne■ on■ atal hypo■ cal■ ca■ emia ne■ on■ atal hypo■ mag■ nes■ aemia ne■ on■ atal tet■ any without calcium or magnesium deficiency transitory ne■ on■ atal hypo■ par■ ath■ yro■ i■ dis■ m other transitory ne■ on■ atal disorders of calcium and magnesium metabol■ ism transitory ne■ on■ atal disorder of calcium and magnesium metabol■ ism , unspecified ne■ on■ atal go■ itre , not elsewhere classified transitory ne■ on■ atal hyper■ thyro■ i■ dis■ m other transitory ne■ on■ atal disorders of thyro■ id function , not elsewhere classified transitory ne■ on■ atal endocrine disorder , unspecified late metabol■ ic aci■ do■ sis of new■ born dehydr■ ation of new■ born disturbances of sodium balance of new■ born disturbances of potassium balance of new■ born other transitory electro■ ly■ te disturbances of new■ born transitory ty■ ro■ sin■ aemia of new■ born other transitory metabol■ ic disturbances of new■ born transitory metabol■ ic disturbance of new■ born , unspecified me■ con■ ium plug syndrome transitory i■ le■ us of new■ born intest■ inal obstruction due to insp■ iss■ ated milk other specified intest■ inal obstruction of new■ born intest■ inal obstruction of new■ born , unspecified necro■ tising enter■ o■ co■ li■ tis of fo■ etus and new■ born per■ in■ atal intest■ inal per■ for■ ation other ne■ on■ atal per■ it■ oni■ tis ne■ on■ atal ha■ em■ at■ em■ esis and mel■ a■ ena due to swallowed maternal blood non - infec■ tive ne■ on■ atal diarr■ ho■ ea other specified per■ in■ atal dig■ estive system disorders per■ in■ atal dig■ estive system disorder , unspecified cold injury syndrome other hypo■ ther■ mia of new■ born hypo■ ther■ mia of new■ born , unspecified environmental hyper■ ther■ mia of new■ born disturbance of temperature regulation of new■ born s■ cler■ ema ne■ on■ at■ orum ne■ on■ atal er■ y■ them■ a tox■ ic■ um hydro■ ps fo■ e■ tal■ is not due to ha■ emol■ y■ tic disease other and unspecified oe■ dem■ a specific to fe■ tus and new■ born breast eng■ org■ ement of new■ born con■ genital hydro■ ce■ le um■ bil■ ical poly■ p of new■ born other specified conditions of inte■ gu■ ment specific to fe■ tus and new■ born condition of inte■ gu■ ment specific to fe■ tus and new■ born , unspecified con■ vul■ sions of new■ born ne■ on■ atal cere■ br■ al is■ cha■ emia acquired peri■ ven■ tric■ ular cy■ sts of new■ born ne■ on■ atal cere■ br■ al leuk■ om■ al■ ac■ ia ne■ on■ atal cere■ br■ al irrit■ ability ne■ on■ atal cere■ br■ al depression ne■ on■ atal coma disturbance of cere■ br■ al status of new■ born , unspecified v■ om■ iting in new■ born reg■ urg■ itation and rumin■ ation in new■ born slow feeding of new■ born under■ feeding of new■ born over■ feeding of new■ born ne■ on■ atal difficulty in feeding at breast feeding problem of new■ born , unspecified reactions and in■ tox■ ic■ ations due to drugs administered to fe■ tus and new■ born transi■ ent ne■ on■ atal my■ asth■ enia grav■ is con■ genital hyper■ ton■ ia con■ genital hy■ pot■ onia disorder of muscle tone of new■ born , unspecified fo■ etal death of unspecified cause con■ genital ren■ al failure ne■ on■ atal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in new■ born wide cran■ ial su■ tures of new■ born complications of intra - uter■ ine procedures , not elsewhere classified other specified conditions originating in the per■ in■ atal period condition originating in the per■ in■ atal period , unspecified an■ encephal■ y cran■ ior■ ach■ is■ chis■ is ini■ encephal■ y frontal encephal■ oce■ le nas■ o■ frontal encephal■ oce■ le oc■ ci■ p■ ital encephal■ oce■ le encephal■ oce■ le of other sites encephal■ oce■ le , unspecified micro■ cephal■ y mal■ formations of aqu■ educ■ t of syl■ vi■ us at■ re■ sia of for■ am■ ina of mag■ en■ die and lus■ ch■ ka other con■ genital hydro■ cephal■ us con■ genital hydro■ cephal■ us , unspecified con■ genital mal■ formations of corpus cal■ lo■ sum ar■ hin■ encephal■ y holo■ pro■ sen■ cephal■ y other reduction de■ form■ ities of brain sep■ to - op■ tic dys■ pl■ asia me■ gal■ encephal■ y con■ genital cere■ br■ al cy■ sts other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of brain con■ genital mal■ formation of brain , unspecified cer■ vic■ al sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da with hydro■ cephal■ us thor■ ac■ ic sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da with hydro■ cephal■ us lum■ bar sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da with hydro■ cephal■ us sac■ ral sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da with hydro■ cephal■ us unspecified sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da with hydro■ cephal■ us cer■ vic■ al sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da without hydro■ cephal■ us thor■ ac■ ic sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da without hydro■ cephal■ us lum■ bar sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da without hydro■ cephal■ us sac■ ral sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da without hydro■ cephal■ us sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da , unspecified am■ ye■ lia hypo■ pl■ asia and dys■ pl■ asia of spinal cord di■ ast■ em■ atom■ ye■ lia other con■ genital c■ aud■ a equ■ ina mal■ formations hydro■ m■ ye■ lia other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of spinal cord con■ genital mal■ formation of spinal cord , unspecified arnold - chi■ ari syndrome other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of nervous system con■ genital mal■ formation of nervous system , unspecified con■ genital pto■ sis con■ genital ec■ tro■ p■ ion con■ genital ent■ ro■ p■ ion other con■ genital mal■ formations of eye■ lid absence and agen■ esis of lac■ ri■ mal apparatus con■ genital sten■ osis and stric■ ture of lac■ ri■ mal duc■ t other con■ genital mal■ formations of lac■ ri■ ma apparatus con■ genital mal■ formation of orbit c■ ys■ tic eye■ ball other an■ oph■ thal■ mos micro■ phthal■ mos macro■ phthal■ mos con■ genital cat■ ar■ act con■ genital displaced lens co■ lob■ oma of lens con■ genital ap■ ha■ k■ ia spher■ op■ ha■ k■ ia other con■ genital lens mal■ formations con■ genital lens mal■ formation , unspecified co■ lob■ oma of iris absence of iris other con■ genital mal■ formations of iris con■ genital cor■ ne■ al op■ acity other con■ genital cor■ ne■ al mal■ formations blue s■ cl■ era other con■ genital mal■ formations of an■ terior segment of eye con■ genital mal■ formation of an■ terior segment of eye con■ genital mal■ formation of vit■ re■ ous humour con■ genital mal■ formation of re■ tina con■ genital mal■ formation of op■ tic disk con■ genital mal■ formation of chor■ o■ id other con■ genital mal■ formations of poster■ ior segment of eye con■ genital mal■ formation of poster■ ior segment of eye con■ genital gl■ au■ coma other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of eye con■ genital mal■ formation of eye , unspecified con■ genital absence of ( ear ) aur■ ic■ le con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and stric■ ture of aud■ itory canal ( external ) absence of eu■ st■ achi■ an tube con■ genital mal■ formation of ear os■ sic■ les other con■ genital mal■ formations of middle ear con■ genital mal■ formation of inner ear con■ genital mal■ formation of ear causing impairment of hearing , unspecified accessory aur■ ic■ le macro■ tia micro■ tia other mis■ shap■ en ear misplaced ear prominent ear other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of ear con■ genital mal■ formation of ear , unspecified sin■ us , f■ ist■ ula and cyst of bran■ ch■ ial cle■ ft pre■ aur■ icular sin■ us and cyst other bran■ ch■ ial cle■ ft mal■ formations web■ bing of neck macro■ stom■ ia micro■ stom■ ia macro■ ch■ ei■ lia micro■ ch■ ei■ lia other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of face and neck con■ genital mal■ formation of face and neck , unspecified common arter■ ial trunk double outlet right ven■ tric■ le double outlet left ven■ tric■ le dis■ cord■ ant ven■ tric■ ul■ o■ arter■ ial conn■ ex■ ion double in■ let ven■ tric■ le dis■ cord■ ant atri■ o■ ven■ tric■ ular conn■ ex■ ion isom■ er■ ism of atri■ al append■ ages other con■ genital mal■ formations of cardiac chambers and connections con■ genital mal■ formation of cardiac chambers and connections , unspecified ven■ tric■ ular sep■ tal defect atri■ al sep■ tal defect atri■ o■ ven■ tric■ ular sep■ tal defect tetr■ alo■ gy of fal■ lot a■ or■ top■ ul■ mon■ ary sep■ tal defect con■ genital mal■ formation of cardiac sep■ tum , unspecified pul■ mon■ ary valve at■ re■ sia con■ genital pul■ mon■ ary valve sten■ osis con■ genital pul■ mon■ ary valve in■ sufficiency other con■ genital mal■ formations of pul■ mon■ ary valve con■ genital tric■ us■ pid sten■ osis eb■ stein ' s anomaly hypo■ plastic right heart syndrome other con■ genital mal■ formations of tric■ us■ pid valve con■ genital mal■ formation of tric■ us■ pid valve , unspecified con■ genital sten■ osis of a■ or■ tic valve con■ genital in■ sufficiency of a■ or■ tic valve con■ genital mit■ ral sten■ osis con■ genital mit■ ral in■ sufficiency hypo■ plastic left heart syndrome other con■ genital mal■ formations of a■ or■ tic and mit■ ral valves con■ genital mal■ formation of a■ or■ tic and mit■ ral valves d■ ext■ ro■ car■ dia le■ vo■ car■ dia cor tri■ atri■ at■ um pul■ mon■ ary in■ fun■ di■ bul■ ar sten■ osis con■ genital sub■ a■ or■ tic sten■ osis mal■ formation of coron■ ary vessels con■ genital heart block other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of heart con■ genital mal■ formation of the heart , unspecified patent duc■ tus arter■ io■ sus co■ arc■ tation of a■ or■ ta at■ re■ sia of a■ or■ ta sten■ osis of a■ or■ ta other con■ genital mal■ formations of a■ or■ ta at■ re■ sia of pul■ mon■ ary artery sten■ osis of pul■ mon■ ary artery other con■ genital mal■ formations of pul■ mon■ ary artery other con■ genital mal■ formations of great arter■ ies con■ genital mal■ formation of great arter■ ies , unspecified con■ genital sten■ osis of ven■ a cav■ a persistent left superior ven■ a cav■ a total anom■ alous pul■ mon■ ary ven■ ous con■ ne■ tion partial anom■ alous pul■ mon■ ary ven■ ous con■ ne■ tion anom■ alous pul■ mon■ ary ven■ ous conn■ ex■ ion , unspecified anom■ alous portal ven■ ous conn■ ex■ ion portal vein - he■ p■ atic artery f■ ist■ ula other con■ genital mal■ formations of great ve■ ins con■ genital mal■ formation of great vein , unspecified con■ genital absence and hypo■ pl■ asia of um■ bil■ ical artery con■ genital ren■ al artery sten■ osis other con■ genital mal■ formations of ren■ al artery peripheral arter■ io■ ven■ ous mal■ formation con■ genital ph■ le■ bec■ ta■ sia other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of peripheral vascular system con■ genital mal■ formation of peripheral vascular system , unspecified con■ genital mal■ formation of circul■ atory system , unspecified cho■ anal at■ re■ sia agen■ esis and underdevelopment of nose f■ issu■ red , not■ ched and cle■ ft nose con■ genital per■ for■ ated nas■ al sep■ tum other con■ genital mal■ formations of nose con■ genital mal■ formation of nose , unspecified web of lar■ yn■ x con■ genital sub■ glo■ t■ tic sten■ osis lar■ yn■ ge■ al hypo■ pl■ asia lar■ yn■ go■ ce■ le other con■ genital mal■ formations of lar■ yn■ x con■ genital mal■ formation of lar■ yn■ x , unspecified con■ genital trac■ he■ om■ al■ ac■ ia other con■ genital mal■ formations of trac■ hea con■ genital bron■ ch■ om■ al■ ac■ ia con■ genital sten■ osis of bron■ ch■ us other con■ genital mal■ formations of bron■ ch■ us con■ genital c■ ys■ tic lung accessory lo■ be of lung sequestr■ ation of lung agen■ esis of lung con■ genital bron■ chi■ ec■ tas■ is ec■ topic tissue in lung hypo■ pl■ asia and dys■ pl■ asia of lung other con■ genital mal■ formations of lung con■ genital mal■ formation of lung , unspecified anomaly of ple■ ura con■ genital cyst of medi■ ast■ inum other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of respiratory system con■ genital mal■ formation of respiratory system , unspecified cle■ ft hard pal■ ate cle■ ft soft pal■ ate cle■ ft hard pal■ ate with cle■ ft soft pal■ ate cle■ ft u■ vul■ a cle■ ft pal■ ate , unspecified cle■ ft lip , bilateral cle■ ft lip , median cle■ ft lip , unilateral cle■ ft hard pal■ ate with bilateral cle■ ft lip cle■ ft hard pal■ ate with unilateral cle■ ft lip cle■ ft soft pal■ ate with bilateral cle■ ft lip cle■ ft soft pal■ ate with unilateral cle■ ft lip cle■ ft hard and soft pal■ ate with bilateral cle■ ft lip cle■ ft hard and soft pal■ ate with unilateral cle■ ft lip unspecified cle■ ft pal■ ate with bilateral cle■ ft lip unspecified cle■ ft pal■ ate with unilateral cle■ ft lip con■ genital mal■ formations of lips , not elsewhere classified an■ ky■ log■ los■ sia macro■ glos■ sia other con■ genital mal■ formations of tongue con■ genital mal■ formations of sali■ vary g■ lands and duc■ ts con■ genital mal■ formations of pal■ ate , not elsewhere classified other con■ genital mal■ formations of mouth phar■ yn■ ge■ al p■ ouch other con■ genital mal■ formations of phar■ yn■ x at■ re■ sia of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus without f■ ist■ ula at■ re■ sia of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus with trac■ he■ o - o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al f■ ist■ ula con■ genital trac■ he■ oo■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al f■ ist■ ula without at■ re■ sia con■ genital sten■ osis and stric■ ture of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus o■ es■ op■ ha■ ge■ al web con■ genital di■ lat■ ation of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus diver■ ticul■ um of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus other con■ genital mal■ formations of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus con■ genital mal■ formation of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus , unspecified con■ genital hyper■ troph■ ic p■ yl■ or■ ic sten■ osis con■ genital hi■ atus her■ nia other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of stomach con■ genital mal■ formation of stomach , unspecified other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of upper alim■ entary tract con■ genital mal■ formation of upper alim■ entary tract , unspecified con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of du■ o■ den■ um con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of je■ jun■ um con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of i■ leum con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of small intest■ ine , part unspecified con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of rec■ tum with f■ ist■ ula con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of rec■ tum without f■ ist■ ula con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of an■ us with f■ ist■ ula con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of an■ us without f■ ist■ ula con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of other parts of large intest■ ine con■ genital absence , at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of large intest■ ine , part unspecified mec■ kel ' s diver■ ticul■ um hir■ sch■ sp■ rung ' s disease other con■ genital functional disorders of col■ on con■ genital mal■ formations of intest■ inal fixation ec■ topic an■ us con■ genital f■ ist■ ula of rec■ tum and an■ us persistent clo■ aca other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of intest■ ine con■ genital mal■ formation of intest■ ine , unspecified agen■ esis , ap■ la■ sia and hypo■ pl■ asia of gall■ blad■ der other con■ genital mal■ formations of gall■ blad■ der at■ re■ sia of bile duc■ ts con■ genital sten■ osis and stric■ ture of bile duc■ ts cho■ le■ do■ ch■ al cyst other con■ genital mal■ formations of bile duc■ ts c■ ys■ tic disease of liver other con■ genital mal■ formations of liver agen■ esis , ap■ la■ sia and hypo■ pl■ asia of pan■ cre■ as ann■ ular pan■ cre■ as con■ genital pan■ cre■ atic cyst other con■ genital mal■ formations of pan■ cre■ as and pan■ cre■ atic duc■ t other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of dig■ estive system con■ genital mal■ formation of dig■ estive system , unspecified con■ genital absence of o■ vary developmental o■ vari■ an cyst con■ genital tor■ sion of o■ vary other con■ genital mal■ formations of o■ vary embryonic cyst of fall■ op■ ian tube embryonic cyst of broad lig■ ament other con■ genital mal■ form■ at■ ons of fall■ op■ ian tubes and broad lig■ ament agen■ esis and ap■ la■ sia of uter■ us doubling of uter■ us with doubling of cer■ vi■ x and vag■ ina other doubling of uter■ us bic■ or■ nate uter■ us unic■ or■ nate uter■ us agen■ esis and ap■ la■ sia of cer■ vi■ x embryonic cyst of cer■ vi■ x con■ genital f■ ist■ ul■ ae between uter■ us and dig■ estive and ur■ inary tracts other con■ genital mal■ formations of uter■ us and cer■ vi■ x con■ genital mal■ formation of uter■ us and cer■ vi■ x , unspecified con■ genital absence of vag■ ina doubling of vag■ ina con■ genital rec■ to■ vag■ inal f■ ist■ ula imper■ for■ ate hy■ men other con■ genital mal■ formations of vag■ ina fusion of lab■ ia con■ genital mal■ formation of cl■ it■ or■ is other con■ genital mal■ formations of vul■ va other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of female gen■ italia con■ genital mal■ formation of female gen■ italia , unspecified ec■ topic testi■ s und■ es■ c■ ended tes■ tic■ le , unilateral und■ es■ c■ ended tes■ tic■ le , bilateral und■ es■ c■ ended tes■ tic■ le , unspecified hypo■ sp■ adi■ as , balan■ ic hypo■ sp■ adi■ as , pen■ ile hypo■ sp■ adi■ as , pen■ os■ cro■ tal hypo■ sp■ adi■ as , per■ ine■ al con■ genital chor■ dee other hypo■ sp■ adi■ as hypo■ sp■ adi■ as , unspecified absence and ap■ la■ sia of testi■ s hypo■ pl■ asia of testi■ s and scro■ tum other con■ genital mal■ formations of testi■ s and scro■ tum at■ re■ sia of vas defer■ ens other con■ genital mal■ formations of vas defer■ ens , epi■ di■ dy■ mis , sem■ inal ves■ ic■ les and pro■ state con■ genital absence and ap■ la■ sia of penis other con■ genital mal■ formations of penis other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of male genital organs con■ genital mal■ formation of male genital organ , unspecified her■ m■ aph■ ro■ di■ tism , not elsewhere classified male pseu■ do■ her■ m■ aph■ ro■ di■ tism , not elsewhere classified female pseu■ do■ her■ m■ aph■ ro■ di■ tism , not elsewhere classified pseu■ do■ her■ m■ aph■ ro■ di■ tism , unspecified inde■ terminate sex , unspecified ren■ al agen■ esis , unilateral ren■ al agen■ esis , bilateral ren■ al agen■ esis , unspecified ren■ al hypo■ pl■ asia , unilateral ren■ al hypo■ pl■ asia , bilateral ren■ al hypo■ pl■ asia , unspecified pot■ ter ' s syndrome con■ genital single ren■ al cyst poly■ c■ ys■ tic kidney , inf■ anti■ le type poly■ c■ ys■ tic kidney , adult type poly■ c■ ys■ tic kidney , unspecified ren■ al dys■ pl■ asia med■ ul■ l■ ary c■ ys■ tic kidney other c■ ys■ tic kidney diseases c■ ys■ tic kidney disease , unspecified con■ genital hydro■ ne■ ph■ ro■ sis at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of u■ re■ ter con■ genital me■ gal■ ou■ re■ ter other obstruc■ tive defects of ren■ al pel■ vis and u■ re■ ter agen■ esis of u■ re■ ter duplication of u■ re■ ter mal■ position of u■ re■ ter con■ genital ves■ ico - u■ re■ ter■ o - ren■ al ref■ lux other con■ genital mal■ formations of u■ re■ ter accessory kidney lob■ ulated , f■ used and hor■ ses■ ho■ e kidney ec■ topic kidney hyper■ plastic and giant kidney other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of kidney con■ genital mal■ formation of kidney , unspecified ep■ is■ p■ adi■ as ex■ stro■ phy of ur■ inary blad■ der con■ genital poster■ ior u■ re■ th■ ral valves other at■ re■ sia and sten■ osis of u■ re■ th■ ra and blad■ der neck mal■ formation of ur■ ach■ us con■ genital absence of blad■ der and u■ re■ th■ ra con■ genital diver■ ticul■ um of blad■ der other con■ genital mal■ formations of blad■ der and u■ re■ th■ ra other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of ur■ inary system con■ genital mal■ formation of ur■ inary system , unspecified con■ genital dis■ location of hip , unilateral con■ genital dis■ location of hip , bilateral con■ genital dis■ location of hip , unspecified con■ genital su■ blu■ x■ ation of hip , unilateral con■ genital su■ blu■ x■ ation of hip , bilateral con■ genital su■ blu■ x■ ation of hip , unspecified unstable hip other con■ genital de■ form■ ities of hip con■ genital de■ form■ ity of hip , unspecified tali■ pes equ■ ino■ var■ us tali■ pes cal■ can■ e■ o■ var■ us met■ at■ ar■ sus var■ us other con■ genital var■ us de■ form■ ities of feet tali■ pes cal■ can■ e■ o■ val■ gus con■ genital pes plan■ us other con■ genital val■ gus de■ form■ ities of feet pes cav■ us other con■ genital de■ form■ ities of feet con■ genital de■ form■ ity of feet , unspecified facial asymmetry compression fac■ ies dol■ ic■ ho■ cephal■ y pl■ ag■ io■ cephal■ y other con■ genital de■ form■ ities of skull , face and jaw con■ genital de■ form■ ity of sp■ ine pec■ tus exc■ av■ at■ um pec■ tus car■ in■ at■ um other con■ genital de■ form■ ities of chest con■ genital de■ form■ ity of ster■ no■ cle■ id■ om■ ast■ o■ id muscle con■ genital de■ form■ ity of hand con■ genital de■ form■ ity of knee con■ genital bo■ wing of fem■ ur con■ genital bo■ wing of ti■ bia and fi■ bul■ a con■ genital bo■ wing of long bones of leg , unspecified other specified con■ genital mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal de■ form■ ities accessory finger ( s ) accessory thumb ( s ) accessory toe ( s ) poly■ d■ ac■ ty■ ly , unspecified f■ used fingers web■ bed fingers f■ used toes web■ bed toes poly■ syn■ d■ ac■ ty■ ly syn■ d■ ac■ ty■ ly , unspecified con■ genital complete absence of upper limb ( s ) con■ genital absence of upper arm and fore■ arm with hand present con■ genital absence of both fore■ arm and hand con■ genital absence of hand and finger ( s ) longit■ ud■ inal reduction defect of radius longit■ ud■ inal reduction defect of ul■ na lobster - cla■ w hand other reduction defects of upper limb ( s ) reduction defect of upper limb , unspecified con■ genital complete absence of lower limb ( s ) con■ genital absence of thi■ gh and lower leg with foot present con■ genital absence of both lower leg and foot con■ genital absence of foot and toe ( s ) longit■ ud■ inal reduction defect of fem■ ur longit■ ud■ inal reduction defect of ti■ bia longit■ ud■ inal reduction defect of fi■ bul■ a split foot other reduction defects of lower limb ( s ) reduction defect of lower limb , unspecified con■ genital absence of unspecified limb ( s ) pho■ com■ eli■ a , unspecified limb ( s ) other reduction defects of unspecified limb ( s ) other con■ genital mal■ formations of upper limb ( s ) , including shoulder gir■ dle con■ genital mal■ formation of knee other con■ genital mal■ formations of lower limb ( s ) , including pel■ vic gir■ dle ar■ thro■ gry■ pos■ is multi■ pl■ ex con■ gen■ ita other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of limb ( s ) unspecified con■ genital mal■ formation of limb ( s ) cran■ io■ sy■ no■ sto■ sis cran■ io■ facial dy■ so■ sto■ sis hyper■ tel■ or■ ism macro■ cephal■ y man■ di■ bul■ o■ facial dy■ so■ sto■ sis oc■ ul■ om■ andi■ bul■ ar dy■ so■ sto■ sis other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of skull and face bones con■ genital mal■ formation of skull and face bones , unspecified sp■ ina bi■ fi■ da oc■ cul■ ta k■ lip■ pel - fe■ il syndrome con■ genital sco■ li■ osis due to con■ genital bon■ y mal■ formation other con■ genital mal■ formations of sp■ ine , not associated with sco■ li■ osis cer■ vic■ al ri■ b other con■ genital mal■ formations of ribs con■ genital mal■ formation of ster■ num other con■ genital mal■ formations of bon■ y thor■ ax con■ genital mal■ formation of bon■ y thor■ ax , unspecified ach■ on■ dro■ genesis than■ at■ op■ hor■ ic short stature short ri■ b syndrome ch■ on■ dro■ dys■ pl■ asia pun■ ct■ ata ach■ on■ dro■ pl■ asia di■ astro■ ph■ ic dys■ pl■ asia ch■ on■ dro■ ec■ to■ der■ mal dys■ pl■ asia spon■ dy■ lo■ ep■ ip■ hy■ seal dys■ pl■ asia other o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ dys■ pl■ asia with defects of growth of tu■ bul■ ar bones and sp■ ine o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ dys■ pl■ asia with defects of growth of tu■ bul■ ar bones and sp■ ine , unspecified o■ ste■ o■ genesis im■ perfec■ ta poly■ o■ sto■ tic fi■ bro■ us dys■ pl■ asia o■ ste■ o■ petro■ sis progressive di■ ap■ hy■ seal dys■ pl■ asia en■ ch■ on■ dro■ mat■ osis met■ ap■ hy■ seal dys■ pl■ asia multiple con■ genital exo■ sto■ ses other specified o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ dys■ pl■ asi■ as o■ ste■ och■ on■ dro■ dys■ pl■ asia , unspecified con■ genital di■ aphr■ agm■ atic her■ nia other con■ genital mal■ formations of di■ aphr■ ag■ m ex■ om■ p■ hal■ os gastro■ sch■ is■ is pr■ une belly syndrome other con■ genital mal■ formations of ab■ domin■ al wall eh■ lers - dan■ los syndrome other con■ genital mal■ formations of mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal system con■ genital mal■ formation of mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal system , unspecified ich■ thy■ osis vul■ gar■ is x - linked ich■ thy■ osis lam■ ell■ ar ich■ thy■ osis con■ genital bull■ ous ich■ th■ yo■ si■ form er■ y■ thro■ der■ ma har■ le■ quin fo■ etus other con■ genital ich■ thy■ osis con■ genital ich■ thy■ osis , unspecified ep■ id■ er■ mol■ ysis bul■ los■ a simpl■ ex ep■ id■ er■ mol■ ysis bul■ los■ a le■ tal■ is ep■ id■ er■ mol■ ysis bul■ los■ a dy■ stro■ ph■ ica other ep■ id■ er■ mol■ ysis bul■ los■ a ep■ id■ er■ mol■ ysis bul■ los■ a , unspecified x■ ero■ der■ ma pi■ gm■ ent■ o■ sum ma■ stoc■ y■ to■ sis in■ contin■ entia pi■ gm■ enti ec■ to■ der■ mal dys■ pl■ asia ( an■ hi■ dro■ tic ) con■ genital non■ ne■ op■ l■ astic na■ ev■ us other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of skin con■ genital mal■ formation of skin , unspecified con■ genital absence of breast with absent nip■ ple accessory breast absent nip■ ple accessory nip■ ple con■ genital mal■ formation of breast , unspecified con■ genital al■ op■ ec■ ia con■ genital mor■ pho■ logical disturbances of hair , not elsewhere classified other con■ genital mal■ formations of hair an■ ony■ ch■ ia con■ genital leuk■ ony■ ch■ ia enlarged and hyper■ troph■ ic nails other con■ genital mal■ formations of nails other specified con■ genital mal■ formations of inte■ gu■ ment con■ genital mal■ formation of inte■ gu■ ment , unspecified neuro■ fi■ bro■ mat■ osis ( non■ m■ align■ ant ) tuber■ ous sclerosis other p■ ha■ kom■ ato■ ses , not elsewhere classified p■ ha■ kom■ at■ osis , unspecified fo■ etal alcohol syndrome ( dys■ morph■ ic ) fo■ etal hy■ dan■ to■ in syndrome dys■ morph■ ism due to war■ far■ in con■ genital mal■ formation syndro■ mes predominantly affecting facial appearance con■ genital mal■ formation syndro■ mes predominantly associated with short stature con■ genital mal■ formation syndro■ mes predominantly involving limbs con■ genital mal■ formation syndro■ mes involving early over■ growth mar■ fan ' s syndrome other con■ genital mal■ formation syndro■ mes with other sk■ el■ etal changes other specified con■ genital mal■ formation syndro■ mes , not elsewhere classified con■ genital mal■ formations of adren■ al g■ land con■ genital mal■ formations of other endocrine g■ lands sit■ us in■ versus con■ joined twins multiple con■ genital mal■ formations , not elsewhere classified other specified con■ genital mal■ formations con■ genital mal■ formation , unspecified tr■ is■ omy 21 , me■ i■ otic non■ dis■ junction tr■ is■ omy 21 , mo■ sa■ ic■ ism ( mit■ otic non■ dis■ junction ) tr■ is■ omy 21 , trans■ location down ' s syndrome , unspecified tr■ is■ omy 18 , me■ i■ otic non■ dis■ junction tr■ is■ omy 18 , mo■ sa■ ic■ ism ( mit■ otic non■ dis■ junction ) tr■ is■ omy 18 , trans■ location ed■ wards ' syndrome , unspecified tr■ is■ omy 13 , me■ i■ otic non■ dis■ junction tr■ is■ omy 13 , mo■ sa■ ic■ ism ( mit■ otic non■ dis■ junction ) tr■ is■ omy 13 , trans■ location pat■ au ' s syndrome , unspecified whole chro■ mo■ some tr■ is■ omy , me■ i■ otic non■ dis■ junction whole chro■ mo■ some tr■ is■ omy , mo■ sa■ ic■ ism ( mit■ otic non■ dis■ junction ) major partial tr■ is■ omy minor partial tr■ is■ omy duplic■ ations seen only at pro■ metaph■ ase duplic■ ations with other complex re■ arrangements extra marker chro■ mo■ som■ es tri■ plo■ id■ y and poly■ plo■ id■ y other specified tr■ isom■ ies and partial tr■ is■ som■ ies of auto■ som■ es tr■ is■ omy and partial tr■ is■ omy of auto■ som■ es , unspecified whole chro■ mo■ some mono■ som■ y , me■ i■ otic non■ dis■ junction whole chro■ mo■ some mono■ som■ y , mo■ sa■ ic■ ism ( mit■ otic non■ dis■ junction ) chro■ mo■ some replaced with ring or dic■ entr■ ic deletion of short arm of chro■ mo■ some 4 deletion of short arm of chro■ mo■ some 5 other dele■ tions of part of a chro■ mo■ some dele■ tions seen only at pro■ metaph■ ase dele■ tions with other complex re■ arrangements deletion from auto■ som■ es , unspecified balanced trans■ location and insertion in normal individual chro■ mo■ some in■ version in normal individual balanced auto■ som■ al re■ arrangement in abnormal individual balanced sex / auto■ som■ al re■ arrangement in abnormal individual individuals with marker heter■ och■ rom■ atin individuals with auto■ som■ al fragile site other balanced re■ arrangements and structural mark■ ers balanced re■ arrangement and structural marker , unspecified kar■ yo■ type 45 , x kar■ yo■ type 46 , x iso ( x■ q ) kar■ yo■ type 46 , x with abnormal sex chro■ mo■ some , except iso ( x■ q ) mo■ sa■ ic■ ism , 45 , x / 46 , xx or xy mo■ sa■ ic■ ism , 45 , x / other cell line ( s ) with abnormal sex chro■ mo■ some turner ' s syndrome , unspecified kar■ yo■ type 47 , xxx female with more than three x chro■ mo■ som■ es mo■ sa■ ic■ ism , lines with various numbers of x chro■ mo■ som■ es female with 46 , xy kar■ yo■ type other specified sex chro■ mo■ some ab■ norm■ alities , female phen■ o■ type sex chro■ mo■ some ab■ normality , female phen■ o■ type , unspecified k■ lin■ ef■ el■ ter ' s syndrome kar■ yo■ type 47 , xx■ y k■ lin■ ef■ el■ ter ' s syndrome , male with more than two x chro■ mo■ som■ es k■ lin■ ef■ el■ ter ' s syndrome , male with 46 , xx kar■ yo■ type k■ lin■ ef■ el■ ter ' s syndrome , unspecified kar■ yo■ type 47 , xy■ y male with structurally abnormal sex chro■ mo■ some male with sex chro■ mo■ some mo■ sa■ ic■ ism other specified sex chro■ mo■ some ab■ norm■ alities , male phen■ o■ type sex chro■ mo■ some ab■ normality , male phen■ o■ type , unspecified chim■ era 46 , xx / 46 , xy 46 , xx true her■ m■ aph■ rod■ ite fragile x chro■ mo■ some other specified chro■ mo■ some ab■ norm■ alities chro■ mo■ som■ al ab■ normality , unspecified t■ ach■ y■ car■ dia , unspecified brad■ y■ car■ dia , unspecified pal■ p■ itations other and unspecified ab■ norm■ alities of heart beat benign and innocent cardiac mur■ mur■ s cardiac mur■ m■ ur , unspecified other cardiac sounds elevated blood - pressure reading , without diagnosis of hyper■ tension non■ specific low blood - pressure reading ep■ is■ tax■ is haemorrha■ ge from throat ha■ em■ op■ ty■ sis haemorrha■ ge from other sites in respiratory passages haemorrha■ ge from respiratory passages , unspecified cough dy■ sp■ no■ ea stri■ dor whe■ e■ zing periodic breathing hyper■ ventilation mouth breathing hic■ cough snee■ zing pain in throat chest pain on breathing pre■ cor■ dial pain other chest pain chest pain , unspecified as■ phy■ x■ ia ple■ ur■ isy respiratory arrest abnormal sp■ u■ tum other specified symptoms and signs involving the circul■ atory and respiratory systems acute ab■ dom■ en pain loc■ alised to upper ab■ dom■ en pel■ vic and per■ ine■ al pain pain loc■ alised to other parts of lower ab■ dom■ en other and unspecified ab■ domin■ al pain naus■ ea and v■ om■ iting heart■ burn flat■ ul■ ence and related conditions fa■ ec■ al in■ contin■ ence he■ pat■ om■ eg■ al■ y , not elsewhere classified splen■ om■ eg■ al■ y , not elsewhere classified he■ pat■ om■ eg■ al■ y with splen■ om■ eg■ al■ y , not elsewhere classified unspecified ja■ und■ ice as■ cites intra - ab■ domin■ al and pel■ vic sw■ elling , mass and lump abnormal bo■ wel sounds visible per■ ist■ al■ sis ab■ domin■ al rigidity change in bo■ wel habit other f■ ec■ al ab■ norm■ alities hal■ it■ osis ana■ esthesia of skin hypo■ a■ esthesia of skin par■ a■ esthesia of skin hyper■ a■ esthesia other and unspecified disturbances of skin sensation rash and other non■ specific skin eruption loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , head loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , neck loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , trunk loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , upper limb loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , lower limb loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , multiple sites loc■ alised sw■ elling , mass and lump , unspecified cyan■ osis p■ all■ or flu■ shing spontaneous ec■ ch■ y■ moses changes in skin tex■ ture other and unspecified skin changes abnormal head movements trem■ or , unspecified cr■ amp and sp■ asm fasc■ ic■ ulation other and unspecified abnormal involuntary movements at■ ax■ ic ga■ it paraly■ tic ga■ it difficulty in walking , not elsewhere classified other and unspecified ab■ norm■ alities of ga■ it and mobility at■ ax■ ia , unspecified other and unspecified lack of coordination tet■ any men■ ing■ is■ mus abnormal reflex abnormal posture clic■ king hip other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving the nervous and mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal systems dy■ sur■ ia ves■ ical ten■ es■ mus painful mic■ tur■ ition , unspecified unspecified ha■ em■ atur■ ia unspecified ur■ inary in■ contin■ ence retention of urine an■ ur■ ia and olig■ ur■ ia poly■ ur■ ia u■ re■ th■ ral discharge extr■ av■ as■ ation of urine other difficulties with mic■ tur■ ition extr■ aren■ al ur■ aemia other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving the ur■ inary system som■ no■ l■ ence stu■ por coma , unspecified dis■ orientation , unspecified an■ ter■ o■ grade amnesia retrograde amnesia other amnesia other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness di■ zz■ iness and gi■ d■ din■ ess an■ os■ mia par■ os■ mia parag■ eu■ sia other and unspecified disturbances of smell and taste aud■ itory halluc■ inations visual halluc■ inations other halluc■ inations halluc■ inations , unspecified other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving general sens■ ations and perceptions nerv■ ousness rest■ lessness and ag■ itation un■ happiness demor■ alisation and apathy irrit■ ability and anger hostility physical violence state of emotional shock and stress , unspecified other symptoms and signs involving emotional state very low level of personal hygiene bizarre personal appearance strange and inexplicable behaviour over■ activity slowness and poor responsiveness suspic■ i■ ousness and marked ev■ asi■ veness undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events ver■ bos■ ity and circum■ stan■ tial detail obscur■ ing reason for contact other symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour dy■ sp■ ha■ sia and ap■ ha■ sia dys■ ar■ thri■ a and an■ ar■ thri■ a other and unspecified speech disturbances dys■ l■ ex■ ia and alex■ ia agno■ sia ap■ ra■ x■ ia other and unspecified symbolic dys■ functions dy■ sp■ hon■ ia ap■ hon■ ia hyper■ nas■ ality and hy■ pon■ as■ ality other and unspecified voice disturbances fever , unspecified headache acute pain chronic intractable pain other chronic pain pain , unspecified malaise and fatigue sen■ ility syn■ cope and collapse fe■ bri■ le con■ vul■ sions other and unspecified con■ vul■ sions cardi■ ogenic shock hypo■ vol■ a■ emic shock other shock shock , unspecified haemorrha■ ge , not elsewhere classified loc■ alised enlarged lymp■ h no■ des generalised enlarged lymp■ h no■ des enlarged lymp■ h no■ des , unspecified loc■ alised oe■ dem■ a generalised oe■ dem■ a oe■ dem■ a , unspecified loc■ alised hyper■ hi■ dro■ sis generalised hyper■ hi■ dro■ sis hyper■ hi■ dro■ sis , unspecified delayed milestone other lack of expected normal physiological development lack of expected normal physiological development , unspecified an■ ore■ x■ ia poly■ di■ p■ sia poly■ p■ ha■ gia feeding difficulties and mismanagement abnormal weight loss abnormal weight gain other symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake c■ ach■ ex■ ia hypo■ ther■ mia , not associated with low environmental temperature non■ specific symptoms peculiar to infancy dry mouth , unspecified clu■ bbing of fingers other specified general symptoms and signs unknown and unspecified causes of morbi■ dity elevated er■ y■ thro■ cy■ te se■ di■ mentation rate abnormal plasma vis■ cos■ ity ab■ normality of red blood cells ab■ normality of white blood cells , not elsewhere classified abnormal glucose tolerance test hyper■ gly■ ca■ emia , unspecified elev■ ation of levels of trans■ amin■ ase and lac■ tic acid de■ hydro■ gen■ ase [ ld■ h ] abnormal levels of other serum enzymes abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme laboratory evidence of human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] raised anti■ body ti■ ter abnormal reaction to tubercul■ in test false - positive serological test for sy■ phil■ is other specified abnormal immun■ ological findings in serum abnormal immun■ ological finding in serum , unspecified ab■ normality of albumin ab■ normality of glob■ ulin ab■ normality of alp■ ha■ fe■ to■ protein ab■ normality of plasma protein , unspecified finding of alcohol in blood finding of op■ iate drug in blood finding of cocaine in blood finding of halluc■ ino■ gen in blood finding of psychotropic drug in blood finding of ster■ o■ id agent in blood finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood finding of other specified substances , not normally found in blood finding of unspecified substance , not normally found in blood abnormal level of blood mineral other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry abnormal finding of blood chemistry , unspecified isolated prote■ in■ ur■ ia gly■ co■ sur■ ia ch■ yl■ ur■ ia my■ o■ glob■ in■ ur■ ia bi■ li■ ur■ ia ha■ emo■ glob■ in■ ur■ ia ace■ ton■ ur■ ia elevated urine levels of drugs , medic■ aments and biological substances abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly non■ medicinal as to source abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine abnormal findings on cy■ to■ logical and his■ to■ logical examination of urine other and unspecified abnormal finding in urine abnormal level of enzymes abnormal level of hormones abnormal level of substances chiefly non■ medicinal as to source abnormal immun■ ological findings abnormal microbiological findings abnormal cy■ to■ logical findings abnormal his■ to■ logical findings unspecified abnormal finding abnormal microbiological findings unspecified abnormal finding other abnormal findings unspecified abnormal finding abnormal cy■ to■ logical findings unspecified abnormal finding abnormal cy■ to■ logical findings unspecified abnormal finding abnormal level of hormones abnormal immun■ ological findings abnormal microbiological findings abnormal cy■ to■ logical findings abnormal his■ to■ logical findings other abnormal findings unspecified abnormal finding in■ trac■ ran■ ial space - occupying le■ sion other abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of lung abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of breast abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head , not elsewhere classified abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of heart and coron■ ary circulation abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of liver and bi■ li■ ary tract abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of dig■ estive tract abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of ur■ inary organs abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other ab■ domin■ al regions , including retro■ per■ it■ on■ eu■ m abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal system abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures abnormal results of function studies of central nervous system abnormal results of function studies of peripheral nervous system and special senses abnormal results of pul■ mon■ ary function studies abnormal results of cardiovascular function studies abnormal results of kidney function studies abnormal results of liver function studies abnormal results of thyro■ id function studies abnormal results of other endocrine function studies abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems instan■ taneous death death occurring less than 24 hours from on■ onset of symptoms , not otherwise explained un■ attended death other ill - defined and unspecified causes of mortality con■ tu■ sion of eye■ lid and peri■ oc■ ular area multiple superficial injuries of head open wound of scal■ p open wound of eye■ lid and peri■ oc■ ular area multiple open wounds of head open wound of head , part unspecified frac■ ture of vault of skull frac■ ture of base of skull frac■ ture of nas■ al bones frac■ ture of orb■ ital floor frac■ ture of mal■ ar and max■ ill■ ary bones frac■ ture of tooth multiple fractu■ res involving skull and facial bones fractu■ res of other skull and facial bones frac■ ture of skull and facial bones , part unspecified dis■ location of jaw dis■ location of sep■ tal car■ til■ age of nose dis■ location of tooth dis■ location of other and unspecified parts of head sp■ rain and strain of jaw sp■ rain and strain of joints and lig■ aments of other and unspecified parts of head injury of op■ tic nerve and pathways injury of oc■ ul■ om■ o■ tor nerve injury of tro■ ch■ lear nerve injury of tri■ gem■ inal nerve injury of abduc■ ent nerve injury of facial nerve injury of acous■ tic nerve injury of accessory nerve injury of other cran■ ial nerves injury of unspecified cran■ ial nerve injury of con■ junc■ tiva and cor■ ne■ al abra■ sion without mention of foreign body con■ tu■ sion of eye■ ball and orb■ ital tissues oc■ ular lac■ eration and rupture with pro■ lapse or loss of intra■ oc■ ular tissue oc■ ular lac■ eration without pro■ lapse or loss of intra■ oc■ ular tissue penetr■ ating wound of orbit with or without foreign body penetr■ ating wound of eye■ ball with foreign body penetr■ ating wound of eye■ ball without foreign body av■ ul■ sion of eye other injuries of eye and orbit injury of eye and orbit , part unspecified con■ cus■ sion traumatic cere■ br■ al oe■ dem■ a ep■ id■ ural haemorrha■ ge traumatic sub■ d■ ural haemorrha■ ge traumatic sub■ ar■ ach■ no■ id haemorrha■ ge other in■ trac■ ran■ ial injuries in■ trac■ ran■ ial injury , unspecified crushing injury of face crushing injury of skull crushing injury of other parts of head crushing injury of head , part unspecified av■ ul■ sion of scal■ p traumatic ampu■ tation of ear traumatic ampu■ tation of other parts of head injury of blood vessels of head , not elsewhere classified injury of muscle and tend■ on of head traumatic rupture of ear drum multiple injuries of head other specified injuries of head unspecified injury of head con■ tu■ sion of throat multiple superficial injuries of neck open wound involving thyro■ id g■ land multiple open wounds of neck open wound of neck , part unspecified frac■ ture of first cer■ vic■ al verte■ bra frac■ ture of second cer■ vic■ al verte■ bra multiple fractu■ res of cer■ vic■ al sp■ ine frac■ ture of other parts of neck frac■ ture of neck , part unspecified traumatic rupture of cer■ vic■ al inter■ vertebr■ al dis■ c dis■ location of other and unspecified parts of neck multiple dis■ locations of neck sp■ rain and strain of cer■ vic■ al sp■ ine sp■ rain and strain of thyro■ id region sp■ rain and strain of joints and lig■ aments of other and unspecified parts of neck con■ cus■ sion and oe■ dem■ a of cer■ vic■ al spinal cord injury of nerve root of cer■ vic■ al sp■ ine injury of br■ achi■ al plex■ us injury of peripheral nerves of neck injury of cer■ vic■ al sympathetic nerves injury of other and unspecified nerves of neck injury of vertebr■ al artery injury of external ju■ g■ ular vein injury of internal ju■ g■ ular vein injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level injury of unspecified blood vessel at neck level injury of muscle and tend■ on at neck level crushing injury of lar■ yn■ x and tr■ aches crushing injury of other parts of neck crushing injury of neck , part unspecified traumatic ampu■ tation at neck level multiple injuries of neck unspecified injury of neck con■ tu■ sion of breast con■ tu■ sion of thor■ ax multiple superficial injuries of thor■ ax open wound of breast open wound of front wall of thor■ ax open wound of back wall of thor■ ax multiple open wounds of thor■ ac■ ic wall open wound of thor■ ax , part unspecified multiple fractu■ res of thor■ ac■ ic sp■ ine frac■ ture of ster■ num fl■ ail chest frac■ ture of other parts of bon■ y thor■ ax frac■ ture of bon■ y thor■ ax , part unspecified traumatic rupture of thor■ ac■ ic inter■ vertebr■ al dis■ c dis■ location of other and unspecified parts of thor■ ax sp■ rain and strain of thor■ ac■ ic sp■ ine sp■ rain and strain of ribs and ster■ num sp■ rain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thor■ ax con■ cus■ sion and oe■ dem■ a of thor■ ac■ ic spinal cord injury of nerve root of thor■ ac■ ic sp■ ine injury of peripheral nerves of thor■ ax injury of thor■ ac■ ic sympathetic nerves injury of unspecified nerve of thor■ ax injury of thor■ ac■ ic a■ or■ ta injury of in■ nominate or sub■ cl■ avian artery injury of superior ven■ a cav■ a injury of in■ nominate or sub■ cl■ avian vein injury of pul■ mon■ ary blood vessels injury of inter■ cost■ al blood vessels injury of multiple blood vessels of thor■ ax injury of unspecified blood vessel of thor■ ax injury of heart with ha■ em■ oper■ ic■ ardi■ um injury of heart , unspecified traumatic pneu■ mo■ thor■ ax traumatic ha■ emo■ thor■ ax traumatic he■ am■ op■ neu■ mo■ thor■ ax injury of bron■ ch■ us injury of thor■ ac■ ic trac■ hea injury of ple■ ura multiple injuries of intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs injury of unspecified intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organ crushed chest traumatic ampu■ tation of part of thor■ ax injury of muscle and tend■ on at thor■ ax level multiple injuries of thor■ ax unspecified injury of thor■ ax con■ tu■ sion of lower back and pel■ vis con■ tu■ sion of ab■ domin■ al wall con■ tu■ sion of external genital organs multiple superficial injuries of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis open wound of lower back and pel■ vis open wound of ab■ domin■ al wall open wound of penis open wound of scro■ tum and test■ es open wound of vag■ ina and vul■ va open wound of other and unspecified external genital organs multiple open wounds of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis frac■ ture of sac■ rum frac■ ture of coc■ cy■ x frac■ ture of ili■ um frac■ ture of ace■ tab■ ul■ um frac■ ture of pu■ bis multiple fractu■ res of lum■ bar sp■ ine and pel■ vis traumatic rupture of lum■ bar inter■ vertebr■ al dis■ c dis■ location of sac■ ro - ili■ ac and sacro■ coc■ cy■ ge■ al joint dis■ location of other and unspecified parts of lum■ bar sp■ ine and pel■ vis traumatic rupture of symp■ h■ ysis pu■ bis sp■ rain and strain of sac■ ro - ili■ ac joint sp■ rain and strain of other and unspecified parts of lum■ bar sp■ ine and pel■ vis con■ cus■ sion and oe■ dem■ a of lum■ bar spinal cord injury of nerve root of lum■ bar and sac■ ral sp■ ine injury of lum■ bo■ sac■ ral plex■ us injury of lum■ bar , sac■ ral and pel■ vic sympathetic nerves injury of peripheral nerve ( s ) of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis injury of other and unspecified nerves at ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis level injury of ab■ domin■ al a■ or■ ta injury of inferior ven■ a cav■ a injury of co■ eli■ ac or mes■ enter■ ic artery injury of portal or splen■ ic vein injury of ren■ al blood vessels injury of ili■ ac blood vessels injury of multiple blood vessels at ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis level injury of unspecified blood vessel at ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis level injury of stomach injury of rec■ tum injury of multiple intra - ab■ domin■ al organs injury of unspecified intra - ab■ domin■ al organ injury of u■ re■ ter injury of o■ vary injury of fall■ op■ ian tube injury of uter■ us injury of multiple pel■ vic organs injury of unspecified pel■ vic organ crushing injury of external genital organs crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis traumatic ampu■ tation of external genital organs traumatic ampu■ tation of other and unspecified parts of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis injury of muscle and tend■ on of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis injury of intra - ab■ domin■ al organ ( s ) with pel■ vic organ ( s ) other multiple injuries of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis unspecified injury of ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis con■ tu■ sion of shoulder and upper arm multiple superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm , unspecified open wound of shoulder open wound of upper arm multiple open wounds of shoulder and upper arm frac■ ture of shaft of hum■ er■ us multiple fractu■ res of cla■ vic■ le , s■ cap■ ula and hum■ er■ us frac■ ture of shoulder gir■ dle , part unspecified dis■ location of acro■ mi■ o■ cla■ vic■ ular joint dis■ location of ster■ no■ cla■ vic■ ular joint dis■ location of other and unspecified parts of shoulder gir■ dle sp■ rain and strain of shoulder joint sp■ rain and strain of acro■ mi■ o■ cla■ vic■ ular joint sp■ rain and strain of ster■ no■ cla■ vic■ ular joint sp■ rain and strain of other and unspecified parts of shoulder gir■ dle injury of ul■ nar nerve at upper arm level injury of median nerve at upper arm level injury of rad■ ial nerve at upper arm level injury of ax■ ill■ ary nerve injury of mus■ cul■ o■ cu■ taneous nerve injury of cu■ taneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level injury of multiple nerves at shoulder and upper arm level injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder and upper arm level injury of ax■ ill■ ary artery injury of br■ achi■ al artery injury of ax■ ill■ ary or br■ achi■ al vein injury of superficial vein at shoulder and upper arm level injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder and upper arm level injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder and upper arm level injury of tend■ on of the rot■ ator cuff of shoulder injury of muscle and tend■ on of long head of bic■ eps injury of muscle and tend■ on of other parts of bic■ eps injury of muscle and tend■ on of tric■ eps injury of multiple muscles and tend■ ons at shoulder and upper arm level injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on at shoulder and upper arm level crushing injury of shoulder and upper arm traumatic ampu■ tation at shoulder joint traumatic ampu■ tation at level between shoulder and el■ bow traumatic ampu■ tation of shoulder and upper arm , level unspecified multiple injuries of shoulder and upper arm unspecified injury of shoulder and upper arm con■ tu■ sion of el■ bow con■ tu■ sion of other and unspecified parts of fore■ arm multiple superficial injuries of fore■ arm superficial injury of fore■ arm , unspecified open wound of el■ bow multiple open wounds of fore■ arm open wound of fore■ arm , part unspecified frac■ ture of sh■ af■ ts of both ul■ na and radius frac■ ture of lower end of both ul■ na and radius multiple fractu■ res of fore■ arm frac■ ture of other parts of fore■ arm frac■ ture of fore■ arm , part unspecified dis■ location of rad■ ial head traumatic rupture of rad■ ial collateral lig■ ament traumatic rupture of ul■ nar collateral lig■ ament injury of ul■ nar nerve at fore■ arm level injury of median nerve at fore■ arm level injury of rad■ ial nerve at fore■ arm level injury of cu■ taneous sensory nerve at fore■ arm level injury of multiple nerves at fore■ arm level injury of unspecified nerve at fore■ arm level injury of ul■ nar artery at fore■ arm level injury of rad■ ial artery at fore■ arm level injury of vein at fore■ arm level injury of multiple blood vessels at fore■ arm level injury of unspecified blood vessel at fore■ arm level injury of fl■ ex■ or muscle and tend■ on of other finger ( s ) at fore■ arm level injury of ext■ ens■ or or abduc■ tor muscles and tend■ ons of thumb at fore■ arm level injury of multiple muscles and tend■ ons at fore■ arm level injury of other and unspecified muscles and tend■ ons at fore■ arm level crushing injury of el■ bow traumatic ampu■ tation at el■ bow level traumatic ampu■ tation at level between el■ bow and wrist traumatic ampu■ tation of fore■ arm , level unspecified multiple injuries of fore■ arm unspecified injury of fore■ arm con■ tu■ sion of finger ( s ) without damage to nail con■ tu■ sion of finger ( s ) with damage to nail con■ tu■ sion of other parts of wrist and hand multiple superficial injuries of wrist and hand superficial injury of wrist and hand , unspecified open wound of finger ( s ) without damage to nail open wound of finger ( s ) with damage to nail multiple open wounds of wrist and hand open wound of wrist and hand , part unspecified frac■ ture of na■ vic■ ular [ s■ cap■ ho■ id ] bone of hand multiple fractu■ res of me■ tac■ ar■ pal bones multiple fractu■ res of fingers frac■ ture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand multiple dis■ locations of fingers traumatic rupture of lig■ ament of wrist and carp■ us traumatic rupture of lig■ ament of finger at me■ tac■ ar■ pop■ hal■ ange■ al and inter■ p■ hal■ ange■ al joint ( s ) sp■ rain and strain of other and unspecified parts of hand injury of ul■ nar nerve at wrist and hand level injury of median nerve at wrist and hand level injury of rad■ ial nerve at wrist and hand level injury of digital nerve of thumb injury of digital nerve of other finger injury of multiple nerves at wrist and hand level injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level injury of ul■ nar artery at wrist and hand level injury of rad■ ial artery at wrist and hand level injury of superficial pal■ mar arch injury of deep pal■ mar arch injury of blood vessel ( s ) of thumb injury of blood vessel ( s ) of other finger injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist and hand level injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist and hand level injury of long fl■ ex■ or muscle and tend■ on of thumb at wrist and hand level injury of intrinsic muscle and tend■ on of thumb at wrist and hand level injury of multiple fl■ ex■ or muscles and tend■ ons at wrist and hand level injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on at wrist and hand level crushing injury of thumb and other finger ( s ) crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand traumatic ampu■ tation of thumb ( complete ) ( partial ) traumatic ampu■ tation of other single finger ( complete ) ( partial ) traumatic ampu■ tation of two or more fingers alone ( complete ) ( partial ) combined traumatic ampu■ tation of ( part of ) finger ( s ) with other parts of wrist and hand traumatic ampu■ tation of hand at wrist level traumatic ampu■ tation of wrist and hand , level unspecified multiple injuries of wrist and hand unspecified injury of wrist and hand con■ tu■ sion of hip con■ tu■ sion of thi■ gh multiple superficial injuries of hip and thi■ gh superficial injury of hip and thi■ gh , unspecified open wound of hip open wound of thi■ gh multiple open wounds of of hip and thi■ gh sub■ tro■ chan■ ter■ ic frac■ ture frac■ ture of shaft of fem■ ur multiple fractu■ res of fem■ ur frac■ ture of fem■ ur , part unspecified injury of sci■ atic nerve at hip and thi■ gh level injury of fem■ oral nerve at hip and thi■ gh level injury of cu■ taneous sensory nerve at hip and thi■ gh level injury of multiple nerves at hip and thi■ gh level injury of unspecified nerve at hip and thi■ gh level injury of fem■ oral artery injury of fem■ oral vein at hip and thi■ gh level injury of greater sap■ hen■ ous vein at hip and thi■ gh level injury of multiple blood vessels at hip and thi■ gh level injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip and thi■ gh level injury of muscle and tend■ on of hip injury of quad■ ric■ eps muscle and tend■ on injury of ad■ duc■ tor muscle and tend■ on of thi■ gh injury of other and unspecified muscles and tend■ ons at thi■ gh level injury of multiple muscles and tend■ ons at hip and thi■ gh level crushing injury of hip crushing injury of thi■ gh crushing injury of hip with thi■ gh traumatic ampu■ tation at hip joint traumatic ampu■ tation at level between hip and knee traumatic ampu■ tation of hip and thi■ gh , level unspecified multiple injuries of hip and thi■ gh unspecified injury of hip and thi■ gh con■ tu■ sion of knee con■ tu■ sion of other and unspecified parts of lower leg multiple superficial injuries of lower leg superficial injury of lower leg , unspecified open wound of knee multiple open wounds of lower leg open wound of lower leg , part unspecified frac■ ture of pat■ ella frac■ ture of medi■ al mal■ le■ ol■ us frac■ ture of lateral mal■ le■ ol■ us multiple fractu■ res of lower leg frac■ ture of lower leg , part unspecified dis■ location of pat■ ella tear of men■ is■ cus , current tear of artic■ ular car■ til■ age of knee , current sp■ rain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee injury to multiple structures of knee injury of ti■ bial nerve at lower leg level injury of per■ one■ al nerve at lower leg level injury of cu■ taneous sensory nerve at lower leg level injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level injury of po■ pl■ ite■ al artery injury of ( an■ terior ) ( poster■ ior ) ti■ bial artery injury of per■ one■ al artery injury of greater sap■ hen■ ous vein at lower leg level injury of lesser sap■ hen■ ous vein at lower leg level injury of po■ pl■ ite■ al vein injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level injury of achilles tend■ on injury of muscle ( s ) and tend■ on ( s ) of an■ terior muscle group at lower leg level injury of muscle ( s ) and tend■ on ( s ) of per■ one■ al muscle group at lower leg level injury of multiple muscles and tend■ ons at lower leg level injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on at lower leg level crushing injury of knee crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of lower leg traumatic ampu■ tation at knee level traumatic ampu■ tation at level between knee and an■ kle traumatic ampu■ tation of lower leg , level unspecified unspecified injury of lower leg con■ tu■ sion of an■ kle con■ tu■ sion of toe ( s ) without damage to nail con■ tu■ sion of toe ( s ) with damage to nail con■ tu■ sion of other and unspecified parts of foot multiple superficial injuries of an■ kle and foot superficial injury of an■ kle and foot , unspecified open wound of an■ kle open wound of toe ( s ) without damage to nail open wound of toe ( s ) with damage to nail open wound of other parts of foot multiple open wounds of an■ kle and foot frac■ ture of cal■ can■ eus frac■ ture of tal■ us frac■ ture of met■ at■ ar■ sal bone frac■ ture of great toe frac■ ture of other toe multiple fractu■ res of foot frac■ ture of foot , unspecified dis■ location of an■ kle joint rupture of lig■ aments at an■ kle and foot level sp■ rain and strain of toe ( s ) sp■ rain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot injury of lateral plan■ tar nerve injury of medi■ al plan■ tar nerve injury of deep per■ one■ al nerve at an■ kle and foot level injury of cu■ taneous sensory nerve at an■ kle and foot level injury of multiple nerves at an■ kle and foot level injury of unspecified nerve at an■ kle and foot level injury of dor■ sal artery of foot injury of plan■ tar artery of foot injury of dor■ sal vein of foot injury of multiple blood vessels at an■ kle and foot level injury of unspecified blood vessel at an■ kle and foot level injury of muscle and tend■ on of long fl■ ex■ or muscle of toe at an■ kle and foot level injury of multiple muscles and tend■ ons at an■ kle and foot level injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on at an■ kle and foot level crushing injury of an■ kle crushing injury of toe ( s ) crushing injury of other parts of an■ kle and foot traumatic ampu■ tation of foot at an■ kle level traumatic ampu■ tation of one toe traumatic ampu■ tation of two or more toes traumatic ampu■ tation of other parts of foot traumatic ampu■ tation of foot , level unspecified multiple injuries of an■ kle and foot unspecified injury of an■ kle and foot superficial injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) with lower limb ( s ) superficial injuries involving other combinations of body regions multiple superficial injuries , unspecified open wounds involving head with neck open wounds involving thor■ ax with ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis open wounds involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) open wounds involving multiple regions of lower limb ( s ) open wounds involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) with lower limb ( s ) open wounds involving other combinations of of body regions multiple open wounds , unspecified dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains involving head with neck dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains involving thor■ ax with lower back and pel■ vis dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains involving multiple regions of lower limb ( s ) dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) with lower limb ( s ) dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains involving other combinations of body regions multiple dis■ locations , spra■ ins and strains , unspecified crushing injuries involving head with neck crushing injuries involving thor■ ax with ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) crushing injuries involving multiple regions of lower limb ( s ) crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb ( s ) with lower limb ( s ) crushing injuries of thor■ ax with ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis with limb ( s ) multiple crushing injuries , unspecified traumatic ampu■ tation of both hands traumatic ampu■ tation of one hand and other arm [ any level , except hand ] traumatic ampu■ tation of both arms [ any level ] traumatic ampu■ tation of both feet traumatic ampu■ tation of one foot and other leg [ any level , except foot ] traumatic ampu■ tation of both legs [ any level ] traumatic ampu■ tation of upper and lower limbs , any combination [ any level ] traumatic ampu■ tations involving other combinations of body regions multiple traumatic ampu■ tations , unspecified injuries of brain and cran■ ial nerves with injuries of nerves and spinal cord at neck level injuries of nerves involving multiple body regions injuries of blood vessels involving multiple body regions injuries of muscles and tend■ ons involving multiple body regions injuries of intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs with intra - ab■ domin■ al and pel■ vic organs unspecified multiple injuries open wound of trunk , level unspecified dis■ location , strain and sp■ rain of unspecified joint and lig■ ament of trunk injury of spinal cord , level unspecified injury of unspecified nerve , spinal nerve root and plex■ us of trunk injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on of trunk traumatic ampu■ tation of trunk , level unspecified unspecified injury of trunk , level unspecified open wound of upper limb , level unspecified dis■ location , strain and sp■ rain of unspecified joint and lig■ ament of upper limb , level unspecified injury of unspecified nerve of upper limb , level unspecified injury of unspecified blood vessel of upper limb , level unspecified injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on of upper limb , level unspecified traumatic ampu■ tation of upper limb , level unspecified other specified injuries of upper limb , level unspecified unspecified injury of upper limb , level unspecified open wound of lower limb , level unspecified dis■ location , strain and sp■ rain of unspecified joint and lig■ ament of lower limb , level unspecified injury of unspecified nerve of lower limb , level unspecified injury of unspecified blood vessel of lower limb , level unspecified injury of unspecified muscle and tend■ on of lower limb , level unspecified traumatic ampu■ tation of lower limb , level unspecified other specified injuries of lower limb , level unspecified unspecified injury of lower limb , level unspecified open wound of unspecified body region dis■ location , sp■ rain and strain of unspecified body region injury of nerve ( s ) of unspecified body region injury of blood vessel ( s ) of unspecified body region injury of tend■ ons and muscles of unspecified body region crushing injury and traumatic ampu■ tation of unspecified body region other injuries of unspecified body region injury , unspecified foreign body in cor■ ne■ a foreign body in con■ junc■ ti■ val s■ ac foreign body in other and multiple parts of external eye foreign body on external eye , unspecified foreign body in ear foreign body in nas■ al sin■ us foreign body in no■ stri■ l foreign body in phar■ yn■ x foreign body in lar■ yn■ x foreign body in trac■ hea foreign body in bron■ ch■ us foreign body in other and multiple parts of respiratory tract foreign body in respiratory tract , part unspecified foreign body in mouth foreign body in o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus foreign body in stomach foreign body in small intest■ ine foreign body in col■ on foreign body in an■ us and rec■ tum foreign body in alim■ entary tract , part unspecified foreign body in u■ re■ th■ ra foreign body in blad■ der foreign body in vul■ va and vag■ ina foreign body in uter■ us [ any part ] foreign body in other and multiple parts of gen■ it■ our■ inary tract foreign body in gen■ ito - ur■ inary tract , part unspecified burn of unspecified degree of head and neck burn of first degree of head and neck burn of third degree of head and neck corro■ sion of unspecified degree of head and neck corro■ sion of first degree of head and neck corro■ sion of third degree of head and neck burn of unspecified degree of wrist and hand burn of first degree of wrist and hand burn of third degree of wrist and hand corro■ sion of unspecified degree of wrist and hand corro■ sion of first degree of wrist and hand corro■ sion of third degree of wrist and hand burn of unspecified degree of hip and lower limb , except an■ kle and foot burn of first degree of hip and lower limb , except an■ kle and foot burn of third degree of hip and lower limb , except an■ kle and foot corro■ sion of unspecified degree of hip and lower limb , except an■ kle and foot corro■ sion of first degree of hip and lower limb , except an■ kle and foot corro■ sion of third degree of hip and lower limb , except an■ kle and foot burn of unspecified degree of an■ kle and foot burn of first degree of an■ kle and foot burn of third degree of an■ kle and foot corro■ sion of unspecified degree of an■ kle and foot corro■ sion of first degree of an■ kle and foot corro■ sion of third degree of an■ kle and foot burn of eye■ lid and peri■ oc■ ular area burn of cor■ ne■ a and con■ junc■ ti■ val s■ ac burn with resulting rupture and destruction of eye■ ball burn of other parts of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a burn of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a , part unspecified corro■ sion of eye■ lid and peri■ oc■ ular area corro■ sion of cor■ ne■ a and con■ junc■ ti■ val s■ ac corro■ sion with resulting rupture and destruction of eye■ ball corro■ sion of other parts of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a corro■ sion of eye and ad■ n■ ex■ a , part unspecified burn of lar■ yn■ x and trac■ hea burn involving lar■ yn■ x and trac■ hea with lung burn of other parts of respiratory tract burn of respiratory tract , part unspecified corro■ sion of lar■ yn■ x and trac■ hea corro■ sion involving lar■ yn■ x and trac■ hea with lung corro■ sion of respiratory tract , part unspecified burn of mouth and phar■ yn■ x burn of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus burn of other parts of alim■ entary tract burn of internal gen■ ito - ur■ inary organs burn of other and unspecified internal organs corro■ sion of mouth and phar■ yn■ x corro■ sion of o■ es■ op■ ha■ gus corro■ sion of other parts of alim■ entary tract corro■ sion of internal gen■ ito - ur■ inary organs corro■ sion of other and unspecified internal organs burns of multiple regions , unspecified degree burns of multiple regions , no more than first - degree burns mentioned burns of multiple regions , at least one burn of third degree mentioned corro■ sions of multiple regions , unspecified degree corro■ sions of multiple regions , no more than first - degree corro■ sions mentioned corro■ sions of multiple regions , at least one corro■ sion of third degree mentioned burn of unspecified body region , unspecified degree burn of first degree , body region unspecified burn of third degree , body region unspecified corro■ sion of unspecified body region , unspecified corro■ sion of first degree , body region unspecified corro■ sion of third degree , body region unspecified superficial fro■ st■ bite of head superficial fro■ st■ bite of neck superficial fro■ st■ bite of thor■ ax superficial fro■ st■ bite of ab■ domin■ al wall , lower back and pel■ vis superficial fro■ st■ bite of arm superficial fro■ st■ bite of wrist and hand superficial fro■ st■ bite of hip and thi■ gh superficial fro■ st■ bite of knee and lower leg superficial fro■ st■ bite of an■ kle and foot superficial fro■ st■ bite of other and unspecified sites fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of head fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of neck fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of thor■ ax fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of ab■ domin■ al wall , lower back and pel■ vis fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of arm fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of wrist and hand fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of hip and thi■ gh fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of knee and lower leg fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of an■ kle and foot fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis of other and unspecified sites superficial fro■ st■ bite involving multiple body regions fro■ st■ bite with tissue necro■ sis involving multiple body regions unspecified fro■ st■ bite of head and neck unspecified fro■ st■ bite of thor■ ax , ab■ dom■ en , lower back and pel■ vis unspecified fro■ st■ bite of upper limb unspecified fro■ st■ bite of lower limb unspecified fro■ st■ bite involving multiple body regions unspecified fro■ st■ bite of unspecified site pen■ ic■ illin■ s am■ ino■ gly■ co■ sides sulph■ on■ am■ ides anti■ mal■ ari■ als and drugs acting on other blood proto■ zo■ a other specified systemic anti - infec■ tives and anti■ par■ asi■ tics glu■ co■ cor■ ti■ co■ ids and synthetic analo■ gues anti■ thyro■ id drugs insulin and oral hypo■ gly■ ca■ emic [ anti■ diabe■ tic ] drugs oral contrac■ ep■ tives other o■ est■ rog■ ens and prog■ est■ ogens anti■ gon■ ad■ o■ troph■ ins . anti■ o■ est■ rog■ ens , anti■ and■ rog■ ens , not elsewhere classified other and unspecified hormones and their synthetic substitutes sal■ ic■ yl■ ates 4 - amin■ op■ hen■ ol derivatives py■ raz■ ol■ one derivatives non■ op■ io■ id anal■ ges■ ic , anti■ py■ re■ tic and anti■ r■ heu■ matic , unspecified opium heroin other op■ io■ ids meth■ ad■ one other synthetic narcotics cocaine cannabis ( derivatives ) ly■ ser■ gi■ de [ ls■ d ] other and unspecified psycho■ dys■ le■ p■ tics [ halluc■ in■ ogens ] inhal■ ed ana■ esthe■ tics intra■ ven■ ous ana■ esthe■ tics local ana■ esthe■ tics therapeutic gases hy■ dan■ to■ in derivatives im■ ino■ sti■ l■ ben■ es succ■ in■ im■ ides and ox■ az■ oli■ d■ ine■ di■ ones bar■ bit■ ur■ ates benzo■ di■ az■ ep■ ines other anti■ epi■ le■ ptic and sed■ ative - hypno■ tic drugs anti■ epi■ le■ ptic and sed■ ative - hypno■ tic drugs , unspecified anti - par■ k■ ins■ on■ ism drugs and other central muscle - tone depres■ s■ ants tric■ ycl■ ic and te■ trac■ ycl■ ic anti■ depres■ s■ ants mono■ amine - oxid■ ase - inhi■ bit■ or anti■ depres■ s■ ants other and unspecified anti■ depres■ s■ ants phen■ o■ thi■ az■ ine anti■ psycho■ tics and neuro■ le■ p■ tics other and unspecified anti■ psycho■ tics and neuro■ le■ p■ tics other psychotropic drugs , not elsewhere classified psychotropic drug , unspecified antic■ hol■ in■ est■ erase agents other paras■ ymp■ ath■ om■ im■ e■ tics [ chol■ iner■ g■ ics ] other paras■ ymp■ ath■ ol■ y■ tics [ antic■ hol■ iner■ g■ ics and anti■ muscar■ in■ ics ] and sp■ as■ mol■ y■ tics , not elsewhere classified predominantly @ - ad■ re■ no■ recep■ tor agon■ ists , not elsewhere classified other and unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonom■ ic nervous system anti■ allergic and anti■ eme■ tic drugs an■ tin■ e■ op■ l■ astic and immun■ o■ sup■ pres■ sive drugs vitamins , not elsewhere classified iron and its compounds anti■ co■ ag■ ul■ ants anti■ co■ ag■ ul■ ant antagon■ ists , vitamin k and other co■ ag■ ul■ ants other primarily systemic and ha■ em■ at■ ological agents cardiac - stimul■ ant gly■ co■ sides and drugs of similar action calcium - channel bloc■ kers coron■ ary vas■ o■ di■ lators , not elsewhere classified other anti■ hyper■ ten■ sive drugs , not elsewhere classified peripheral vas■ o■ di■ lators other and unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system hist■ amine h ( 2 ) - recep■ tor antagon■ ists stimul■ ant lax■ atives other lax■ atives dig■ est■ ants anti■ diarr■ ho■ e■ al drugs eme■ tics oxy■ toc■ ic drugs sk■ el■ etal muscle relax■ ants [ neuro■ muscular blocking agents ] anti■ tus■ sives expec■ tor■ ants anti■ asth■ m■ atics , not elsewhere classified anti■ pr■ uri■ tics oph■ thal■ mo■ logical drugs and preparations o■ tor■ hin■ ol■ ar■ yn■ go■ logical drugs and preparations dental drugs , top■ ically applied other topical agents miner■ al■ oc■ or■ ti■ co■ ids and their antagon■ ists loop [ high - ceiling ] di■ u■ re■ tics carbon■ ic - an■ hydr■ ase inhi■ bit■ ors , benzo■ thi■ adi■ az■ ides and other di■ u■ re■ tics electro■ ly■ tic , cal■ or■ ic and water - balance agents drugs affecting ur■ ic acid metabol■ ism appetite depres■ s■ ants anti■ do■ tes and chel■ ating agents , not elsewhere classified diagnostic agents other and unspecified drugs , medic■ aments and biological substances ethanol meth■ an■ ol 2 - pro■ pan■ ol fus■ el oil alcohol , unspecified petroleum products benzene homo■ logues of benzene gly■ col■ s ke■ tones carbon tetr■ ach■ l■ oride chloro■ form trichlor■ o■ ethylene tetr■ ach■ lor■ o■ ethylene dic■ hlor■ omethane chlorofluorocarbons phen■ ol and phen■ ol homo■ logues corrosive acids and acid - like substances corrosive al■ kal■ is and al■ kl■ ali - like substances corrosive substance , unspecified toxic effect of so■ aps and detergents lead and its compounds mercury and its compounds chromium and its compounds cadmium and its compounds copper and its compounds zinc and its compounds other metals metal , unspecified arsenic and its compounds hydrogen cyanide other specified in■ organic substances toxic effect of carbon monoxide nitrogen oxides sulphur dioxide form■ alde■ hyde l■ ach■ ry■ mo■ genic gas chlorine gas fluor■ ine gas and hydrogen flu■ oride hydrogen sul■ phi■ de carbon dioxide other specified gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours gases , f■ umes and vap■ ours , unspecified organ■ op■ hosp■ hate and carb■ am■ ate insectic■ ides halogenated insectic■ ides other insectic■ ides her■ bic■ ides and fun■ g■ ic■ ides ro■ den■ tic■ ides pesticide , unspecified ci■ guat■ era fish poisoning s■ com■ bro■ id fish poisoning other fish and shellfish poisoning toxic effect of other seaf■ o■ ods toxic effect of unspecified seaf■ ood ing■ ested mushrooms ing■ ested berries other ing■ ested ( parts of ) plant ( s ) other specified noxious substances eaten as food noxious substance eaten as food , unspecified snake ven■ om ven■ om of other repti■ les ven■ om of s■ corp■ ion ven■ om of spider ven■ om of other ar■ thro■ pods toxic effect of contact with other marine animals toxic effect of contact with other ven■ om■ ous animals toxic effect of contact with unspecified v■ ven■ om■ ous animal cyan■ ides str■ y■ ch■ nine and its salts tobacco and nicotine nitro■ derivatives and am■ ino■ derivatives of benzene and its homo■ logues carbon dis■ ul■ phi■ de nitro■ gly■ cer■ in and other nit■ ric acids and esters paints and d■ yes , not elsewhere classified toxic effect of other specified substances toxic effect of unspecified substance unspecified effects of radiation heat■ stroke and sun■ stroke heat syn■ cope heat cr■ amp heat exhaustion , an■ hydro■ tic heat exhaustion due to salt depletion heat exhaustion , unspecified heat fatigue , transi■ ent heat oe■ dem■ a other effects of heat and light effects of heat and light , unspecified hypo■ ther■ mia immer■ sion hand and foot chil■ bl■ ains other specified effects of reduced temperature effect of reduced temperature , unspecified o■ ti■ tic bar■ o■ trauma sin■ us bar■ o■ trauma other and unspecified effects of high altitude ca■ is■ son disease [ de■ compression sickness ] effects of high - pressure fluids other effects of air pressure and water pressure effect of air pressure and water pressure , unspecified as■ phy■ xi■ ation effects of hunger effects of thirst exhaustion due to exposure exhaustion due to excessive exer■ tion neglect or abandonment physical abuse sexual abuse psychological abuse other mal■ treatment syndro■ mes mal■ treatment syndrome , unspecified effects of lightning drowning and non■ fatal sub■ mer■ sion effects of vibration motion sickness effects of electric current other specified effects of external causes an■ ap■ hy■ lac■ tic shock due to adverse food reaction other adverse food reactions , not elsewhere classified an■ ap■ hy■ lac■ tic shock , unspecified an■ gi■ on■ euro■ tic oe■ dem■ a allergy , unspecified other adverse effects , not elsewhere classified adverse effect , unspecified air embol■ ism ( traumatic ) fat embol■ ism ( traumatic ) traumatic secondary and recurrent haemorrha■ ge post - traumatic wound infection , not elsewhere classified traumatic shock traumatic an■ ur■ ia traumatic sub■ cu■ taneous emph■ ys■ ema other early complications of trauma unspecified early complic■ ation of trauma air embol■ ism following in■ fusion , transfusion and therapeutic injection vascular complications following in■ fusion , transfusion and therapeutic injection infections following in■ fusion , transfusion and therapeutic injection abo incompatibility reaction r■ h incompatibility reaction an■ ap■ hy■ lac■ tic shock due to serum other serum reactions other complications following in■ fusion , transfusion and therapeutic injection unspecified complic■ ation following in■ fusion , transfusion and therapeutic injection haemorrha■ ge and ha■ em■ atom■ a complicating a procedure , not elsewhere classified shock during or resulting from a procedure , not elsewhere classified accidental punc■ ture and lac■ eration during a procedure , not elsewhere classified disruption of operation wound , not elsewhere classified infection following a procedure , not elsewhere classified foreign body accidentally left in body cav■ ity or operation wound following a procedure acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure vascular complications following a procedure , not elsewhere classified other complications of procedures , not elsewhere classified unspecified complic■ ation of procedure mechanical complic■ ation of heart valve pro■ s■ thesis mechanical complic■ ation of cardiac electronic device mechanical complic■ ation of coron■ ary artery bypass and valve graf■ ts mechanical complic■ ation of other vascular graf■ ts mechanical complic■ ation of vascular dial■ ysis cathe■ ter mechanical complic■ ation of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to cardiac valve pro■ s■ thesis infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices , implants and graf■ ts other complications of cardiac and vascular pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts unspecified complic■ ation of cardiac and vascular pro■ s■ thetic device , impl■ ant and graft mechanical complic■ ation of ur■ inary ( ind■ w■ elling ) cathe■ ter mechanical complic■ ation of other ur■ inary devices and implants mechanical complic■ ation of graft of ur■ inary organ mechanical complic■ ation of intra - uter■ ine contrac■ eptive device mechanical complic■ ation of other pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts in genital tract infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to pro■ s■ thetic device , impl■ ant and graft in ur■ inary system infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to pro■ s■ thetic device , impl■ ant and graft in genital tract other complications of gen■ it■ our■ inary pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts unspecified complic■ ation of gen■ it■ our■ inary pro■ s■ thetic device , impl■ ant and graft mechanical complic■ ation of other bone devices , implants and graf■ ts mechanical complic■ ation of other internal orth■ opa■ ed■ ic devices , implants and graf■ ts infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to internal joint pro■ s■ thesis infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to internal fixation device [ any site ] infection and infl■ am■ matory reaction due to other internal orth■ opa■ ed■ ic pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts other complications of internal orth■ opa■ ed■ i pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts unspecified complic■ ation of internal orth■ opa■ ed■ ic pro■ s■ thetic device , impl■ ant and graft mechanical complic■ ation of ven■ tric■ ular in■ trac■ ran■ ial ( communicating ) sh■ unt mechanical complic■ ation of impl■ anted electronic stimul■ ator of nervous system mechanical complic■ ation of intra■ oc■ ular lens mechanical complic■ ation of other oc■ ular pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts mechanical complic■ ation of breast pro■ s■ thesis and impl■ ant mechanical complic■ ation of ga■ stro - intest■ inal pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts mechanical complic■ ation of other specified internal pro■ s■ thetic devices , implants and graf■ ts unspecified complic■ ation of internal pro■ s■ thetic device , impl■ ant and graft heart transplant failure and rejection heart - lung transplant failure and rejection failure and rejection of unspecified trans■ planted organ and tissue complications of other re■ attached body part neuro■ ma of ampu■ tation st■ ump infection of ampu■ tation st■ ump necro■ sis of ampu■ tation st■ ump other and unspecified complications of ampu■ tation st■ ump infection following immun■ isation other complications following immun■ isation , not elsewhere classified shock due to ana■ esthesia m■ align■ ant hyper■ ther■ mia due to ana■ es■ thesis failed or difficult intu■ b■ ation other complications of ana■ esthesia an■ ap■ hy■ lac■ tic shock due to adverse effect of correct drug or medic■ ament properly administered unspecified adverse effect of drug or medic■ ament other specified complications of surgical and medical care , not elsewhere classified complic■ ation of surgical and medical care , unspecified sequ■ el■ ae of superficial injury of head sequ■ el■ ae of open wound of head sequ■ el■ ae of frac■ ture of skull and facial bones sequ■ el■ ae of injury of cran■ ial nerves sequ■ el■ ae of injury of eye and orbit sequ■ el■ ae of in■ trac■ ran■ ial injury sequ■ el■ ae of other specified injuries of head sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified injury of head sequ■ el■ ae of superficial injury and open wound of neck and trunk sequ■ el■ ae of frac■ ture of sp■ ine sequ■ el■ ae of other frac■ ture of thor■ ax and pel■ vis sequ■ el■ ae of injury of spinal cord sequ■ el■ ae of injury of intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs sequ■ el■ ae of injury of intra - ab■ domin■ al and pel■ vic organs sequ■ el■ ae of other specified injuries of neck and trunk sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified injury of neck and trunk sequ■ el■ ae of open wound of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of frac■ ture of arm sequ■ el■ ae of frac■ ture at wrist and hand level sequ■ el■ ae of dis■ location , sp■ rain and strain of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of injury of nerve of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of injury of muscle and tend■ on of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of crushing injury and traumatic ampu■ tation of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of other specified injuries of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified injury of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of open wound of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of frac■ ture of fem■ ur sequ■ el■ ae of dis■ location , sp■ rain and strain of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of injury of nerve of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of injury of muscle and tend■ on of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of crushing injury and traumatic ampu■ tation of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of other specified injuries of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified injury of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of injuries involving multiple body regions sequ■ el■ ae of injuries , not specified by body region sequ■ el■ ae of burn , corro■ sion and fro■ st■ bite of head and neck sequ■ el■ ae of burn , corro■ sion and fro■ st■ bite of trunk sequ■ el■ ae of burn , corro■ sion and fro■ st■ bite of upper limb sequ■ el■ ae of burn , corro■ sion and fro■ st■ bite of lower limb sequ■ el■ ae of other specified burn , corro■ sion and fro■ st■ bite sequ■ el■ ae of unspecified burn , corro■ sion and fro■ st■ bite sequ■ el■ ae of poisoning by drugs , medic■ aments and biological substances sequ■ el■ ae of other and unspecified effects of external causes sequ■ el■ ae of complications of surgical and medical care , not elsewhere classified severe acute respiratory syndrome , unspecified general medical examination routine child health examination examination for period of rapid growth in childhood examination for adoles■ cent development state general psychiatric examination , not elsewhere classified examination of potential donor of organ and tissue examination for normal comparison and control in clinical research programme other general examinations examination of eyes and vision examination of ears and hearing dental examination examination of blood pressure gy■ na■ ecological examination ( general ) ( routine ) diagnostic skin and sensi■ tisation tests radiological examination , not elsewhere classified laboratory examination special examination , unspecified examination and encounter for administrative purposes observation for suspected tuberculosis observation for suspected m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m observation for suspected mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders observation for suspected nervous system disorder observation for suspected my■ o■ cardi■ al inf■ arc■ tion observation for other suspected cardiovascular diseases observation for suspected toxic effect from ing■ ested substance observation for other suspected diseases and conditions observation for suspected disease or condition , unspecified examination and observation following transport accident examination and observation following work accident examination and observation following other accident examination and observation following other inflicted injury examination and observation for other specified reasons examination and observation for unspecified reason follow - up examination after surgery for m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m follow - up examination after radi■ otherapy for m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m follow - up examination after chem■ otherapy for m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m follow - up examination after combined treatment for m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m follow - up examination after unspecified treatment for m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m follow - up examination after surgery for other conditions follow - up examination after radi■ otherapy for other conditions follow - up examination after chem■ otherapy for other conditions follow - up examination after psycho■ therapy follow - up examination after treatment of frac■ ture follow - up examination after unspecified treatment for other conditions routine general health check - up of defined sub■ population special screening examination for infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of stomach special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of inten■ st■ inal tract special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of respiratory organs special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of breast special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of cer■ vi■ x special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of pro■ state special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of blad■ der special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m of other sites special screening examination for ne■ op■ las■ m , unspecified special screening examination for diseases of the blood and blood - forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism special screening examination for diabetes mell■ it■ us special screening examination for nutritional disorders special screening examination for certain developmental disorders in childhood special screening examination for eye and ear disorders special screening examination for cardiovascular disorders special screening examination for con■ genital mal■ formations , de■ formations and chro■ mo■ som■ al ab■ norm■ alities special screening examination for other specified diseases and disorders special screening examination , unspecified contact with and exposure to intest■ inal infectious diseases contact with and exposure to tuberculosis contact with and exposure to infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission contact with and exposure to rabies contact with and exposure to rub■ ella contact with and exposure to viral hepatitis contact with and exposure to human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] contact with and exposure to pe■ dic■ ul■ osis , ac■ ari■ asis and other inf■ est■ ations contact with and exposure to other communicable diseases contact with and exposure to unspecified communicable diseases as■ ymp■ tomatic human immun■ o■ deficiency virus [ hiv ] infection status carrier of typ■ ho■ id carrier of other intest■ inal infectious diseases carrier of di■ ph■ ther■ ia carrier of other specified bacterial diseases carrier of infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission carrier of viral hepatitis carrier of human t - lymp■ ho■ tropic virus type 1 [ ht■ lv - 1 ] infection carrier of other infectious diseases carrier of infectious disease , unspecified need for immun■ isation against cholera alone need for immun■ isation against typ■ ho■ id - par■ aty■ pho■ id alone [ tab ] need for immun■ isation against tuberculosis [ b■ c■ g ] need for immun■ isation against plague need for immun■ isation against tul■ ar■ aemia need for immun■ isation against te■ tan■ us alone need for immun■ isation against di■ ph■ ther■ ia alone need for immun■ isation against per■ tus■ sis alone need for immun■ isation against other single bacterial diseases need for immun■ isation against poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis need for immun■ isation against ar■ thro■ pod - borne viral en■ ce■ ph■ ali■ tis need for immun■ isation against rabies need for immun■ isation against yellow fever need for immun■ isation against meas■ les alone need for immun■ isation against rub■ ella alone need for immun■ isation against viral hepatitis need for immun■ isation against mum■ ps alone need for immun■ isation against influenza need for immun■ isation against other specified single viral diseases need for immun■ isation against le■ ish■ mani■ asis need for immun■ isation against unspecified infectious disease need for immun■ isation against cholera with typ■ ho■ id - par■ aty■ pho■ id [ cholera + tab ] need for immun■ isation against di■ ph■ ther■ ia - te■ tan■ us - per■ tus■ sis , combined [ d■ tp ] need for immun■ isation against di■ ph■ ther■ ia - te■ tan■ us - per■ tus■ sis with typ■ ho■ id - par■ aty■ pho■ id [ d■ tp + tab ] need for immun■ isation against di■ ph■ ther■ ia - te■ tan■ us - per■ tus■ sis with poli■ om■ ye■ li■ tis [ d■ tp + polio ] need for immun■ isation against meas■ les - mum■ ps - rub■ ella [ m■ mr ] need for immun■ isation against other combinations of infectious diseases need for immun■ isation against unspecified combinations of infectious diseases immun■ isation not carried out isolation prophylactic immun■ otherapy other specified prophylactic measures prophylactic measure , unspecified general counselling and advice on contraception insertion of ( intra - uter■ ine ) contrac■ eptive device steril■ isation men■ str■ ual extraction surveillance of contrac■ eptive drugs surveillance of ( intra - uter■ ine ) contrac■ eptive device other contrac■ eptive management contrac■ eptive management , unspecified tu■ b■ op■ la■ sty or vas■ op■ la■ sty after previous sterilization artific■ al ins■ em■ ination in vitro fertilisation other assisted fertilisation methods pro■ creative investigation and testing genetic counselling general counselling and advice on pro■ creation pro■ creative management , unspecified pregnancy examination and test supervision of normal pregnancy supervision of pregnancy with history of in■ fertility supervision of pregnancy with history of abor■ tive outcome supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or ob■ ste■ tric history supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient anten■ atal care supervision of pregnancy with grand multi■ parity supervision of elderly pri■ migr■ avi■ da supervision of very young pri■ migr■ avi■ da supervision of other high - risk pregnancies supervision of high - risk pregnancy , unspecified anten■ atal screening for chro■ mo■ som■ al anomalies anten■ atal screening for raised alp■ ha■ fe■ to■ protein level other anten■ atal screening based on am■ ni■ oc■ ent■ esis anten■ atal screening for mal■ formations using ul■ tras■ ound and other physical methods anten■ atal screening for fo■ etal growth retar■ dation using ul■ tras■ ound and other physical methods anten■ atal screening for iso■ immun■ isation other anten■ atal screening anten■ atal screening , unspecified sing■ leton , born in hospital sing■ leton , born outside hospital sing■ leton , unspecified as to place of birth twin , born in hospital twin , born outside hospital other multiple , born in hospital other multiple , born outside hospital care and examination immediately after delivery care and examination of lactating mother routine post■ par■ tum follow - up prophylactic surgery , unspecified other plastic surgery for unacceptable cosmetic appearance routine and ritual circumcision other procedures for purposes other than remedying health state procedures for purposes other than remedying health state , unspecified follow - up care involving plastic surgery of head and neck follow - up care involving plastic surgery of breast follow - up care involving plastic surgery of other parts of trunk follow - up care involving plastic surgery of upper extre■ mity follow - up care involving plastic surgery of lower extre■ mity follow - up care involving plastic surgery , unspecified attention to trac■ he■ o■ stom■ y attention to gastro■ stom■ y attention to i■ le■ o■ stom■ y attention to colo■ stom■ y attention to cy■ c■ to■ stom■ y attention to other artificial openings of ur■ inary tract attention to artificial vag■ ina attention to unspecified artificial opening fitting and adjustment of artificial arm ( complete ) ( partial ) fitting and adjustment of artificial leg ( complete ) ( partial ) fitting and adjustment of artificial eye fitting and adjustment of external breast pro■ s■ thesis fitting and adjustment of unspecified external pro■ s■ thetic device adjustment and management of in■ fusion pump adjustment and management of impl■ anted hearing device adjustment and management of unspecified impl■ anted device fitting and adjustment of spectac■ les and contact l■ enses fitting and adjustment of hearing aid fitting and adjustment of other devices related to nervous system and special senses fitting and adjustment of dental pro■ s■ thetic device fitting and adjustment of orth■ od■ on■ tic device fitting and adjustment of i■ le■ o■ stom■ y and other intest■ inal appliances fitting and adjustment of ur■ inary device fitting and adjustment of orth■ opa■ ed■ ic device fitting and adjustment of other specified devices fitting and adjustment of other unspecified device follow - up care involving removal of frac■ ture plate and other internal fixation device other specified orth■ opa■ ed■ ic follow - up care orth■ opa■ ed■ ic follow - up care , unspecified attention to surgical dres■ sings and su■ tures other specified surgical follow - up care surgical follow - up care , unspecified preparatory care for dial■ ysis ex■ trac■ or■ po■ real dial■ ysis other dial■ ysis radi■ otherapy session chem■ otherapy session for ne■ op■ las■ m other chem■ otherapy blood transfusion without reported diagnosis preparatory care for treatment , not elsewhere classified palliative care des■ ensi■ tisation to aller■ gens medical care , unspecified skin donor bone donor bone marrow donor kidney donor cor■ ne■ a donor liver donor heart donor donor of unspecified organ or tissue persons encountering health services for speci■ fi■ e procedures , not carried out problems related to education and literacy problems related to employment and unemployment occupational exposure to risk - factors problems related to physical environment problems related to housing and economic circumstances problems related to social environment problems related to negative life events in childhood other problems related to up■ bringing other problems related to primary support group , including family circumstances problems related to unwanted pregnancy problems related to multi■ parity problems related to other psycho■ social circumstances counselling related to sexual attitude , behaviour and orientation persons encountering health services for other counselling and medical advice , not elsewhere classified tobacco use other problems related to lifestyle problem related to lifestyle , unspecified problems related to life - management difficulty reduced mobility need for assistance with personal care need for assistance at home and no other household member able to render care need for continuous supervision problem related to care - provider dependency , unspecified other waiting period for investigation and treatment other problems related to medical facilities and other health care unspecified problem related to medical facilities and other health care issue of repeat prescription health supervision and care of found■ ling health supervision and care of other healthy infant and child healthy person accompanying sick person other boar■ der in health - care facility persons encountering health services in other specified circumstances persons encountering health services in unspecified circumstances family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of dig■ estive organs family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of trac■ hea , bron■ ch■ us and lung family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of other respiratory and intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of breast family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of genital organs family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of ur■ inary tract family history of leuk■ aemia family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ ms of lymp■ ho■ id , ha■ emato■ po■ ie■ tic and related tissues family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of other organs or systems family history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m , unspecified family history of mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders family history of certain disabilities and chronic diseases leading to disab■ lement family history of other infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases family history of diseases of the blood and blood - forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism family history of diabetes mell■ it■ us family history of other endocrine , nutritional and metabol■ ic diseases family history of eye and ear disorders family history of diseases of the respiratory system family history of diseases of the dig■ estive system family history of diseases of the skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue family history of disorders of the kidney and u■ re■ ter family history of other diseases of the gen■ it■ our■ inary system family history of cons■ angu■ inity family history of other specified conditions personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of dig■ estive organs personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of trac■ hea , bron■ ch■ us and lung personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of other respiratory and intra■ thor■ ac■ ic organs personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of breast personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of genital organs personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m of ur■ inary tract personal history of leuk■ aemia personal history of other m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ ms of lymp■ ho■ id , ha■ emato■ po■ ie■ tic and related tissues personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ ms of other organs and systems personal history of m■ align■ ant ne■ op■ las■ m , unspecified personal history of other ne■ op■ las■ ms personal history of infectious and par■ asi■ tic diseases personal history of diseases of the blood and blood - forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism personal history of endocrine , nutritional and metabol■ ic diseases personal history of psychoactive substance abuse personal history of other mental and behavi■ our■ al disorders personal history of diseases of the nervous system and sense organs personal history of diseases of the circul■ atory system personal history of diseases of the respiratory system personal history of diseases of the dig■ estive system personal history of diseases of the skin and sub■ cu■ taneous tissue personal history of diseases of the mus■ cul■ osk■ el■ etal system and connec■ tive tissue personal history of diseases of the gen■ it■ our■ inary system personal history of complications of pregnancy , childbirth and the puer■ peri■ um personal history of certain conditions arising in the per■ in■ atal period personal history of con■ genital mal■ formations , de■ formations and chro■ mo■ som■ al ab■ norm■ alities personal history of other specified conditions personal history of allergy to pen■ ic■ ill■ in personal history of allergy to other antibiotic agents personal history of allergy to sulph■ on■ am■ ides personal history of allergy to other anti - infec■ tive agents personal history of allergy to anaesthetic agent personal history of allergy to narcotic agent personal history of allergy to anal■ ges■ ic agent personal history of allergy to serum and vaccine personal history of allergy to unspecified drugs , medic■ aments and biological substances acquired absence of finger ( s ) [ including thumb ] , unilateral acquired absence of hand and wrist acquired absence of upper limb above wrist acquired absence of both upper limbs [ any level ] acquired absence of foot and an■ kle acquired absence of leg at or below knee acquired absence of leg above knee acquired absence of both lower limbs [ any level , except toes alone ] acquired absence of upper and lower limbs [ any level ] acquired absence of limb , unspecified acquired absence of part of head and neck acquired absence of breast ( s ) acquired absence of lung [ part of ] acquired absence of part of stomach acquired absence of other parts of dig■ estive tract acquired absence of kidney acquired absence of other parts of ur■ inary tract acquired absence of genital organ ( s ) acquired absence of other organs personal history of non■ compliance with medical treatment and regim■ en personal history of other specified risk - factors , not elsewhere classified personal history of long - term ( current ) use of anti■ co■ ag■ ul■ ants personal history of long - term ( current ) use of other medic■ aments personal history of irradiation personal history of major surgery , not elsewhere classified personal history of chem■ otherapy for ne■ op■ l■ astic disease personal history of other medical treatment personal history of medical treatment , unspecified trac■ he■ o■ stom■ y status gastro■ stom■ y status i■ le■ o■ stom■ y status colo■ stom■ y status cy■ sto■ stom■ y status other artificial openings of ur■ inary tract status artificial opening status , unspecified kidney transplant status heart transplant status lung transplant status heart and lungs transplant status liver transplant status skin transplant status bone transplant status cor■ ne■ al transplant status trans■ planted organ and tissue status , unspecified presence of cardiac pac■ emaker presence of a■ or■ to■ coron■ ary bypass graft presence of pro■ s■ thetic heart valve presence of xen■ ogenic heart valve presence of other heart - valve replacement presence of coron■ ary an■ gi■ op■ la■ sty impl■ ant and graft presence of cardiac and vascular impl■ ant and graft , unspecified presence of u■ ro■ genital implants presence of intra■ oc■ ular lens presence of o■ to■ logical and audi■ ological implants presence of artificial lar■ yn■ x presence of endocrine implants presence of tooth - root and man■ di■ bul■ ar implants presence of other bone and tend■ on implants presence of functional impl■ ant , unspecified presence of artificial limb ( complete ) ( partial ) presence of other specified devices intest■ inal bypass and anast■ om■ osis status ar■ thro■ des■ is status presence of cere■ bro■ spinal fluid drainage device other specified post■ surgical states dependence on aspir■ ator dependence on respir■ ator dependence on ren■ al dial■ ysis dependence on wheelchair dependence on unspecified enabling machine and device