The data that will be used from the participants for training purpose correspond to an experiment run of Versioning Benchmark on HOBBIT platform, having the following configuration parameters: A seed for data generation 100 Generated data format N-Triples Seed year 2016 Number of data generators 1 Substitution parameters amount 2 Generation period in years 1 Size of generated dataset 50000 Number of versions 10 This folder contains the following folders: data: This folder includes all generated data. In more details, in subdirectory /v0 there are the files that compose the initial version of the dataset, where in the directories of the form of /c{VERSION_NUM}, there are the change-sets with respect to the previous version. As each change-set only composed of newly added triples, each version is computed as follows: V0={V0}, V1={V0+C1}, V2={V0+C1+C2 }, ..., V9={V0+C1+...+C9} query_templates: In this folder, for each one of the eight different query types, as these are described in Section 2.2 of D5.2.1_First_Version_Versioning_Benchmark:, there is one or more query templates. Such templates are the queries themselves, including mustache templates of the form of {{{template}}}. These templates can be compiled (replaced) using the substitution_parameters contained in /substitution_parameters folder. substitution_parameters: The different parameters that used for compiling the mustache templates {{{template}}} contained in the query_templates, in order to get the final query for execution. Note that for QT1 there is only one substitution parameter as it asks for the current version materialization. queries: This folder contains the final queries after compiling the mustache templates using the parameters contained in substitution_parameters directory. expected_results: The expected results of all queries, serialized into JSON format.